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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1. 10 feet from the muzzle. I think something is up with how the "brain" calculates. Dolomite
  2. I suspect the chronograph. Everything that should be over 800 fps reads correctly yest anything under that seems to be reading realy, really low. I have done a lot more testing since posting this and all the numbers indicate the chronograph is lying. I tested the same loads in another 1911. It is a compact model with a 3 1/2" barrel but the numbers for it are also very, very low. 6.5 of Power Pistol and 200 grain cast FP= 219fps 6.0 of Power Pistol and a 230 grain FMJ=138 fps (you can see that there is no way that it is going that slow) Out of the 5" 1911: 6.5 PP+200grain cast FP=336fps 6.0 PP+230 FMJ=235 Out of 17" bolt gun: 6.5 PP+200grain cast FP=1034fps 6.0 PP+230 FMJ=866 And just for kicks a factory WInchester PDX1 230 grain HP out of the 17" gun was 1078fps I am definitely calling in the am to see what the chronograph maker says. Dolomite Dolomite
  3. Thanks, I will. At least 1/2 of the last 100 rounds have been double taps. I am working up loads now and as soon as I get a bunch of loads then I am going to really put some lead thru it. Next time I tear it down for cleaning I'll loosen up the takeup and reset for crud. Honestly every gun I own or owned has had bare minimum takeup and overtravel. I just ran 5 mags thru the gun as fast as I could pull the trigger without issue. (Its great having a range at home ) Dolomite
  4. I am working up loads for a 45 ACP. I am using 200 cast flat points loaded to and OAL of 1.23". I am using Wolf large pistol primers with various types of brass. The bullets themselves are 21 brinnell. I have tried several different powders and worked up loads to near max yet the highest velocity reading is a little over 300 fps. In the same string I have fired a 22lr as a control and the velocity is what I would expect. I have also fired factory ammo and it is within what I would consider normal. The gun cycles and ejects the brass and recoils similar to the factory loads yet I am getting extremely low velocity readings. Is there some sort of magical reason why a cast bullet will only go so fast? I do not want to exeed the max recommended loads. One load was 6.5 grains of Powder Pistol and the max being 6.9 grains. This produced velocities in the 280 FPS range. Another load is 5 grains of Trailboss and the max is 5.1 grains.This produced velocities in the 310 FPS range. And yet another load using 8.3 grains of HS-6 and 8.4 is max. The velocity was ~360 FPS. The recoil was at least as strong as factory ammo. I have plenty of other powders to try but I don't want to spend the time chasing my tail and wasting components. To throw something else in the mix these same loads that are giving me ~300 fps readings are giving me 1000+fps readings in a bolt action rifle (yes I have a bolt action 45 acp). I am getting no leading at either the chamber end or the muzzle end of the bore. This tells me the velocity should be up there but the chronograph isn't showing it. Cycles strong and ejects the empties well. I guess I could just load for what works best but this is a bit crazy to me. Any ideas? Dolomite
  5. My father was renting to a family while he was overseas in the military. The renters hadn't made a payment in a very long time so my father came back to the states to see what what going on. They were still living there and my father told them to settle up or move out. A few weeks later my father came back to an empty house. When I say empty I mean empty, it was a furnished house and when they left they took everything including appliances, light fixtures, sinks, anything they could easily remove. Then there were bullet holes like someone stood in the living room and shot a few rounds thru the house. There was also a some fruit trees that were producing fruit that they cut donw for firewood. My father took them to court and got a judgement. The courts authorized my father to have a towing company pick up the people's vehicles and hold them until they paid for all the damages. The people went back to court and sued my father for their vehicles back. In the end my father had to release the vehicles back to the people. They said they needed the vehicles back so they could work to pay restitution which never happened. This happened in the 80's. Dolomite
  6. Hope so, the only reason why I would go this far is because it is a very solid gun. I have said it before and I will say it over and over again. Out of the box hese are way better than any of the other budget guns, including those that are in the <$800 budget gun category. This particular AC has a frame to slide fit that is magnitudes better than my Colt 1991A1 and the OP's commander version of the AC is also a very tight gun. I realize I will never get my money back but I planned on shooting this one a lot without feeling guilty. If it gets dinged up I am not going to get upset. Dolomite
  7. Yeah but mine is still a work in progress and no doubt mine didn't cost as much as your carry gun. Even before I touched or replaced anything my gun had a 5 1/2 pound trigger, definitely better than most guns in the "budget" category. The hammer is the factory MIM hammer and even though it is "good enough" I am sure it isn't exactly the greatest. I don't want to file on a MIM part knowing it will be getting replaced soon anyways. A new hammer is on my short list and then I will match the sear and hammer up a bit better. As it stands right now it works well enough for me. And other than me tinkering, it has been 100% reliable with everything I have feed it. I am probably over 300 rounds so far with a 500 round box of heads to reload, I just need to get to feeling better. I decided to check the new weight and got 4 pounds 6 ounces and for a carry gun that is fine for me. It was about that light before but decided to try to tweak the 4 finger sear spring and just went too light, nothing against the gun. I also removed a lot of the takeup of a new trigger while I was at it. Now it is near zero take up and near zero overtravel as a matter of fact from start to finish it is .046" or roughly 3/64th of an inch. Reset is only .023" or less than 1/32nd. Dolomite
  8. Had my hammer follow the slide today. Mine did it because I was chasing as light of trigger as I could get. I have replaced all the internals with quality parts but I guess 3 1/4 pounds is just too light. Strengthened the sear spring back up to a little over 4 pounds and all is well again. I started working up handloads but my chronograph became inconsistent in the bright sun of such a beautiful day. Dolomite
  9. I have had them on a pistol. Never really liked them and they actually slowed down rapid fire. It did help accuracy during slow fire at a distance but not up close. Dolomtie
  10. Both are single shot. I was going to work out a mag on the 45 but my wife said she liked it the way it was. The Tokarev was just a project gun so I didn't want to permanently modify anything. I appreciate it but I went overseas knowing the dangers. Dolomite
  11. He has recently dropped off the face of the earth. He hasn't been around for a few weeks now so maybe he hs finally left the area. I suspect he will return when he wears out his welcome where ever he is staying now. And when he doesn't get wha he eants frommour parents he will again start to blame others like me. My parents are in a lot of debt because he used their info to take out loans. They didn't want to report him and have now started making payments so he can't be held now anyways. Local LE is aware of everything here so if anything does happen there will be a background on it. Dolomite
  12. And they charge $15 for the transfer and $10 for the TICS. Dolomite
  13. Definitely need more pics as well as specs on it. I see that is a SBC but there are also a conversion made to use a 32 valve Northstar V-8 in them. Had Pontiac decided to add a V-8 from the factory these would have been a serious competitor to the Corvette. I think Fieros are some of the better looking American sports cars made. V-8 Archie made a living selling kits for these things. V-8 Archie -- Pontiac Fiero V-8 Kits and Kit Cars Not really sure if he is still in business but he is the "go to" guy for V-8 Fieros. I have always wanted one because everyone I have ever spoke to that owned one said they were really fun to drive. I owned a 4 cylinder car and even though it wasn't quick it sure was fun around the corners. Dolomite
  14. We actually had our house sold two days after the first big incident in September of 2009. But after some consideration we decided to wait on selling it. I am in the middle of trying to heal up from a helicopter accident a few years ago. Because I am unable to work and my wife doesn't either because she helps me out I was unable to find a company to finance the purchase of another home. Also, I would hate to move then discover the new doctors treating me are not as good as the ones I have now or that they would give up on me. If we did move we were going to move very, very far away so there is no way I would be able to keep the same doctors. My wife and I built our house in 2003 with our own two hands, literally. We only paid people to do the block work, electrical and the siding(only because the materials and labor was less than materials alone). I hired a few hands to help lifting walls and such but other than that we did everything ourselves. We didn't really want to let my brother's actions force us out but in the end it was the financing issue that keeping us here. Our son should be out of the house soon so that relieves some of the apprehentions we have about all of this. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Dolomite
  15. Smith does most of the work. I would drop off parts along with drawings and let them do their thing. Most times they are wondering what is going thru my mind but the folks at Predator Custom Shop in Knoxvile are great. Sorry OP for the derail. Also, I am far from being as knowledgeable as it may seem. It has taken a long time, countless time and money to get where I am now but I am still learning everyday. As long as it doesn't require machining then I can do most things myself but on a very, very limited basis because of my injuries. I know I say it a lot but I just don't want people to think I don't have to work at everything I do because I do. I battle my injuries everyday and even on good days I have to be very careful. Even small things like going to a range can cause me a lot of problems. Two hours traveling to and from a range and an hour sitting at a bench gurantees me a few days in bed. Dolomite
  16. Not sure if you guys have seen this when I posted it before but here is another project, my wife's 45 ACP bolt gun. The action is a Savage/Stevens 200 with the same bolt head as a .308 Remington, .473. The barrel is a 16 twist Shilen match barrel with a .451 groove that was finished like a Remington action with a shoulder rather than use a barrel nut. The barrel is cut to an overall length of 17" and 1" in diameter up to the chamber. The front sights are Tech Sights that are made for .920 barreled 10/22's. I had the end of the barrel machined for a press it of the Tech Sites. The rear sights are Williams WGRS with a ghost ring. Anyways, here are the pictures, enjoy: Front sight: A few views: Rear sight: Sight picture: The rifle was built for my wife to use for nuisance animals that show up on our property. She has a few other guns she can use but they are either too loud to be used without ears or don't have enough knock down to reliably drop them if the shot isn't perfect. She is a phenomenal shot but sometimes the shots need to be made in the middle of the night in less than ideal conditions and in the past the animals have escaped to no doubt die a miserable death. She liked the idea of ghost ring irons over a red dot because there is nothing to turn on before shooting. The stock is going to be getting replaced at some point, this stock is my project stock that every Savage wears when I am working on them. I can say that even with less than ideal shots this puts down the nuisance animals well. It is also quiet enough that most neighbors don't hear it and it doesn't "ring" your ears if you do have to shoot without hearing protection. Here are some loads, the 250 grain SST's remind me of a midget 450 Bushmater: The others are 230 grain GDHP's that work really well. I recently picked up some Power Pistol and that relly woke the gun up. I have loaded some 200 grain SWC's over the max load of PP and it is amazing how it shoots now, both in power level and the trajectory. It is pretty much point and shoot well past 50 yards which is all we need it for. Even with the max load the primers are still nice and round. Another advantage to this setup is I can use HEAVY bullets. I recently loaded some 300 grain SP's until I started to see pressure signs. It definitely hits hard but has the drop of a mortar, it is great out to about 35 yards though. I think I will try some slower powders to get the velocity up a bit before the pressure builds and see what happens. I have been looking locally for some even heavier stuff to try, I would love to find some 400+ grainers just for grins but I don't think the throat is long enough. Dolomite
  17. The reason he isn't in jail is because every time he gets in trouble they bring up his mental status as a defense. He spends time in a mental hospital until the doctors declare him fit to be released. After hearing of his most recent claims he is going to kill me I spoke with the criminal court clerk about filing charges. I did this on the advice of one of the investigating officers. Clerk said that making open air threats was not against the law but carrying them out was. I asked even if he has the ability to carry out his threats to kill me. And she said again it wasn't against the lasw. I chuckled and asked what they thought should be done. Their response was that the death threats were a civil matter and that I should sue my brother. I asked what I could sue him for and they said for slander. I chuckled again saying that if someone is making threats it isn't slanderous it is against the law. At that point I got a bunch of deer in the headlights looks from all those behind the counter. If anyone wants to verify this, PM me and I'll give you the court clerks number so you can call and ask for yourself if threats are against the law or I'll give you the county and you can look the number up yourself. As with most long time drug users my brother is very manipulative. My parents have enabled him for a very long time probably out of fear more than anything. Yet they have continued to make excuses for him and even today they are looking for someone else to blame for his hepititus C infection. This comes after my brother asked about sharing "things" with a person who died of hep C. My mother has gotten a restraining order but rather than force my brother out of the house, she moved out. As far as getting an order of protection. I had an application that had been signed by the judge. As I was talking to the judge I asked if my brother could get an order signed against me as a form of retaliation. The judge said he would also sign one for my brother if he wanted one against me. I asked the judge to repeat what had just said and he again said that he would sign a protective order for my brother. This is knowing my brother's background and my lack of one. I told the judge that I could not take a chance on that. The judge said a protective order wouldn't stop a bullet anyways if my brother wanted to kill me. I just shook my head, crumpled up the order adn asked th cleark to throw it out. There is a chance I might be able to go back to work. My work requires me to maintain security clearances. If I had a order of protection against me it would more than likely result in my loss of my clearances and thus my ability to work when I get well enough. My brother has been arrested numerous times and LE knows him very well. The officers try to do what they can but when my brother goes to trial for any of it the charges either get dismissed or time served and he goes into a mental health facility for a week or two. I actually had a few good friends in the sheriff's office before all of this blew up a year ago, most have distanced themselves from me over my brother now. Dolomite
  18. I got to thinking about it and thought I would run it by people here. Not going to get into a lot of the background between my brother and I. These are the facts: My brother is a long term, heavy drug user with mental problems (mostly uses meth and oxy). Twice in the past he has attempted to make good on his threats to kill my family and I (most recently with an AK that ended somwhat of a standoff). Now he has hepatitus C and is in the advanced stages of it. He has a staph infection that has created oozing postules over numerous parts of his body. He has smeared his bloody infected puss on others as a means to inflict injury. He has told several people that he has nothing left to loose now that he has hepatitus C. He has also made statements several people that he is going to kill me (complete strangers have warned me). Knowing that he has tried in the past and that he now has a propensity to smear infected body fluids onto people I have a quesiton. Even if he is not armed with a conventional weapon, what would be the ramifications if I drew my pistol if he attempted to approach me in an aggitated or aggressive manner knowing his past? I suspect he will attempt to infect me like he has tried to do to others. I will not allow that to happen because not only would it affect my life but also my immediate family's life. As I said before, it is fact that he has already smeared infected fluids onto others. He has said to numerous people that he will kill me and that he would probably use those fluids to try to do it. Dolomite
  19. I was thinking MICH rather than MSA. Dolomite I'll try to find you a buyer, like I said a few friends were looking for some a little while ago.
  20. From Sportsman's Guide Website I can gurantee that a 7.62x25 out of any rifle is not magnum airgun quiet. I have shot hundreds and probably thousands of 7.62x25 out of a 24.5" barrel and they are not "hearing safe". Out of 16" barrels there is a muzzle blast that accompanies the 1800+ fps velocity. I never tested velocity on the 24.5" gun with surplus but I gurantee it was supersonic. Another problem with the chamber insert is the 7.62x25 uses a .308 bullet and the rifles mentioned do not. Not saying accuracy would be great in something with a .308 bore but it sure wouldn't help having a .311 bore. Maybe that is what I need to do, have a few chamber inserts made to be able to shoot the 7.62x25 in a .308 Winchester. There are inserts to shoot .32 ACP in various .308 guns. Dolomtie
  21. My edit but maybe I will start just to keep my real name out of the mix. I probably need to because I complained about a manager at a store once. Corporate called me then contacted the manager I was complaining about. Within 24 hours my cell phone was ringing off the wall with telemarketers. I called corporate back and they assured me it was coincidence but for the previous 5 years I had not received any and since telling all the telemarketers to stop I have not received any. Too much of a coincidence for me. So from now on my pen name will be Dolomite Supafly Dolomite
  22. Ballistically it is better than any of the 9mm subsonic rounds and probably most standard rounds. At 400 yards it still has the energy of a 9mm although the drop is horrendous. I would say the max limit would be 150 yards and with a 25 yard zero the drop is 15 inches. At 150 yards the energy is comparable to a low end 40 S&W. My build was capable of <1/2" at 100 yard accuracy using handloads. Surplus ammo was lucky to get 1" at 25 yards. I didn't fire a lot of surplus because it was corrosive, hence the use of SS in the last build. I started the original project just to see how it would work out. After I posted a lot of info on different boards I was contacted by a few who are now using my load data in AR's chambered in the round. They practice with cheap surplus then use the very quiet subsonic rounds when they need stealth. I was even told a few LE customers were interested in it. With suppressors I have been told that these are super quiet yet cycle the AR action. I know the rounds feed from a standard AR magazine. I even told one person to try finding some tracers and shooting them at subsonic velocities in FA because I think it would just be the coolest thing to have quiet tracers. It was on my short list of things to try but I never got around to it. I was looking for a 1911 in 38 super as well as a Ruger Blackhawk in 30 carbine. I was going to rechamber both in the Tokarev, The 1911 would shoot supersonic loads and the Ruger would be used to fire the heavy, subsonic loads. I was never able to find any that were reasonalby priced so I put it as well as all the other Tokarev stuff on the back burner for now. I sold most of my Tokarev stuff a few months back but I will be building another with a longer barrel like my original configuration. It was a very fun. Most people who pulled the trigger on it just giggled because it was very quiet, even without a suppresoor. The recoil didn't match the noise level. And now that I have worked out the best twist to get the rounds to tumble they should work well on nuisance animals that show up here. I do not hunt and have not hunted anything for sport since 2001. Dolomite
  23. $200 for which one? The ACH or the MSA? I am not interested but I know a few that were looking for some a while back. Either have mounts? Either cut for comms? Thanks Dolomite
  24. They are types of ballistic helmets. Much better and lightere than the old PAGST helmets. I have a 3A that is very light and fits nice. Just out of curiosity what are you asking for your helmets? Based on this as well as your other posts I assume you are getting out of the business. I got out a few years ago after a helicopter accident. Dolomite
  25. Here is the response I got from corporate: Dolomite


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