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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. Yep. Wronger than a wrong thing that is mistaken.
  2. They're some of the safest cars on the road. It's what one of the heads of the IIHS drives.
  3. I know that Goodwill will supply donated cars that function to people who need them to get to work and such. Since yours is busted, either scrap it or like Mrs. monkeyman said, try Craigslist. More hassle, but maybe more money.
  4. I did many years ago. It's easier to call a scrap yard and have them haul it off, then give the proceeds to a charity of your choice as a cash donation. Get an estimated price from several different scrap yards.   Here's the full IRS publication: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/pub4303.pdf   And here's the Cliff's Notes version: https://www.charitywatch.org/charitywatch-articles/tips-for-donating-a-car-to-charity/42
  5. Mate that up with this and you've got one of the lowest cost ARs around. http://palmettostatearmory.com/index.php/catalog/product/view/id/15199/
  6. Goodletsville Gun Shop or Belshire Hardware. Belshires's a bit cheaper, but he works when he wants to.
  7.   I like my solution to that problem. I grow my own. Then I don't have to deal with hipsters or anyone else. It doesn't take much space. A few sq. ft of dirt will yield an incredible amount of produce when done properly. Of course that's a seasonal solution, but so is a farmers market. Almost anyone selling tomatoes in Nashville in February is importing them from an industrial farm, even if it is an organic industrial farm.
  8.   There are some scattered around the city on different days.  Here are the ones I know of. I suspect there may be more. Perhaps one in Antioch, Hendersonville, Mt. Juliet, etc. Plus the pickups parked on the sides of the roads, but they're not usually producers. Most are reselling stuff they got wholesale. There used to be a stand out on Hester Beasly Rd on the outer reaches of Bellevue that was run on the honor system. Not sure if it's still there or not. There's a place setup on White Bridge Rd. across from Target. Right now it's all just flowers, but they'll be getting produce in soon. I don't think they're producers, but I'm not sure. I do know they deal in organic and heirloom fruits and veg. They had some delicious Black Diamond watermelons last year.   There are also a variety of CSAs in the area. http://nashvillelifestyles.com/restaurants/a-guide-to-nashvilles-csa-programs   Tuesday: 12 South Farmers Market http://www.12southfarmersmarket.com/ 3000 Granny White Pike Nashville, TN 37212 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Seasonal: May through October   Wednesday: East Nashville Farmers Market http://eastnashvillemarket.com/ Shelby Park at 1500 Davidson St., Nashville, TN 37206 3:30-6:30pm Seasonal: May through October   Friday: Donelson Farmers Market http://www.hipdonelson.org/farmers-market/ 2730 Lebanon Road at the Ace Hardware Complex108 Donelson Pike 4-7pm Seasonal: May through October   Bellevue Farmers Market http://thebellevuefarmersmarket.com/ Bellevue United Methodist Church @ 7501 Old Harding Pike 5-7:30 Seasonal: May through October   Saturday: Franklin Farmers Market http://franklinfarmersmarket.com/ @ The Factory on Liberty Pike, Franklin 8am-1pm Open every Saturday, Year Round   West End Farmers Market https://www.facebook.com/westendfarmersmkt?fref=ts 4101 Harding Road, at the Vine Street Church 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Saturdays from May through December
  9. They're in the transition phase. They've kicked out the guys selling 100 packs of tube socks and airbrushed Obama T-shirts, but have not yet replaced them with the local producers. I don't see it working out well for them. I don't think there are enough local producers who would be willing to haul their stuff downtown, pay rent, and still be able to make a buck. Winter months will be particularly challenging to keep the stalls filled with local producers. We'll see, but I expect to be able to buy a Tupac wall hanging again in about 24 months.
  10. I was in that same boat. Fortunately, my wife has a coworker who drove his genny all the way down to us from way up past Joelton. That may not seem like much in normal circumstances, but with the mess of road closures and crazy traffic, it was a good 3 hour drive for him. It made a world of difference for us those first few days before the power was back on. It let us get several large fans going, recharge power tool battery packs, and run shop lights to keep working on demolition after sunset.   I learned 2 things from that: 1: I needed a genny. 2: I wanted one a lot quieter than that Craftsman one. Now I have a Honda eu series inverter genny. Got a killer deal on it on Craigslist. Took about 4 months of watching it closely using SearchTempest to find the right one at the right price and being willing to pass up on some others that were priced OK but not great. Had to go to Knoxville to get it, but it was worth it.
  11. I just did a build and used this. It doesn't list graphite in the ingredients list. One small tub will last me a lifetime and then some.   http://www.autozone.com/greases-and-gear-oil/lubricant-grease/valvoline-moly-fortified-multipurpose-grease/54187_0_0/
  12. I get all of my TGO messages and TGO Trading Post alerts via Hotmail. Always have.
  13. Looks like a good chance to teach him how to use a wrench and such while learning how to rebuild a mower deck and replace the blades. Followed by a quick instructional on how to properly use a lawn tractor.
  14.   I figured if the state didn't put any effort into it, why should I?
  15. The pic I posted in the OP (sans bullet holes of course) is the new official Tennessee logo. It cost us tax payers $46,000 for some rip off "graphic design" company to come up with that. I tossed the 3 bullet holes on as a send up of the crappy logo and to let TGODavid have the opportunity to use my "graphic design" services for $46,003 dollars. :D   http://www.wsmv.com/story/29118925/tennessee-pays-46k-for-new-state-logo
  16. It could have been taken down by a 'yote somewhere else and the leg was a leftover scrap. Your foxes (or other critters like opossum or racoons) could have carried it to your yard from wherever the 'yote left the carcass.
  17.   You know they have babies, right? Do we need to have "the talk"?     :D     I suppose a fox could go after a fawn if the fawn was separated from its mother. It's more likely that it was a coyote.
  18.   Ignorant knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers.
  19.   FIFY!
  20.   My thoughts go the other way. I'd rather it be the general ineptitude of government than a conscious effort to steal from the taxpayers.
  21. I'll just leave this here. David, feel free to use this in exchange for $46,003.00. ($1 for each bullet hole)
  22. Wait, you can see her box?
  23.   Agreed. If you want to thank someone living on Memorial Day then find a widow, or a kid whose mom or dad never came home. :usa:  :usa:  :usa:     That said, I try to never pass by a service member in uniform without saying "Thank you". Monday will be no exception.
  24.   Forget the black panther. I'm still trying to find the donuts!


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