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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. I think they need more guards.
  2. That's his Smallpox face mask he pulled up to get the picture made.
  3. Assuming AZ has similar statutes to TN and based on what was presented in the article, no. An adult (especially a presumably healthy young adult) getting punched does not rise to the level of being in fear of imminent death or serious bodily injury. If there were other things at play like if the shooter had some rare brittle-bone disease, or the shoplifter jumped on top of him and was pummeling his head or bashing it into the floor, or the shoplifter presented a weapon, sure. But that's not what the article says and based on the arrest and charges, probably not what the store security video shows.
  4. I only buy/sell with personal friends or TGOers. For TGO I only deal with people with solid iTrader ratings and they can't all be from the same 3 or 4 people pumping up one another's scores. I'll check the people giving feedback to the potential buyer/seller if it's not one of our regular posters. Fortunately, some of ya'll are also prolific traders I'll usually see feedback on a buyer or seller from a screen name or 3 that I recognize or may have done business with in the past. If not, I move on. Other than that, +1 to what David said.
  5. Nashville McKay's is way better than Knoxville. Another on the list is small but sometimes you'll find some really unique stuff is "Cool Stuff Weird Things" on the corner of Charlotte at 49th. It's only about 5 blocks from The Great Escape so if you go there, you may as well check this one out too.
  6. Nothing else in SW Nashville besides RR that I know of. I live in Bellevue and usually use Goodlettsville Gun Shop. I've always heard good things about Bellshire too. There's also Dickson Sportsman Store. They do transfers but I don't know their rates. You could call and ask.
  7. Jeb48 - Certified Badass: "I had a stroke last weekend . . . Anyway . . . here's a picture of a machine gun car." Everyone else reading this thread:
  8. 9mm Luger seems to have dropped about another dollar. I'm seeing as low as $11.99/box on the bulk ammo sites. We might see it below $10 again at some point.
  9. What do you want to bet he ironed a crease in his jeans until the day he died?
  10. I ate 1 of those 2M boxes tonight. Jiffy muffins with chili. I'm not ashamed and make no apologies.
  11. That includes a 5 minute commercial break.
  12. +1 to the Wells Lamont Hydra Hydes. I picked up a 3-pack of hybrid Wells Lamonts at Costco last night. Hydra Hyde hand backs, finger tips, and palm, fabric body and fingers. I'll see how they do. $30 for the 3-pack.
  13. A bolted box is the best reasonable option*, but a bolted box doesn't work on every vehicle and smash-n-grab thieves don't often carry bolt/cable cutters. A cable-tied box is a reasonable alternative, IMO. I wouldn't leave a $3000 custom piece in one, but if someone steals my $400 Glock, I really don't care. It's easily replaced. I'll be more upset about having to deal with the shop to fix the vehicle damage caused by the break-in. If a thief knows it's there and comes prepared with cable snips, he could just as easily come prepared with a battery drill and some sockets and pull the whole seat off in < 30 seconds to take the bolted box. Cable-tied boxes are also handy for travel. I can put my handgun in it in my checked baggage, and I have a place to keep it in the rental car if needed. *The absolute best would be to have something welded in place. But that's not reasonable for very many people.
  14. If you want milsurps now, you're going to have to get lucky, or get over this hurdle. I snagged a few of mine before the market went nuts, but unfortunately after the good old days of barrels full of them at shops and shows. I sucked it up paid what I had to for my more recent acquisitions.
  15. This. A 6+1 or 7+1with you is better than a 15 or more +1 left at home.
  16. I had a Taurus PT-92 Stainless and a Beretta M9. I still have the M9. The Taurus was OK. I didn't care for the aesthetics of their large roll mark on the slide, but that has nothing to do with the quality of the gun. It worked fine and I actually prefer their safety design over Beretta's (you go from safe to decock on Taurus, but Beretta has to pass through fire while moving from safe to decock) and the lever is easier to reach with the thumb on Taurus. There is a quality difference. When I field stripped them, the fit and finish inside the Beretta was noticeably better. That's why I kept the Beretta and sold the Taurus. If I was on a budget and wanted an M9 style gun, I'd have no qualms owning the Taurus PT-92 in either color.
  17. I stand corrected. I got the Shield-9 and G43 out of the safe and they're the same width and length, but the Shield's grip is slightly longer by the thickness of a butt plate. It does get an extra round for that, though. I do agree the Kahr's trigger isn't for everyone. I haven't tried the CM9. My PM9's trigger is smooth as butter but it's looooooong and there's almost no discernible catch before the break. I just keep pulling until it goes bang. Then it has a long release for the reset which makes follow-up shots harder without practice. To me, the size and weight is noticeably less with the Kahr vs the G43 or Shield-9. Most of the time I can honestly and truly forget I have it. That doesn't happen with any other gun besides a teeny-tiny .380 like an LCP or P3AT. Not even the G43 or Shield-9. You've talked me into giving the G43 another chance. I was planning a range day soon and I'll make room for both.
  18. David said be ready to defend your answer! How do you justify the larger G43 as being underappreciated for deep concealment/pocket carry when compared to the noticeably smaller Kahr PM9/CM9 (PM9 is pricier, but not the CM9) with the same 6+1 capacity (7+1 with the extensions)? Or if you hate the loooooong Kahr trigger, the S&W M&P Shield-9? It's larger than the Kahrs, but still smaller than the Glock 43, gets an extra round over the Glock and the Kahrs, it's cheaper than the G43, and can be had with or without a thumb safety. Buyer's choice. I'd argue any of those are better at their intended function than the G43. I have a PM9, M&P Shield 9, and a G43. The G43 is my least favorite because it's bigger than its competition without providing something beneficial for that extra size. Then there's the seemingly magical Springfield Armory Hellcat with even more rounds in a smaller size. I haven't tried that one yet.
  19. The Taurus Curve . . . nah . . . just kidding!


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