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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. It's the new self-disassembly feature. It makes cleaning easier.
  2. +1 to that. I think they're the ones that sued TN and got the age restriction on carry and permits removed. But setup a dummy email address for them. Once you send them $1, you'll get a ton of email from them. Some is interesting, but most of it's the usual ".GOVATFBIDENDOJPELOSI gonna take yer guns if you don't send us money!!! We're the ones fightin fer you!!!!!!". Much like the NRA emails, but 10 times more often. Unfortunately they're probably right, but I don't need daily reminders of it.
  3. It's right on the bubble of your target price. $14/box ($0.28/rd) is pretty normal now on the bulk ammo sites.
  4. Boardwalk Empire was good. Black Sails was entertaining but it's not the greatest show on Earth. If you like pro-wrestling at all, two shows I'm enjoying are Tales From The Territories (true stories from the pre-WWF days) and Heels (fictional drama of a small-town wresting operation). GLOW was a fun ride, but not the greatest. It gets worse in the last season.
  5. Get a recoil pad that wraps around your shoulder. That plus the nancy pad and you should be pretty good to go.
  6. GoT was good until the last season. They crammed way too much trying to wrap it up. HotD is dull until the last episode.
  7. If you like funny shows then a big +1 to Ted Lasso! Hilarious! Also "Resident Alien" Both are on the very short list of shows Mrs. 'lizard and I can agree on and watch together.
  8. Mmmmmmm ..... Food Club Cola...... Perfect for when you find the price of Big K to be a little out of your budget.
  9. It's going to be be one of 3 things: 1. A false alarm in which case you don't want the alarm to keep blaring. Turn it off. 2. An intruder who was scared off by the alarm. the threat is gone. Turn it off. 3. An intruder who wasn't scared off and the cops are 40 minutes away. You need to be able to listen for the intruder, hear and be heard on the phone call from the alarm central station/police, and possibly give the intruder commands that can be heard and understood. Turn it off. Side note: Check with ADT to see if your volume can be adjusted. A home alarm doesn't need to be loud enough the wake the dead 3 doors down. It just needs to wake you up and let an intruder know that an alarm has been triggered. An NCAA basketball gymnasium buzzer isn't necessary. If not, consider terminating ADT and getting a new alarm that doesn't suck and costs less. You can get a system where you can adjust the volume and duration of the alarm. SimpliSafe for example (lots of others do the same) lets you adjust the volume of the alarm and set the duration from 30 seconds to 8 minutes before it auto-silences. If Mr. Burglar hasn't fled in 30 seconds, he's staying for the duration. See option 3 above.
  10. Very interesting. I'm surprised the film held up so well for 250+ years.
  11. Wow! That has almost doubled in value in 55 years!
  12. The associate producer took a plea deal. He's just as culpable as Baldwin and the armorer* but only the first to squeal gets the deal. * If what the armorer's attorneys say is true, she may very well be found not-guilty.
  13. The guy on the right is yelling "Soooorrrry!"
  14. Stop! You guys are making my Hungary!
  15. Yep. If you're not well -stocked then set your strike price in your mind and keep a watch on it. When your caliber(s) hit that price, load up.
  16. I guess that was when one cop said to put his hands behind his back while another cop had him in a wrist lock. You know . . .that chance . . :smh: [/sarcasm]
  17. It does. It's just washed out in the overexposure. The guy's fingers are wrapped around it.
  18. @Hozzie You could add ~10 minutes to your drive and take OHB through Brentwood towards Bellevue, then back in towards town on Hwy 100/70S or Hwy 70. That avoids most of Nashville altogether and stays in the areas less prone to protests. Then if it turns out to be a big nothing-burger, take your regular route home.
  19. From the article . . . emphasis mine Because when you're tangling with a mountain lion a plain old Judge just won't do. You need to show him you mean business with "presentation-grade wood grips, a brushed hand-applied satin-stainless steel finish".
  20. In the old Harding Mall in Nashville before its demise, there was a Weight Watchers literally between a Blimpie's Subs and a Baskin Robbins. I have no idea who was there first, but someone was a genius.


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