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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. NFC hasn't taken off here because banks charge higher rates for those transactions, the standards aren't completely set (Google vs. Isis vs. merchant-backs standards), and , until now, Apple has stayed away from it. Retailers have been hesitant to employ devices to take payments from phones when the most popular phone in the country doesn't support it and Android is inconsistent across hardware whether or not they support it.   I'm an iPhone user. My bank doesn't issue the magic NFC credit cards, as far as I know. I've never asked, and they've never pushed one. Until now, I've never had the option of using NFC payment. iPhone6 changes that. Apple will create the critical-mass of people needed for retailers to implement mobile readers. Best Buy had them and actually has started taking them out because of the low adoption rate. I suspect they'll be putting them back in.   Sometimes it's not about what a product can do, it's about how it does it. Apple understands that. IBM didn't and it seems Android makers don't either. For every 1 person that will buy a product because it has a 3% performance boost over the last generation of gigawhatsit zippidy-doo-da chipset *eyesglazingover*.....there are 100 more that will buy it because it looks nice and is easy to use. Look at Samsung commercials. They tout the products specs, blazing speeds, huge screens, etc. Look at Apple's commercials. They show people using the products in every day life. Non-Apple people will see their Apple friends using Apple Pay and decide they want to do it too, only to find that the Android-based phone in their pocket already supports it and has for years. They just didn't know it.   My wife asks me how to do something on her Android phone. My parents ask me how to do something on their windows laptop. Neither of them ever ask me how to do something in iPhone or iPad. Go figure.
  2. TBH, I didn't know that a 2x4 wasn't 2"x4" until I was in my late 20's. My dad was career military, so we always rented houses or lived on base and moved every 3 years. There was no construction work of any kind in my youth (or walls any color besides white). If I had measured a gap that was 2" wide and I needed a board to fill it I would have expected a 2x4 to do exactly that, not be 1/2" too narrow.   Now that I know, it's second nature, but I only learned that because my father-in-law is Bob Villa's long lost brother. If I didn't get to learn construction stuff from him, I'd probably have gone my whole life thinking that a 2x4 was 2"x4".   Home Depot and Lowes have a LOT of novice customers. It's not just for the pros. I don't mind Cali making them add the actual dimensions to the labelling. It's akin to a truth-in-advertising issue. I seem to recall seeing the actual dimensions in smaller print on the tags in the lumber yard at my Home Depot, but I can't be sure of that.  The $1.6m fine is B.S.
  3. The difference is that the existing platforms for those thing tend to be disparate and if not difficult to use, then certainly were never mainstream, aside from the growing screens.   Apple doesn't really invent much new stuff. What they do is package up different things together and make them play really well with one another in an interface that's clean, simple, and intuitive. Add in a clever control or two, and it's pure marketable gold. They didn't invent the mouse or the GUI, but they were the first to put them together in a format that was easy to use by people who aren't programmers. They didn't invent the portable MP3 player, but the iPod became the standard by which all others were judged. Why? It was easier to use. They didn't invent the smartphone, but the iPhone is what took that concept to the masses. My parents can use an iPhone. They can also use their iPad mini because *surprise* it works just like their iPhones, which work exactly like every other iPhone and iPad in the world. I can hand my dad my iPhone and he knows how to use it. I can't say that's always true about any 2 android phones/tablets.   Nothing today surprised me. Nothing was a technological breakthrough on its own. But put them all together and the Apple Watch may be the first real wearable that gets widely accepted. We know Google Glass isn't going to be it. The watch and iPhone 6 will certainly be major factors in advancing digital payment methods.
  4. Come back on Thursday. They're sponsoring that episode.
  5.   1961. The original true 2"x4" measurements were for green wood. The boards shrank as they dried, so you never really got 2"x4" for finished products. Different species and conditions of wood shrink differently, so the final product was inconsistent. The current standards call for 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" for the finished dry product. The mills today know how much each species will shrink based on its current moisture content, so they cut the green wood as large as they need to so that the dried product ends up at that 1.5"x3.5" size. Over time the dimensions have changed, but the current ones were settled in 1961 by the Committee on Grade Simplification and Standardization.   You can still get true 2"x4" green lumber. You just won't find it outside of a real lumber yard.   This worthless information was brought to you today by the letters J and Q and by the number 9.*           *Also known as Wikipedia.
  6.     Never. Way too much money to be made there. Keep in mind that California's economy by itself would rank it as #8 ion the world if it were its own county. No major retailer would leave that kind of market over a $1.6 million slap.
  7. AFAIK, what peejman said is correct. You need a NJ license of some kind to possess a firearm. As OS said, the federal safe passage act won't apply since you're not just passing through.   Leave them at home or don't go.
  8.   Maybe. Lots of people said that about the iPad.   Apple did have the Newton, so they're not perfect. We'll have to wait and see. With the cult of Apple being as strong as ever, I say they could put a turd in a white box and people would buy it.
  9. Don't worry LI0NSFAN, you're not the only one. My TGO set is still sitting in the safe too...along with a couple of other stripped lowers. I have the LPKs for all of them, just haven't taken the time to build them.
  10. YEA! Now that feeling of panic that I get when I reach in my pocket for my phone and it's not there will be combined with that feeling of panic that I get when I reach in my other pocket for my wallet and it's not there.  :panic:   Seriously though, I think it will finally make alternative pay methods take off. We've had various non-cash/non-swipe-card things available, but they haven't been widely adopted by retailers or consumers. This will change that.   As far as the iWatch, at first it seems a bit gimmicky to me, but I can see how in 10 years we'll have wearable technology everywhere and we'll look back at the iWatch and see how it was the first widely adopted wearable. One big problem that I can see is that it will make it easier/more tempting to read texts/emails while driving.....
  11. If anyone's a member at CHMR (formerly Owl Hollow), maybe they could check with Charlie about getting use of the upper range by his house. It's further away for some of us, but it would give the most private setting that I can think of. I know that it's only 25 yards, but there'd be nobody else on that upper range.
  12. I think that we're all clear on this, but to eliminate any misunderstandings, this is a suppressor demo. It's not a free-for-all shooting day.   We'll need to fine tune some details about exactly how we'll structure the demo, but I had something in mind of having two or three lanes to setup on (more if needed), with only one operating at a time so that we can all hear each can. Maybe setting up two similar rifles side by side with different cans to hear the difference between them when that's appropriate. Perhaps Mike can weigh in on this and what may be a good way to setup.   What I don't want to happen is to have us scattered along the range all doing different things. I say that for a few reasons. First I know I want to see and hear every can in every caliber that's being demo'd and I suspect I'm not the only one. Second, we members are responsible for our guests. It's hard for us to be good hosts when we're all scattered around. Lastly, this is not an official Gallatin Gun Club sanctioned event, so we won't have the range reserved just for us. We need to be mindful of any other GGC members who happen to show up.
  13. If they show the events leading up to it, I think they should blame Walter White's blue meth. I want to see zombie Saul Goodman.
  14.   How about Sunday, October 12th?   September 21st is out for me, and any earlier and I think we may not be giving everyone enough time.
  15. I'd say if a C&R ever allows us to skip the FFL on non-C&R items, look for every gun owner in America to get a C&R license. :) Not gonna happen, though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I heard back from Ron.   First: The Gallatin Gun Club doesn't have anything to do with this. This is NOT a club sanctioned event. It's just some club members getting together with some guests for a day of shooting.   Second, I think we should try to limit this to no more than 2 or 3 guests per member to keep it manageable. Members are responsible for their guests and we should be respectful of any other members who happen to be there whenever we do it. Right now, we're at 4 members, so we could add in 8-12 additional non-members.   Based on the comments in the above thread, it looks like this may be our group: Members: Hershmeister, D3v0, myself, and a non-TGO buddy Non-Members: Photoguy67, 173rdABN, Lumber_Jack, Hozzie, John Wells, LawEnforcementSalesTN, Verne Maybe: Tooreal << I couldn't tell if it was a definite "in" or not from the above comments. All non-members planning to attend, read the range safety and TVA rules here: http://gallatingun.com/info.asp#miscinfo Note that automatic or bump-fire are not allowed.   I'm assuming we'll need to look at weekends. Saturdays are booked up for rifle matches through October. After November 1st, the calendar is empty. If Sundays work, they're all wide open through the rest of the year. http://gallatingun.com/calendar.asp   I propose Sunday, September 28th, and Saturday, November 1st as our 2 options. Those are sort of randomly chosen. I just need to give us a place to start.   Please reply back here with your intent to attend, and your preference for a date.   Mike has the longest drive, so we'll let him set the start time.   Once we have the attendees and dates finalized, I'll get directions to the non-members and we'll plan on how to get everyone through the gate.
  17.   Including their stock prices.   SWHC normally traded around $4-$6 a few years ago. It started climbing in January 2012 to a high of a little over $15 last June and has been falling ever since. There was nothing that would have caused the value of the company to triple over 18 months. It's at $10.51 now, so I see it further correcting down to the $5-$6 range. Mostly because their financial sheets are pretty flat over this whole time. There's no real reason for the up-tick in the stock price. They saw a decent increase in cash from operations over the last couple of years due to the increased sales, but that's coming back down.   I haven't looked at Ruger, but I suspect a similar pattern.
  18.   Sure there is. We know that he was arrested and charged for DUI. We know that he plead to a lesser charge or reckless driving. We We know that he's calling for action to be taken against the arresting officer. I suspect (because it's unclear in the story) that the arrest was based solely on the officer's sense of smell and FST, without hard evidence.   It's those last two parts that made my mind go to trumped up charges as a possibility. A normal person wouldn't get arrested for something they were actually doing, then plea it down, then try to get the arresting officer fired. The only logical process I can come up with for this is that the charge was trumped, he plead to save money/time/felony conviction and was told that his pilots license would be OK, turned out that was wrong, now he's sorry he took the plea deal to make some bogus charge go away and wants the officer fired.     That's the only way I can logically get from "I was driving drunk" to "fire that officer for arresting me for driving drunk!".   The other possibility is that this guy is loony tunes. Judging by his current protest, I'd say that's a likely possibility and applying logic is pointless.
  19. Would be good to know who, but I'm not holding my breath.
  20.   That's the ideal, but it's not unheard of for an innocent person to plead to a lesser charge because they don't think they'll win at trial. A plea also avoids/reduces jail time and court/lawyer fees that the innocent person can't afford.   The officer reported that he smelled alcohol and that the guy failed the field sobriety. Assuming that the officer is one of the majority who are good cops, then yes it's a good arrest. If he's a dirty SOB and trumped up the "I smell alcohol" and that even if the guy could cross a tightrope over the Grand Canyon backwards on a unicycle, he was going to fail to complete the FST as instructed, then we have another thing entirely. There's no witness and no objective evidence one way or the other.   If he was DUI, we agree. If he wasn't, then there's a broken criminal law system to blame.       I'm saying that the story as written, introduces more questions about the DUI arrest than it answers. If it was a good stop, then screw this guy. No doubt that his current antics are misguided, at best.
  21. Did you just suggest his logo be KKK? :rofl:
  22.   Maybe. You're assuming that he was indeed driving drunk. If he wasn't, it wouldn't be the first time someone was wrongly arrested. An officer lying about smelling alcohol and failing a field sobriety test would be a pretty easy way to screw someone over, should that officer be so inclined. 100 out of 100 times, the judge is going to believe the officer. Without objective evidence like a blood draw or a breathalyzer reading, there's no way to know for sure. It's Sheriff Weatherford and the DA that make me suspicious. Why would they bend over backwards to work out the lesser charge to try to keep him from losing his job? Was it simply because he's a young man that has a long future and they wanted to help him? Or was it because the officer made a "driving while black" arrest and getting a lesser conviction was the best way to protect the department from a lawsuit while not totally screwing over an innocent victim? Inquiring minds want to know. Add in the fact that he wants the arresting officer fired, and it tells me that he obviously thinks the officer did something wrong. A wrongful arrest in this case is the only thing that comes to mind.   If he was DUI, screw him. I tend to lean towards this but there's some doubt in my mind, based solely on what's presented in the article.


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