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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1.   Just don't throw the training manual at anyone when you leave.
  2. I once had an LCP that I took out of my pocket (in it's holster) and held in one hand with my wallet while I was wanded down at an event which was not posted. Passed right on through. It's just a show, not security.
  3. Me too, now I have both. I like the shorter barrel of the Kahr, but I like the shorter trigger of the Glock. The Kahr's trigger is buttery smooth, but it has a lot of take-up and no good stop before the break, plus a long reset. I'm more confident with when the gun will fire with the G43's trigger.
  4. I wonder if a garage floor epoxy would work on the steel. That stuff is pretty dang durable if you prep the surface well and follow the directions. Some are made with sand mixed in (or can have sand mixed in) for added anti-slip properties.
  5. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  6.   Be sure to pour a Coke on your floor the day before so it's nice and sticky, plus you have to leave the movie running when you get up to pee. No pausing allowed. When you get back, you have to interrupt anyone else in the room by saying "what did I miss?" That gives you the full movie theater experience at home. It helps if you empty an entire 12 pack of Coke into a plastic bucket and drink it all during the previews.
  7. Either that, or strips of stick-down grip tape.   Maybe that garage floor tile like Racedeck or SwissTrax? I'd bet Harbor Freight has some generic brand kits of that stuff. Maybe not as tough as the branded, but would work fine for walking on and storing stuff. The slotted tiles are good because any spilled liquids run underneath. Yeah, you have to pop up the tiles to clean, but the tiles won't be slippery.
  8. ^^^^ This   I carry my Kahr PM9 (and once I find the right holster, the G43) IWB. I often forget it's there. I can carry the G26 that way, but I know it's there. I always know it's there.
  9. Wow, that horse must be huge to make Spots look like a little kid.  :D
  10. Yep. It's like polishing a turd. I have 3 of them, but I didn't buy them for looks.   That said, while I'm not a fan of the gray, it's nice to see something besides black, FDE, and clown colors on a polymer framed handgun.
  11.   FIFY!  :)
  12.   Ah, I was assuming the OP has a permit for 1. When did 2 happen? I knew that the employers got the limited liability a year or three ago if something happened, but I either didn't know or have forgotten about the prohibition.     ETA: Now that you mention it, I do recall it and I remember posting on the thread at the time that you'd have to have a stupid employer for saying that was the reason. Even if it was, it might be hard to prove it. Doh!
  13.   That's not correct. While it's no longer a violation of the law in normal lots, it can still be prohibited by an employer. Think about it this way: It's not illegal to get caught calling the boss a slimy piece of worm ridden filth, but it's a good way to get fired. Gun in the car if the employer prohibits it is the same way. Not illegal, but still grounds for termination if caught.   Sounds like you may be at a federal facility, in which case it's both terminable AND illegal if posted.
  14.   Mac's math shows that we only issues 31.48 visas per mile that would need to be walled. Think about how much the fee increase would have to be on each visa to cover that cost entirely from increased fees. Mac's right. The math just doesn't work to make this wall and pay for it with visa fees.
  15. The premier of The Walking Dead: Season 6?  
  16. Any island nation that's not near a major land mass would work. Something out in the Pacific like Fiji or Tonga. With the long range aircraft of today, they have little strategic value so nobody really cares what happens out there. I suspect that the major powers could nuke each other into oblivion, and other than a possible nuclear winter, the islanders there would just go on about their business as usual, other than going back to sails and oars instead of Evinrudes.
  17. Everything OS said.   Anyone not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm may have one loaded in any vehicle in which they are a lawful occupant if the owner of the vehicle doesn't prohibit it.
  18. And be sent to a reeducation camp sensitivity training.
  19. From the article:   Doh!
  20. I need to get one of those crates. I'm going to need a place to sleep when my wife kicks me out.  :(
  21. I know.   :stir:
  22. Dang it! I just got separated from more of my money. Why did I have to watch that video?   I think I need to find a meeting to go to.....     "Hello. My name is monkeylizard and I'm a gunaholic. It has been 3 hours since my last purchase..."
  23. Yeah, it's a misapplication of the term by the journalist or the DA whom the journalist is interviewing. Castle doctrine just means that you're presumed to be in fear of your life during an invasion of your own home (maybe business too?). The evidence can show otherwise, but it's the default starting position. It basically means that instead of the invasion/robbery victim having to prove the shooting was justified, the prosecution has to prove it was not. Even if PA has a Castle Doctrine, I don't see how that could apply to this case since it happened on the sidewalk in public. Protection from civil suits in a justified SD shooting is something else, but doesn't have a catchy name like "Castle Doctrine".
  24. I'm using a Glock.
  25.   You didn't miss that!


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