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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1. Based on what you have said I would look at something in 223. They are cheaper to reload and if accuracy is what you are looking for you will have to reload to squeeze the most out of your gun. Some guns shoot well with factory ammo but all guns will shoot better once you work up a specific load for the gun. As far as out of the box accuracy I would give the nudge to Savage. If you are on a budget look at the Stevens line of rifles. They are pre Accutrigger Savages and save you a lot especially if you plan on upgrading anyways. The only difference between a Stevens and a Savage is the trigger and stock (depending on model). You can get a Stevens in 223 then replace the stock, this will give you a very accurate firearm without a whole lot of money spent. The factory trigger on the Stevens can be adjusted down to around 3 pounds safely so if that is fine for you then keep the factory trigger. If not then SSS sells a very nice trigger for less than $100. I shoot my 223 out to 400 yards regularly. Holdover isn't the problem, reading the wind always is. I am getting ready to try my hand at a bit farther distance as soon as I get a different barrel, longer tube and faster twist. Dolomite
  2. It has plenty of potential. I plan on using a pistol chambered in 38 Super to build a pistol in the caliber. People have built 1911's and Glocks to shoot the round. There are AR's built to shoot the round, both gas and blowback. If modern bullet designs were used the round would be a very potent round out of a pistol as well as a rifle. Pistol velocities are around 1400-1500 fps while out of a 16" barrel the velocity runs 1800-1850 fps. This is how I use the Tokarev round. It is a Savage that I have chambered in 7.62x25 Tokarev. It has a 16" SS barrel with an 11 twist. The barrel has a tensioning sleeve and the barrel has been lathed concentric to the bore to help with accuracy. I am loading heavy bullets for this one but I can still shoot cheap surplus in a pinch as well as the decent factory ammo. The bolt face was lathed from a diameter of .378" to .400" to clear the .393 rim diameter of the Tokarev. I had one I built a few years ago and really liked it but it had a 24" barrel and a 10 twist. It was really quiet and this one is a bit louder but still manageable with the 16" barrel. This one is still way quieter than a 22lr pistol. The previous one was as quiet as a 16" 10/22 shooting subsonics but still had the muzzle energy of a 357 mag. Because I planned on staying subsonic with anything other than factory I saw no need to go through the extra expense of chambering in 300 Whisper like so many do. The dies for the Tok are cheaper, quality ammo is available as well as surplus and I don't have to fool with making brass. I did a ton of testing last time I had a Savage chambered in this round. This time I have a longer throat so I can make better use of the heavier bullets. Here are some dummys I made up: L-R 150 grain Sierra 30-30 180 grain Speer Hot-Cor 168 grain Sierra SMK 180 grain Sierra Spitzer I am using small rifle primers and I am still working out the powder for this one but it will probably be 3N38 based on some testing I did. I may try a few other powders based on a what a friend recommends. Here are a few pictures of this build: Dolomite
  3. Not likely but maybe the next step would be removing the restrictions on the type of firearm you may use for "self defense". I doubt I would ever use a MG for self defense but I would like to have one in case I needed it. It would be great to go back to pre 86 gun laws where you could purchase a new MG. As it stands right now the cost of most MG's are out of the reach of most enthusiasts, including me. It is because there is a finite amount of transferable MG's in America. If we were able to make and sell new MG's the prices would fall dramatically. In fact most new MG's that are sold to LE or GOV now cost no more than our civilian versions. A man can only hope Dolomite If it ever did happen I would probably be in the poor house trying to feed them.
  4. I got a letter inviting me for interview. I am going to pass though. What is odd is they are asking you to bring family or friends now. I had originally interviewed with them in January 2001 after moving here in 1999 then taking the civil servants test in 2000. I got my first acadmey spot for 2002 but because I had just started working for a department I wanted to see how that panned out before quitting for THP. I have passed on at least 2 academy dates at different times since then. I always called to keep me on the active roles as a backup plan. My veteran's preference kept me pretty high on the roles for a number of years. I am now going to remove myself from the active roles. There is no way I would ever pass the academy with my current injury. Dolomite
  5. I have one now, a few good friends bought me one for my upcoming birthday. It was very unexpected and a very thought out gift as I have been looking at them for at least a year now. You know who you are and I thank you. Dolomite
  6. LMT is a much better bolt and has these features: Has been MPI tested (Magnetic testing for flaws) Pressure tested Shot peened (a form of surface hardening) this could have probably prevented your broken bolt Black extractor spring insert I would definitely upgrade. Dolomite
  7. The kits are like models to some. When I was a kid I liked both and built a few blackpowder kits. Back then you could buy them at department stores that sold guns. It was what probably got me into guns more than anything because I could buy those long before any others, I think I got my first one when I was probably 8 or 9. As far as quality goes I would say most are about the same after all this is 100+ year old technology and the companies whould have it down by now. You will still have to sand and smooth metal and wood if it is a true kit. Some kits are already finished and all you have to do is put the together but to me there is no fun in that. My thoughts on it Dolomite
  8. Any fence built is going to be breached in days, if not hours. It takes boots on the ground to do anything. We already have armed guards, the Border Patrol. Problem is they are unable to do their job. The biggest obstacle is manpower, they do not have enough officers to effectively guard our borders. Even if they did have enough people they would be held back by the current political attitude and punished for enforcing the laws we already have. We have all seen it, officers being charged criminally or sued when they are doing their job too effectively. As far as anchor babies go, once they are able to be placed on a bus back to Mexico they should go. If the mother is in labor then ship her back immediately before she has the child here. If both parents are here illegally then any babies they have should have the same status regardless of where they were born. If one of the parents is illegal and one is here legally then let baby stay with the legal parent but send the illegal one back to the country of citizenship. If at any point the on who was here legally becomes an illegal then the baby should go back with that parent as well. Also, I don't want the illegal mother to be able to put the baby up for adoption, we already have enough American children that should be adopted without adding more. As it stands right now too many American kids wind up in the foster care system which has a systemic problem with abuse. Had those children been adopted the children could have been preventing from experiencing a lot of the abuse. Americans seem to feel a need to adopt children from other countries as a means to help. If someone has some sense of need to help the children from another country send money, don't adopt. All the anchor babies could be prevented if we would just secure the border. We need to hire more and allow the Border Patrol to do their job as effectively as they can. Even if that means a few of the intruders get their feelings hurt over how bad they were treated. Provide the Border Patrol with immunity from prosecution or law suits in all cases except where someone is killed or seriously injured. As a citizen we are protected but illegal aliens should not be afforded the same rights because they are not here legally. Dolomite
  9. Throw it on a scale. You need to know the weight before you can sell it. $27 a penny weight for 14k is today's buy rate at a few local shops I called. 1 pennyweight = 1.55517384 grams Dolomite
  10. I am needing to chrono some loads. I will pay for your time, gas as well as lunch. I am not wanting to purchase one as of yet but I do need to know my velocities for drop charts. I will be doing 223 and some subsonic Tokarev loads. I am in the Knoxvile area and I will come to you if you would like and have a place to shoot. I have a range at my house as well as access to a 550 yard range that is about an hour east of Knoxville. Thanks Dolomite
  11. Breaks like that do happen, nothing new. I have personally seen it a few times and have red about it dozens of times. I have never heard of it with quality parts though I am sure it happens there also. It isn't caused by faluty or overloaded ammo if that is the only thing that broke. Now if the magazine, upper as well as the bolt carrier decided to come apart then I would say it was ammo but in this case I think it was just a matter of the part just breaking. The cause, could be a few things, overuse and just worn out, bolt not a milspec part or maybe just a freak of nature not really sure. Hope J&T does right by you and definitely keep us posted on the outcome. Dolomite
  12. If you are feeling a bit down on life just remember it could be worse, it can always get worse. Trust me I know first hand that when I thought things couldn't get worse I was handed yet more bad news. Dolomite
  13. The best way to shop for a scope is this. Figure out what you must have like mildot, target turrets, lit reticle, etc. Only buy a scope with what you need. Do not get caught up in buying a scope with ALL the bells and whistles because when you do the cost savings by the maker turns what appears to be a decent scope into a pile of junk. They use subpar materials to make up the cost of all those addititional features they add to make them more appealing. If all you need is mildots you can get a decent piece of glass for $200 then. It sounds like you are wanting to see if you like using mildots before buying a higher end scope. I can say I never thought I would like or need a mildot scope. Since buying one I can't imagine being without one. They are easy to use for both ranging and holdover. There are several brands, including Bushnell, in that price range that are great. Mueller Simmons Vortex Hawke Here are a few I would highly recommend: Mueller 4.5-14x40 All Purpose Tactical 30mm Riflescope Simmons 4-14x44 Aetec Master Series Rifle Scope Simmons 6-21x44 .44 Mag Rifle Scope SWFA Riflescopes Hawke Riflescopes Hawke Varmint II Riflescopes Vortex seems to be the flavor right now but I have not owned one yet. I have owned several Simmons, a few Muellers and a Hawke, they are about the same quality for the price. It is just a matter of finding one that has what you are looking for. I have a Hawke Varminter that gets used a lot and it is a great scope for the money. I have had Muellers in the past and they were great as well. Both tracked well and held zero. If it were me spending the money I would get the Mueller because I have had Muellers in the past and have really liked them. Also, it is the only one with a 30mm tube which is generally stronger and gives you more adjustment range which is what you would need for the longer shot. I have not heard one single owner complain about these either. BRANDS TO AVOID IN THE $200 RANGE: NcStar Barska Leapers BSA Sightmark The reason to avoid these is for the reasons mentioned above, they generally have all the bells and whistles like mildot, target turret, illumination, mounts, lens covers and a few other items. All these add cost but reduce the quality of the actual scope. Dolomite
  14. I am really impressed by the officer for a few more reasons. One was wrestling with an offender for as long as he did. Even though it wasn't an all out fight just trying to control a uncooperative suspect can be physically draining. Anyone who has fought anyone for more than a minute or two understands it is a very draining endeavor especially when he has all the additional weight of his gear on. Another is not allowing the other to leave, even though he was no doubt physically exausted he still had enough wits to make sure the other suspect remained in the area. And finally, keeping his cool about the whole thing both during as well as after. He could have easily used a lot more force and been justified but he didn't. He used just enough to keep the suspect in control. Personally I think he should have used a bit more but considering the comments from the crown that could have incited the crown to come to the defense of the suspect. This would have left an officer seriously injured or worse judging by the size of the crowd. My thoughts Dolomite
  15. They hold the recoil spring and buffer captive while you remove the upper receiver from the lower. If not some dumb private would no doubt launch the buffer at one of his buddies. Dolomite
  16. Without a doubt it was justified. Even if he did have pepper spray or a Tazer that would have taken away from his ability to fight off the other. A quick punch to the face evidentally took the fight out of that girl, leaving the officer to deal with the other. The officer was 100% in the right for doing what he did, I don't care who it is. Too bad what is probably going to happen is the waters are going to get muddled with racial accusations. This is going to lead to pressure from community leaders for the officer to appologize for what he did. After that a civil suit will follow because they will say the officer was wrong because he appologized. The jurisdiction will settle out of court to save the money of going to court. In the end the officer will probably resign and go onto another department over the shadow that will surround him. As far as backup it is hard to say what their manning requirements are. In my county we have 2 officers on during peak times and only 1 on during none peak times. I have spoke to numerous officers and all have had to respond to what could have been considered a life threatening call but because they are the only one on it takes close to an hour to get from one side of the county to another. Even when the two officers are on you rarely get a response that is quicker than 15 minutes. I am not knocking the sheriff's officer because they are doing the best they can with the miniscule amount of funding they are being supplied with. Dolomite
  17. I would not shoot any of the HYPER velcity ammo out of a match chambered guns. It may damage the chamber. It isn't likely that you did any damage shooting it as little as you did but I would avoid it. Stingers, the Winchesters at 1640 fps, Aguila Supermax or any with the longer cases. If you comapred the case lengths of those Winchesters to any of the standard ammo you will see it is longer. The longer case can hit the rifling and damage it at the chamber. Sporter chambered guns don't have this problem but then again they don't shoot as well as your guns does. Those are some amazing groups. Shooting an accurate gun is so much more fun! Dolomite
  18. Limp wrist it and they will. I had heard from someone that a Glock would, they also had a video proving it. I called BS, thinking it was some sort of trickery by all the Glock haters in the world. I thought to myself there is no way MY Glock would ever let ME down like that. I immediately walked outside my house and fired both factory as well as HOT handloads out of my Glock 17. Limp wristing it while firing caused it to malfunction numerous times and not just stovepipes. As I stood there in disbelief trying to figure out what had just happened I thought to myself "How could this be?". After all this was a GLOCK, the perfect implement of battle that was designed by God himself and handed down to the prophet Gaston Glock. Afterwards I was a bit heartbroken, as though I had just found out that Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy were not real. Dolomite
  19. My wife picks up old 9mm brass off our deck then uses them to block the hole. They fit perfectly and it seems to have cut down on the numbers substantially. You can't really see the brass unless you are looking for them. Try to make sure the bees are in the hole at the time but if not it still keeps them at bay. Dolomite
  20. Magpul spanked the supplier's ass over that. You won't find any good copies out there. You might find cheap airsoft ones but none that would hold up. Dolomite
  21. I was called by Rex and he said that he had dropped the ball. He had spem other things going on so he got distracted which I can understand. Rex said to go to the show and ask for his nephew who would let me in for free. He actually let me and a few friends in for free. Rex said that after I found the ammo to replace what was taken to let his nephew know and he would pay for it, which he did. No muss, no fuss and I am happy with how well they handled everything. Dolomite
  22. Here is a current timeline: New NFA Timelines thread: post-Nov. 5, 2009 - AR15.COM You can look and get an idea of what kind of timeframe you are looking at. Dolomite
  23. The Ruger's are STEEL!, not aluminum, not plastic (unless you get the 22/45). They will last a lifetime and will be something your great grandkids will be shooting. Look at all the "classic" 22's. They are all steel guns. Like the High Standards, Colt Woodsman, etc. Aluminum wears faster than steel, its a fact. All the guns mentioned are good reliable guns but I don't think any will outlast a all steel Ruger. Dolomite
  24. On the shelves of a local store: Got to love a "Big Chub"! While in Winchester , VA for training about 4 years ago. I was out geocaching with a friend and happened upon this jewel. It is a handicapped parking spot. Funny part is that it is a gravel parking lot and the handicapped sign had been painted onto the gravel. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic but 4 years ago cell phone pictures were all like this. Dolomite


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