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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1. Between National Reciprocity being shelved and the bump stock ban going forward with the leaders we have in Washington I suspect this might be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I hope not but we have a bunch of weak leaders in Washington who only want control and they might use this as the impetus to start working on gun control. Remember Republican leaders are the other side of the same coin. I seen screenshots of his FB page. He had pictures of mutilated animals. Him holding guns and knives. Definitely a disturbed kid.
  2. Not worked up at all but national reciprocity will not fix anything. I can guarantee that if it were passed you would still be arrested, thrown in jail and have to fight it in court in states that will refuse to recognize it. Yes, you will be found not guilty, eventually, but by the time that has happened it will have cost you thousands of dollars and probably some of your property as well as your freedom. Think it won't happen? Look at Safe Passage Provision under the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA). Legally speaking, if you are just passing through a state you cannot be arrested for having a gun that is against that state's laws if the gun is legal in your home state. But we see it all the time where someone is just passing through gets stopped and arrested. Even having a firearm in your checked baggage when flying can lead to your arrest because some states refuse to accept the provisions of the FOPA. We have states who admit they intentionally target cars with plates from gun friendly states so they can pull them over to look for guns. So if national reciprocity ever does pass you will have a defense from prosecution but that is not a defense from being arrested, thrown in jail or having you life financially ruined by an overzealous state. Don't forget the wording only allows CONCEALED carry in another state. It also doesn't permit you to carry on state or local government property unless the state allows you to. Who owns roadways or highways? And because it will not change a single thing why let the government interject themselves into another part of our lives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_Owners_Protection_Act#.22Safe_Passage.22_provision
  3. If BHO passed it then his followers would VIEW it as bad. That is why he waited for the Republican leaders to pass it. Then the next time we have a Democrat controlled government it will be used to harm conservatives. Our "leaders" cannot foresee or do not care how the reciprocity will be used by our enemies in government. If we give the federal government control over ANYTHING they will abuse it and use it to gain more control over the populace. National reciprocity will be used to grief gun owners but most gun owners are too worried about NOW to worry about the future. The NRA has no interest in putting ANYTHING gun related to rest. They have become a money driven organization and when there is turmoil or uneasiness in the gun community it generates profits. They could easily end the bump stock ban but they instead asked for it because they know they can use the turmoil to increase profits. Remember they called for the ban but have now said they would oppose it but need more money to fight it. If we do not send in our donations they will let it pass. Time and time again the NRA support turmoil because it increases profits and refuse to get involved with things that could actually help us. Their desires are not in helping gun owners, it is in increasing profits while risking our gun rights. We have a super majority in Washington and yet we cannot get a single piece of pro conservative or pro gun legislation passed. We cannot even get anything repealed to help gun owners. The reason why is our "conservatives" in Washington are the other side of the liberal coin. Regardless of which party is in power they will continue to pass laws to make more and more of us criminals because once you are a criminal they can control every aspect of your life. We are not free, we are told we are but we are being controlled by the government in every single aspect of our lives. There is not too many things one can do now that doesn't require approval from our government or risk becoming a criminal. We do not have free elections, we are not free to do what we want and we are not free to say what we want. Our privacy is long gone and the majority of the Amendments of the Constitution are violated daily by those in Government yet we continue to believe we are free because we are told we are free.
  4. I hope it does not pass. The biggest reason is once it is law they can change the rules or definitions to hurt those who they feel should be hurt. We see definitions being changed, often on a whim, making law abiding people into criminals overnight. And the worst part is we can’t vote out those responsible. It will be used to control, not give more freedom. I promise.
  5. Congratulations. Hold him every second you can because one day he will be too big. The next 3 years will be the most amazing years in your life as you see the excitement in his eyes as he discovers everything. Everything new is amazing to them and you can't help but get excited with them. Something our son did was teach our granddaughter basic sign language. At four months she could sign when she was hungry, when she was done and a few other basic things. It amazed me to watch a four month old use sign language to tell her parents what she wanted. No way she could speak but she could definitely tell you what she wanted. Babies are amazing at how quickly they learn. They are like a sponge and will soak up everything. There are a lot of learning programs geared towards young children and they work amazingly well.
  6. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-remingtonoutdoor-bankruptcy-exclusive/exclusive-u-s-gunmaker-remington-seeks-financing-to-file-for-bankruptcy-sources-idUSKBN1FT04C
  7. I have a plasma cutter, MIG, TIG and the space to do it. I kinda, sorta know how to weld too. Not saying I could fabricate it but you are more than welcome to use my stuff if you want to try. I could do the finish welds for you though. I do not have a tubing bender but do have a tubing roller. If all you want is a winch mounted it should not be too hard but making it look pretty might be a challenge though.
  8. And on opening day when EVRYONE has an itchy trigger finger. People do dumb things to be different.
  9. One thing the Lab Radar can do that no other chronograph can do is determine the TRUE ballistic coefficient of any bullet. It can tell you exactly what it is where you are shooting. Weather and elevation changes how a bullet flies. The same bullet fired here in east Tennessee will act completely differently if fired in a drier climate or at a higher elevation. If you only measure velocity you are only getting part of the ballistic picture. The Lab Radar was used to determine the ballistic coefficient of a bullet I designed, can't do that with any other chronograph.
  10. And we are in 100% agreement on that. Unfortunately we already do have a thug government but it hasn't hit close to home yet. Refuse service to anyone one any one of the, what is it, 20 something of new genders now and our thuggish government will step in and punish you for discriminating. I wonder if we can sue if we get refused service for being gun owners? I mean if we were fondling each other's "gun" instead of having one on our hip we could, right?
  11. I thought a recent change in the law put some liability on a business owner who failed to protect you if he prohibited weapons on the property. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2016/01/15/bill-allows-suits-over-gun-free-zone-incidents/78862948/ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/06/30/tn-businesses-that-disarm-concealed-carry-permit-holders-now-liable-for-their-safety/ http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/01/new-tenn-law-puts-onus-on-gun-free-zone-property-owners/
  12. I don't see why you would need to replace the gearing even. What gearing do you have now? I run a 2.79 gear in what will be a high performance car. I currently run 3.08 in a Mustang. I have ran 3.55 gears, 3.73 as well as 4.10 and all were streetable. The 4.10 was a little brutal on gas mileage but if I had a 5 speed it would have been a LOT better. Just saying that first gear in most transmissions will work with most rear ends.
  13. What has happened is we, as a society, have went from "not on my watch" to "business as usual, so why care". We see it every single day, politicians doing things that are not only against the law but against the basic morals this country was founded on. We have gotten so numb to the corruption that as long as it doesn't affect us personally we have no problem sticking our heads in the sand and hoping it will get better, eventually. Today's elections are not about finding good, honest politicians but about voting for the one that stinks the least and that is not what this country should be. Both parties want control and the two parties are there to ensure at least one controls the majority while the other distracts the remainder. And this isn't about party lines either, both parties do it and they have become two sides of the same coin. They do not want us to be free and dare I say it but if you look around we are hardly the free country we once were. Government has moved into every single aspect of our lives. Every day there are more laws put on the books to turn any one of us into a criminal because once you are a criminal the government has the right to control you. Laws, rules and regulations are made on a whim, often without a vote, then enforced under threat of violence because some bureaucrat thinks a segment of the population should be made into criminals. The only real difference between us and most dictatorships is we are given permission to reelect dictators chosen for us every four years. Regardless of who or what party is in control we are still being controlled by those in government. I don't care how much it would cost, hold her accountable to the fullest extent the law will allow. Throw her ass in jail and make an example of her for anyone else who might try to break the law. That is the only way to fix it, letting them off to save money doesn't fix it and only serves to tell others that they can also break laws with impunity. All of us here are expected to follow the law and if we do not we will face the consequences, regardless of the cost, so the same should be the same for everyone. Unless we decide to actually stand up and demand these corrupt politicians be held accountable they will continue. And if we cannot hold those corrupt politicians accountable under the law we must hold them accountable at the voting booth if they have not already made you a criminal.
  14. No need to replace the rear end and you can probably find a drop in driveshaft that only requires replacing the U joints, which you should do anyways if you have a driveshaft out.
  15. I probably didn't word it right. The nitrous will only be used on a drag strip, not going around corners on a race course. If I want to take it to the drag strip I will throw the bottle in the car and go but most of the time it will not run nitrous. You can actually get a controller to dial in the NO2 and how it comes on. It can be set it so it takes seconds for it to go from 0% to 100% of the shot. I know you can do the same with an electronic boost controller but I plan on running without a power adder most of the time. Only time it will get hit is in a straight line at the drag strip. Talked to a lot of guys racing these kind of cars and if there is one thing they ALL said was do not add a turbo. The ass end is so light they said it would only lead to a car that is uncontrollable when the power comes on coming out of a corner. My original plans was for a ~300 hp turbo engine but they all said it was a really bad idea. I even have all the parts to build a turbo engine for it, which are now for sale. Another thing I am not to fond of is the complexity of a turbo engine as well as tuning it. It will also add cost because it will require a custom ECU to be able to tune. I want reliability, even at the cost of horsepower, and a turbo definitely adds complexity to the mix. I spent six months prepping and making parts to install a turbo engine but decided to listen to the guys who race these cars and go NA.
  16. Should be fun, without nitrous it will be a little over 200 HP in a car that should weigh 1,100 pounds. I might even be able to get that weight with me in it. The frame weighs only 120 pounds, I can straddle the transmission tunnel and pick it up by myself. Engine and trans should tip the scales at ~600 pounds with an iron head. Then there is the 7 gallon tank, battery and seats. The ONLY things going in the car are what is required to run and to be safe. Going to run lightweight, forged H beam 5.7" rods instead of the factory 5.2" rods. Pistons will be lightweight nitrous pistons. Factory crank. Everything should be able to handle 400 hp easily so there is room to grow. Going to get it sorted out before adding nitrous but plan on running nitrous, maybe a few stages. And this ISN'T a drag car. It is a corner carver that will spend a lot of time on the Dragon. Adjustable coil overs at all 4 corners. 4 link rear. Manual rack but I might add a Saturn electronic power steering unit. I have a controller that lets me dial the assist. Wilwood dual master cylinders. With nitrous it will have 300+ hp and should go low 9's @ ~140, if I can get it to hook. It will run a C4 with a 2.79 8.8" rear.
  17. It is a 2.3 Ford four cylinder, not a V8.
  18. Got it. BTW, this is on a 2.3 Ford four cylinder. Hoping to get to 200 hp with 100 shot for when I will be going in a straight line which will not be very often. Matter of fact I am not 100% positive I will be running nitrous but it is a lot easier to build it for it now than to rebuild it later.
  19. I am going to run custom, lightweight forged rods and forged pistons. Was told I needed to move the rings farther down the piston to protect them. Still trying to figure out how it will burn up a set of rings without burning up the aluminum piston.
  20. I am building an engine that I would like to spray. Never ran nitrous before. I know I need forged pistons but I was told I needed custom "nitrous" pistons with the rings farther down. Just curious if that was needed or if standard forged pistons will work? Only shooting 100 hp shot if that matters.
  21. You can be trespassed for no reason at all and show me a reasonable anti gunner who will be reasonable if you are caught carrying, on their property, against their wishes. I would not care to be trespassed from an anti gun establishment but I don't want to be either. I also have a serious problem with people going against a property owner's wishes for their own gain more than anything. They don't want you carrying a gun there but you thumb your nose at their wishes because you think your privilege of carrying a firearm trumps their right to use their property how they wish. It is like random people coming on your property and as long as you don't catch them I guess it is ok. I don't want anyone on my property doing anything against my will and on that issue I will 100% stand with the anti gun establishments because I believe their property owner's rights trump anyone's misconceived right to carry a firearm on that property. Someone's is going to say public access, public property, yada-yada-yada. Still doesn't matter. In the same way you can't say what you want in a public business you cannot do what you want either, unless the owner/operator allows it. We have a right to self defense but we do not have the right to use any tool we want unless the property owner allows it. As I have said before, if a property owner requires you to wear a pink tutu and carry a Nerf gun on their property, you abide or don't enter. That doesn't change just because the item you are carrying does. Just because the consequences are acceptable to you still doesn't change the fact you violated someone's right with your want. I guess it is OK if a rapist rapes a family member as long as the rapist OK with the consequences. Forcing yourself, and your wishes, onto someone else is wrong no matter the reason or where it is. I am as pro gun as anyone here but a property owner's right trumps anything a guest might think they have.
  22. Why not stick a more modern transmission like a 5 speed in? You can make them look old but have all kinds of benefits like better gas mileage as well as better take off. I assume you are talking about a manual transmission and not an automatic.
  23. The cheek piece is likely dipped. The rest of it looks like wood. The grip is made from two halves. I like it a lot better than black plastic.
  24. I've done it and dare I say you would be hard pressed to find a more minimalistic gas block than one cut off. Also, it is pinned so there is no chance of it working loose like a gas block held on with screws.
  25. You can do voice through discord. It can be a bit wonky at times but it is better than nothing. If I had to pick one it would be TeamSpeak, it is a download as well but it is a lot easier to manage as an admin and is easier to setup for most. I have A LOT of experience with TeamSpeak. As a client all you do is download the program, connect to a server then chat. No need to register or anything. I didn't realize how much I miss talking to people until last night.


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