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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. USAA here. Rates are usually competitive, but rarely the lowest. Their service is consistently one of the highest rated in the business, and usually number 1.   Liberty Mutual is usually ranked right there with them.
  2. A blind chimp with palsy could pass the TN HCP range test. It's super easy. A range trip or two to get yourself familiarized with how to safely operate your new handgun is all you really need.
  3.   This one? http://www.brownells.com/rifle-parts/barrel-parts/compensators/ar-15-miculek-comp-prod5573.aspx
  4. A Lorcin is like the clap. You can't give it back to the person who gave it to you. All you can do is pass it on.
  5. Careful.....a G26 has a way of spawning and adding a G19 to your collection when you're not looking
  6. You could shove an 870 Wingmaster in your pants and almost nobody would notice.
  7. I watched a guy walk around CVS with a gigantic hog-leg revolver in a cowboy rig for 15 minutes. I'm talking big leather holster, wide belt with filled bullet loops, the works. Add in a bandolier and he'd have been Pancho Villa.   I'm the only one who noticed. Most people are oblivious to what other people around them are doing.
  8. KahrMan beat you to it....   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/78285-really-cool-camping-trailer/?hl=%2Bcool+%2Btrailer
  9. I like Simple Green for my deep cleaning projects. It smells better than the rest of the stuff too.
  10. I'd put this into one of their "amazing deals" category.
  11. Thanks gregintenn....you made me spend money.
  12. Is a Haslam one where there's a new design printed on top of an old design, but you can still make out the old design underneath?
  13. We got the current design in 2007 during the Bredesen administration. Don SUNdquist had these made up in 2001. His term ended in 2003. I'm surprised he didn't find a way to put his picture on them.
  14. I planted cabbage, kholrabi, rosemary, and thyme from some seedlings a week ago. Planted peas, swiss chard, spinach, mesclun, romaine, lettuce, peas, carrots, turnips, radishes, squash, zucchini, cauliflower, basil, dill, leeks, sweet peppers, cucumbers, and watermelon from seeds. Everything is sprouting now but the squash and zucchini. With this round of rain and lots of sunshine, I may have sprouts there in a few days too.   I found this site for planning square-foot gardens: http://www.gardeners.com/Kitchen-Garden-Planner/kgp_home,default,pg.html You can choose one of their pre-planned designs, or make your own. Just drag-n-drop the plants into the grid.
  15. I need some drywall done too. Just a little project about 8' x 20' with some small repair work to be done at a later date after I get some windows replaced.
  16. Check out The Southern downtown. Germantown Cafe has great views of the city. Etch is an upscale dining adventure. Maybe hit Holland House for drinks in East Nashville. Lockeland Table for locavore farm-to-table goodness. There's a new French place on West End called Chateau West. It's getting some favorable mentions on the TripAdvisor Nashville forum. It's next to the Exxon at Murphy road in the A-frame building that used to be an Asian restaurant. http://chateauwestrestaurant.com/
  17.   As was said above, "fairly priced" and "Franklin Gun Shop" don't belong in the same sentence.   Mosins are fun, but would not make a good HD choice, IMO. Anything where I have to work a bolt is not going to be an HD choice for me. Plus they're freaking huge! It's hard to move through an interior with that. Not to mention that a Mosin will send that round through three intruders, 4 interior walls, the exterior wall, 2 neighbors' homes, and land somewhere 3 counties away. The M44 takes away the hugeness, but still has all of the other drawbacks of a regular Mosin. An SKS these days seems to be only a hair cheaper than an AK47 and cost the same to shoot so take that into consideration. Everyone's HD situation is different, so YMMV.       Yeah, and you will be too. :) I'm picturing some guy in tighty whiteys with headphones and sunglasses clearing his house with an M44. It's disturbing.
  18. I know I'm resurrecting an old thread, but in case someone searches TGO for the Ryman looking for this: Was there tonight. Gunbuster on the glass panel to the right of the doors. About 4"-5" diameter but on a clear background, not white. Large enough to see if you're looking, but clear enough to miss if you're fumbling for your tickets.   BTW, the info above in this thread is out of date regarding carry where alcohol is served. This is a really old thread that I'm dredging up.
  19. I know I'm resurrecting an old thread, but in case someone searches TGO for the Ryman looking for this: Was there tonight. Gunbuster on the glass panel to the right of the doors. About 4"-5" diameter but on a clear background, not white. Large enough to see if you're looking, but clear enough to miss if you're fumbling for your tickets.
  20. I know I'm resurrecting an old thread, but in case someone searches TGO for the Ryman looking for this: Was there tonight. Gunbuster on the glass panel to the right of the doors. About 4"-5" diameter but on a clear background, not white. Large enough to see if you're looking, but clear enough to miss if you're fumbling for your tickets.
  21. If he's sending her off to prom and doesn't know about "alone-time", he's a moron.
  22. Check TCA 39-17-1359. It has the rules about posting. A written sign has to have specific language that the statute provides. The circle/slash (aka "gunbuster") logo is sufficient so if it's there regardless of a written sign, it's a proper posting. http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/tncode/   Basically, the property or portion of a property beyond a proper posting is off limits. Carrying past it is a Class B misdememanor with a fine of $500. A conviction is supposed to result in TDOS suspending the HCP for 12 months, but they may do it just from a charge even without a conviction. I don't know for sure.   The TN AG issued an opinion about "properly posted" and my reading of that is that he thinks a cardboard sign written in crayon saying "no guns" is good enough. IIRC, that opinion was issued prior to the latest revision of the law to clarify the language requirements, but I can't say for sure and don't have time right now to go check the dates.   Anecdotaly, it seems that the most likely scenario is that if you're made in a posted no-guns zone, you'd be asked to leave and nothing more unless you make a stink about it. Schools being an obvious exception to that, but they're not goverened by 39-17-1359. They get their own special exclusions. AFAIK, there has only been one case with 39-17-1359 and that was the motorcycle dealership in the Memphis area where a guy carried in right past a sign and a security guard in a place that had experienced a shooting in its past. I don't know the sepcifics or the final outcome of that case.
  23. What does that have to do with anything? dcloudy777 was responding to your assertion that:     That's a complete failure of logic. Either the right shouldn't be limited (your 1st clause), or it should be limited to people who can prove they have adequate knowledge to USE a gun (2nd clause). It's not logical to say that the right protected by the 2nd A shouldn't be limited, then say exactly how you think it should be limited.   You seem to not understand what a right is. It's not something you have to prove yourself worthy to have. You simply have it. Our society has determined that certain people do not yet have certain rights (children) and that we can prove ourselves unworthy of a right and have it taken from us (felons), but it starts with an "all doors open" approach. If you have to prove worthiness for something, then it's a privilege not a right.   We have a right to vote. We can lose that right by proving ourselves unworthy of it (felons) or we can be too young to properly exercise that right (under 18). Otherwise we don't have to prove to anyone that we have read/heard the candidates' positions, understand the issues of the day, and will vote for a candidate based on a reasoned approach. The right simply exists. Firearms are the same way. You could perhaps argue that you think they should not be, and that you think the Constitution should be ammended, but you can't logically conclude that something shouldn't be limited then say how it should be limited.   Definitions: Privilege - a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people. Right - a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.
  24. Same for me as maroonandwhite. I get "Sorry, you don't have permission for that." In the TGO Store under Logo Swag, it says "There are no products here yet. check back soon."


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