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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. Since this thread keeps popping back up . . . @Godisgreat - the information above applies to IN STATE ONLY. Assuming you're a resident of Tennessee, those rules apply to sales within Tennessee. An in-state private sale requires buyer and seller to both be residents of the same state, so a seller from KY meeting you in TN for the sale is NOT "in-state". For sales from anywhere besides your state: You can buy a long gun from any FFL nationwide at 18+ and can take possession at their location. FFL handgun purchases (21+) and private sale long guns (any age) or handguns (18+) MUST be sent or carried by the seller to an FFL in your state for a transfer. None of which makes any sense at all, but there you have it.
  2. It's the Ice Track on Mario Kart.
  3. Hmmm....those cars are uncommon and AIUI need someone who knows how to work on them, especially if you have the active aero bits and 4-wheel steering. That's one reason I've stayed away from them though I've been tempted more than once. You might check out some forums specializing in the 3000GT / Dodge Stealth and see if there are any Mid-TN folks who could direct you. A quick Google search turns up: https://www.3si.org/ https://www.3sgto.org/forum.php https://www.mitsubishi-forums.com/forums/3000gt-gto-forum.33/ What makes you think you need a full rebuild?
  4. I always thought the intent was for things like giving a kid a .22 on their 12th birthday or something like that, but yes, in a private sale an 8-year old can buy a .50 BMG if they can find someone who will sell or give it to them. 'MURICA!
  5. I only have eyes for yo u.
  6. My dad was career USAF and one of our assignments was Bitburg, Germany during my high school years. I was in the Air Force Jr ROTC program and we got to go the Lorraine American Cemetery in Saint-Avold, France to participate in a parade. It's been a long time now so I don't recall if it was a V-E Day celebration, or a date specific to that town's or region's liberation, or something else, but it was amazing how many people turned out almost 50 years later. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but looking back it makes me very proud and honored to have been able to help commemorate the achievements and sacrifice of those men and women. We traded insignia and ribbons with a similar cadre of French troops. all were pretty young. I don't think they were as young as us, but I think it was some kind of reserve unit. I still have the beret I traded my flight cap to get.
  7. Here it is straight from the horse's . . . well . . . you know . . . https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/minimum-age-gun-sales-and-transfers Summary: Private sale - Long guns at any age. Handguns at 18. Dealer sale - Long guns at 18, handguns at 21
  8. Lots of pollen and other allergens in those cemeteries. . .
  9. He likes to play classical, especially anything from Clawed Debussy or Ludwig von Bearthoven,
  10. What did they expect? He's just a bearginner.
  11. Texas Law Hawk is another great one. Talons of Justice!!!!
  12. runco mentioned an auctioneer. That's a good bit of advice. If you're interested in that route, Gary Realty & Auction down in Columbia does several gun auctions each year. I've been a winning bidder at several of them and the whole staff is a class act or as we say 'round here: "them's good people". Mostly each auction is from one large collection, but he'll usually do one or two each year from several collections combined. The final bids are usually real solid, but I don't know what the auctioneer's cut is.
  13. Same. I don't sell much, but when considering a purchase I always check iTrader if I don't know the seller. If I see positive feedback from the other regulars I recognize or have done deals with personally, it helps me know the seller is good to go. If I see very little or no iTrader feedback, or it's a bunch of feedback from names I don't know, it feels off and I just move on.
  14. Why not post in the TGO Classifieds? You can list any stipulations you want. You can require a buyer to have been a TGO member for a minimum amount of time, must be a Benefactor, have X number of positive iTrader reviews from long time members, meet at your local police station for the deal, require an HCP and a bill of sale, must communicate via phone call instead of texts/messages, etc. Whatever you want to require. It might limit your buyer pool a bit, but my experience is that folks with a positive history on TGO are on the up and up.
  15. Incorrect. 3 boxes at the bottom were left unchecked.
  16. I checked my Monarch and it's all headstamped MON which I think is the rebadged Magtech
  17. Hands down it's the best place for clays. Skeet, Trap, and Sporting Clays. $13/round for Skeet or Trap and $0.55/bird on the sporting clays courses. My 12 ga. works like a cost limiter . . . After about $30-40 worth of clays, my shoulder says it's quitin' time
  18. I didn't know they ever had a skeet range. They have a neat little archery area beside the parking lot. Back in the day it had a multi-level tower to simulate different heights in a tree stand. Not sure if that's still there or not.
  19. Like The mailman, I think they have too many cold range cycles. It seems like I'm just starting to get in a rhythm when they announce "COLD!". But it's usually a pretty good place to shoot 100. I don't know if they allow just anyone to shoot on the 200 yard lanes. It used to be that you had to join with an annual membership but I don't know if that's still the case. IMO, the handgun side is downright dangerous. Too many goobers who have no business being there sweeping the line or worse. The RSOs on that side used to be crazy strict (I assume they still are) but for good reason. Just look up and count the bullet holes in the roof. I don't plan to ever go back to that side. It's the busiest range in the state by a large margin so the RSOs have to be on top of everything.
  20. I think the only difference is that the Senior Sportsman includes WMA access and the Senior Hunt/Fish/Trap does not. You could call them and ask. (615) 781-6500
  21. Normally I'd agree, but ironsniper1 is learning a lot in this process about what works and what doesn't and is developing some skills which may be useful in the future for more worthwhile firearms. That's not necessarily a waste. Plus the documentation done here helps others as well. It's like learning to polish car paint on a crusty Dodge Neon instead of starting out on a Ferrari.
  22. It's all him. Not me. Or more accurately, his archeologist tutor.
  23. Not Krav-related, but I took this same approach when I bought my first guitar about 9 years ago and started taking lessons about 8 years ago (which ended with Covid and I never started up again). I still suck and am a beginner at best, but I like it. My younger self couldn't have understood that I didn't have to be good at something to enjoy it. It's why I quit golf in my early 20s. I sucked at it and knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy it unless I got good and that was a long road between my hooks and slices to being anywhere close to "good". Now I think I could go and have fun even if I shoot double par but I have too many other hobbies to add THAT one to the list . . . It took me a long time to understand what Kurt Vonnegut was onto with this: “When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young people: Do you play sports? What’s your favorite subject? And I told him, no I don’t play any sports. I do theater, I’m in choir, I play the violin and piano, I used to take art classes. And he went WOW. That’s amazing! And I said, “Oh no, but I’m not any good at ANY of them.” And he said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: “I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.” And that honestly changed my life. Because I went from a failure, someone who hadn’t been talented enough at anything to excel, to someone who did things because I enjoyed them. I had been raised in such an achievement-oriented environment, so inundated with the myth of Talent, that I thought it was only worth doing things if you could “Win” at them.”
  24. Those are Crocs.


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