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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1.   Can you actually believe what the hell he said? I could not imagine ANY American say what he said, especially after we were attacked.
  2.   I would think you would not be in an trouble. Now if you have a copy of our Constitution, your DD214 or own a gun you are already considered a "domestic terrorist". Hillary has already said gun owners are terrorists so I fully expect to see her throw the entire federal government at us if she gets into office.    We cannot allow her to get into office, no matter what. We must ALL pick the most popular conservative candidate and vote for him. If you have to hold your nose then do it but do not allow her to become president.
  3. All you have to do is look at all they are saying now to realize this is a war, a war that has involved most of the world for at least the last 1,000 years. They have been waging war for a very, very long time and now they are here knocking at our door and what are we going to do? That's right, open the door and let them in. And what sickens me is we cannot come together as a nation to defeat a common enemy. We have Americans who would rather see this be a nation of Islam than be a nation of Americans. I would rather be dead than bow to anyone against my will. We have leaders who ARE committing treason by allowing our enemies to come into our country. John Kerry is now rationalizing the attack on Charlie Hebdo attack implying the attack was justified and that they should not have insulted Mohammed. Imagine that will go over well with the French. I swear our leadership is doing everything in their power to destroy my country. Here is a video that details the Muslim aggression, yes I have posted it before. They have been at war for ~1,400+ years and we have sat idly by while they have gotten stronger and stronger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo  Now, because we have sat idly by, they are on our shores. They are planning, equipping and preparing for their final battle with the "great infidel" and most Americans refuse to acknowledge it. All you have to do is listen to them because they are telling us EXACTLY what they are going to do to us and we are too arrogant to believe they actually could be successful.   At this point I am not sure we can win because no one is willing to do what MUST be done to win.  
  4.   But find me a single school administrator that will allow someone to teach who is not a teacher. Not going to happen unless someone is putting money in someone's pocket, forget about doing things just for the good of it.
  5. But we will not let them in because they are NOT Muslim.   I posted that video a while back. They are using the old school tactic of out breeding the host country. They have been doing it here for decades and we WILL see exactly what has happened in video in the streets here. There will be fighting in the streets and those who are against our enemies will be persecuted by our government. They will come here buy up arms to kill us and when they do it will be the guns, the NRA or white privilege that will be blamed. Those who want to destroy us will demand action and they will get it.   Our government will coddle and protect them as they destroy this country. As I said we will continue to pacify these animals until they kill every single one of us. The ONLY way to stop people who want to kill you is to kill them first, period. If there is one thing the US is good at it is wholesale killing of people, we should be doing that instead of playing these silly games. There should be so many bombs being dropped right now that they will blot out the sun.   We MUST lock down the borders NOW. Not a single soul should be allowed in this country from this point forward.
  6. Nukes will not end this war and the only thing it will do is turn the world against us.   Now is the time to demand that every Muslim country declare that they are either with us or against us and nothing in between. If they are with us they MUST prove it by actions and if they will not clearly say they are with us then they are the enemy and we should declare war upon those Muslim countries unwilling to help us rid the world of these extremists. At a bare minimum we MUST suspend aid for any country that is unwilling to stand with us. Right now we give aid to those who hate us hoping the almighty greenback will win them over but it never does. All it does is piss them off even more when we do not send more, more, more aid. With the money we send to those countries that we do not consider allies we could fix the problems our veterans are having.   If we cannot find, or influence, a Muslim ally to do what needs to be done then we MUST do it ourselves. Now is not the time to sit on our hands and wait. We must do whatever we can do RIGHT NOW to safeguard our way of life but more importantly to safeguard our children. They are planning to attack our children because they know that will bring us to our knees. They also know that in doing so our leadership will use it to disarm us which plays right into what our Muslim aggressors, and their allies, want.   For the US to win we MUST do things that will change us all and turn our stomachs, no other way. The only way to end this is to do exactly to them what they are threatening to do to us. If they are threatening, planning or try kill our kids then we must do the same to them. This war is unwinnable until we come to terms with the fact we must kill every single person who wants to kill us. And right now we, as a nation, are unwilling to do that. We want to use the words of pacifists when dealing with them. What we need is a leader who will stand in front of the world and declare war, war on every single person who wishes harm upon the US or its citizens. We need a leader that will tell the world that if they continue their aggression that we will kill their children, their wives and their families. Then our leader must have the intestinal fortitude to actually follow through and not repeatedly draw imaginary lines in the sand every time our bluff is called. Right now we do not have any leader who will do this and the world knows it.   But to do that we must commit and I mean REALLY commit. Everyone in the nation MUST come together as one but we cannot even get our citizens to come together without arguing over everything. We MUST suspend the PC bullshit we are seeing here and call people what they are. We cannot win unless we come together as a nation and that will not happen for many lifetimes, if ever. And to prevent our children from knowing war we MUST defeat our enemies and do so NOW and with everything we have rather than our current policy of "just barely enough". We must never accept any form of surrender and fight until one of us is gone from the face of the earth. But what is going to happen is the continued pacification of those who want to kill us. We will continue to send aid and arms to our killers until we take our last dying breath as a nation.     They get to become one of the 72 virgins so they can be raped for all eternity.
  7. I was watching a foreign news cast and they brought up something that I thought was genius. I thought to myself that it is something that we should be doing here.   There is a push by some people in other countries to change what is taught to our children and with all the change we are seeing recently why not do the same here. In addition to reading, writing and arithmetic we should also be teaching our children basic first aid in schools.   I am not talking about starting IV's, minor surgery or doing a tracheotomies but basic first aid. Like teaching children CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and the basics of how to stop bleeding. Do a basic lifesaving course to teach the ABCs of saving someone.   Imagine how many lives could be saved if everyone in this country had a basic understanding of first aid.
  8. I wonder how the attackers age correspond to the formation of the European Union and the freedom of movement afterwards? That is after the immigration became more lax did the parents of these attackers move to EU with the intent of having their children fight at some point in the future.   I can guarantee that the Paris attackers have had some intense training or have been involved with the fighting before the attack. Even with a full auto AK you cannot just spray and pray and get the numbers they got without some sort of training. It would have taken a lot more ammunition than they could carry if they were not aiming and just spraying. Look at the shield used by the entry team and you will see they were able to return well aimed fire while being fired upon and that takes a certain amount of comfort to be able to be able to do that rather than try to escape or hide. At a bare minimum they were trained by someone who has the knowledge and skills to effectively run an AK but I believe these were experienced fighters. And the coordination between them all prior to and during the attack would involve a lot more people than just the attackers. Highly unlikely that the attackers constructed the suicide vests or procured the other weapons and equipment themselves. And to prove that there were more involved, the Polizei stopped a vehicle full of weapons and explosives that was headed to Paris in the hours following the attack.   And having the intestinal fortitude to stand toe to toe with authorities and exchange well aimed gun fire is another reason I believe they have been fighting in Syria. That takes more than just training to become comfortable with knowing you are going to die. Maybe it was just a bunch of really intense propaganda that made them comfortable with dying but I doubt it.   If you look at our recent Muslim attacks, Chattanooga and Texas, you will see the difference between well trained attackers and those who are not. In both of the attacks the death tolls could have been much, much worse had they had the same training, equipment and experience as the Paris attackers. Our attackers, so far, are not very well trained or equipped compared to the Paris attacks. So far our attacks, since 9/11, have been relatively inconsequential when you compare it to attacks in the rest of the world by the terrorists. I believe the reason why is the ease with which they can get real world experience in fighting compared to here. No one will know how they will act when faced with death unless they have been faced with death before. I do not believe they would try to carry out such a large, coordinated attack with terrorists who are untested under fire. But I can guarantee they are trying to change this. Plenty of soft targets that could result in numbers far greater than Paris or most other attacks in recent years.   I hope I am wrong but I believe the first major terrorist attack since 9/11 will involve our children. They know that would devastate the country more than anything else. Increasingly the terrorists are showing more and more interest in our children's schools. And that goes right along with what they do in other countries right now. They are constantly attacking and destroying schools in other countries so it will likely be the same here at some point. It has also been reported that elementary school blueprints have been found in terrorist hands. I hope it never happens but in the meantime we should be arming anyone who can protect our children. Pay the teachers extra for carrying, allow parents (who are trained and vetted) to protect the schools if they want to and make sure the RSOs have every piece of equipment they need to keep our children safe.   BTW, most of our attacks that people are considering "terrorist attacks" are not. Adam Lanza was just some crazy person and not a terrorist. Laughner was another crazy that was not a terrorist. Most of our attacks have been committed by crazy people because of a political agenda and not for religious reasons like the Paris attackers. All you have to do is look at the names to realize the majority of mass attacks in the United States have not been by jihadists. Yes there have been a few but they are relatively minor compared to most other attacks committed across the globe in the name of Allah. An attack on a mall like Nairobi, especially on Black Friday, would cripple the nation with fear and especially so if there were high numbers of victims or if something other than a firearms was used. Remember the hysteria the anthrax scare caused?   We are in a world war by every definition. The fight against the jihadist involves dozens of countries including world super powers. We need to start acting like this is a fight for our own survival, for our way of life and our freedoms because if we loose this war most of us here will be killed along with our families. I know I have a very, very uneasy feeling knowing our government, specifically our President, is not taking this threat very seriously. And because of his lackadaisical attitude towards all of this he is setting us up for a MAJOR attack.   We, as Americans, cannot expect to win a fight against these terrorists. It takes a Muslim to defeat a Muslim because every time we kill a Muslim the terrorists use it as propaganda to get more support for the fight against the west. At a bare minimum if we kill one then his family will be against us. We must use our influence to force our Muslim "allies", I used that term very loosely, to help us defeat ISIS because we cannot do it as non Muslim. Well we could but every country on the globe would condemn us for doing it.   Everyone should be carrying a firearm these days.
  9. Is he still taking work? He is the production manager for DDI. This is a very, as in flat tip screwdriver, simple. If you have changed a light bulb you can do this.
  10. BTW, I bet they will bus them into the states refusing to accept them.
  11. But what about the ones already here?   If every state in the Union refused that would only leave one place and I believe DC would be the PERFECT place for all these refugees. Should be a requirement that everyone who approved this crap take in at least one in their household to live with THEIR family.
  12. Should just be able to take the thumbhole stock off then put the REAL parts on it.
  13. What kind of gun are you starting with?   I am assuming a Saiga and if you they are really easy. The hardest part us removing all the useless parts.
  14. Forget about any guns built by Century. I am talking about their U.S. made guns not those they import. The U.S. Made guns are being built using cast parts and they ARE failing. The only AK I would buy in today's market is a current, as in 2013 or newer, WASR. They ARE the best factory built AK on the market. Second would be the Russian made Saigas we are seeing on the market recently. The WASR is not the POS if the past. The Romanians finally got their act together. I base this on the fact I have owned at least a dozen AKs in the past two years, half were Romanian guns and the other half was a mix of various makes, models and countries of origin.
  15. It took a lot for me to walk away from the AR platform but I am glad I did. If I am expecting, or planning for, trouble I will grab an AK before an AR. The AK is more reliable, shorter when folded, offers better penetration and is just a lot more durable than a typical AR.
  16. I would have ZERO problems with killing ANYONE with ANY ties to ANY terroristic group. Someone likes a Facebook post about killing Americans, snatch them up and make them disappear. Donate to ANY terrorist organization, snatch them up, seize their bank accounts then make them disappear. As a regular citizen once you travel and stay in ANY country known to harbor, train or aid terrorists you are barred from entry into the US, even as a US citizen, until you are cleared for reentry. Anyone who migrated here from a terrorist country should be immediately deported unless they also have done one of the things above and in that case make them disappear. This is no longer a Global War on Terror. It is now WWIII with the muslims being the biggest player and threat. We cannot defeat them totally because we do not have the strength, the allies or the intestinal fortitude to do what MUST be done. Every 10-15 years another generation of muslim fighters mature to continue the fight. To stop this you must stop them from reaching fighting age and that is not something we, as a country, is ready for yet and my never be ready to do. We will get drawn into a fight with Russia and China of Assad then we will be in a fight for our lives and all the while people of this country will be complaining about having their feelings hurt. I say we start by securing our borders with a few armored divisions. I mean 100% secure with ZERO traffic going either way. Setup a two mile wide live fire zone and anyone caught in that zone is killed, no warning shots or second chances. And any type of engagements must be excessive. I had a good friend in Afghanistan and he said he would fire TOW missiles at a single fighter, this is the type of overwhelming firepower we must deploy. Setup the military rotation as 6 months overseas, 6 months on our southern border and one year at home with your family. And above all else make sure to vet all these Syrian refugees coming here. Every picture I have seen of the refugees coming here has nothing but males in the 18-25 age group. No females, no children or old people. Our government in their stupidity has decided to pick up the tabs for our enemies to come here. And once here they supply them with the fund needed to buy the equipment needed to attack us. They have already confirmed that some of the attackers in Paris came in with the refugees. Here is a picture of all those "refugees" attempting to flee the Syrian conflict and come to the US. I bet the majority of those 10,000 HATE the US. Not too many children or women that I can see and based on how they have acted in other "host" countries I can see this going sideways very, very soon.
  17. This one is hard to beat for a long range gun. http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/36_793/products_id/90759/DPMS+RFLR-G2B24+GII+Bull+20%2B1+308WIN7.62NATO+24%22   But as I said try to get the G2 over the G1. The G2 is much better and much lighter than the G1. It is not even an AR10 because it is very, very different than any other 308 based AR.
  18. http://www.randomdiscountars.com/cart/product_info.php?products_id=79   https://lanbosarmory.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=24_29_30_31&products_id=30826&zenid=68a575a18fcb2960eed27b293560371d   Cheaper than Dirt has a bunch of different models as well.   Buds has a bunch: http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/index.php/cPath/36_793/DPMS+Panther+Arms/
  19. I do, and have been, carrying an AK with me everywhere I go. That has been my default setup for a very, very long time. Because it is a "pistol" I can legally carry it anywhere I carry my sidearm. The only change I might make to my carry plan is to now include more ammunition and possibly my body armor. I do need to pick up a set of AR500 plates as my armor only has soft armor at the moment. Beyond that there is not much more I can do other than avoid going to any population center unless I absolutely have to. It is not to that point yet but it will be in the near future I fear.   As far as defeating the ISIS threat that will have to be done by fellow muslims. Every time we, the great infidel, kill a terrorist he is glorified as a martyr and used to get people to join. The only way to prevent that is for moderate muslims to be killing radical muslims but make no mistake ALL muslims would defend their religion against any infidel.   They have been at this "jihad" thing for a very, very long time. They are playing the long game while we are playing a short one. They know exactly what they are doing here and everywhere. We are foolish to think WE can effect change within the muslim community.   Right now it is estimated that 13% of muslims in the US are radicalized. For the sake of polling errors lets cut that number to 10%. And the poll asked if violence against civilians is often, sometimes or rarely justified to defend Islam. Now the population of muslims in the US is ~2.6 million and of those at least 260,000 should fit the definition of "radical". Look at the carnage a handful of terrorists did on 9/11 and in Paris. So even if just 1% (2,600) of the radicalized muslims went on the offensive here it would cripple us with fear. And people are so clueless and complacent that the terrorists could be practicing in broad daylight and people would not notice or care. And even if they did notice and reported it they would immediately be labeled a racist because of all the PC bullshit going on in the US right now.   Look at all that has happened in the last 20 years in most European country and you will see what will happen here. They are definitely stepping up their operational tempo, both overtly and covertly. And they are everywhere, like in positions of authority or positions where they can have a major influence. I wonder how many muslims are working inside of Y12? Or working at any of the many dams we have in the area. Imagine an explosive large enough to cause a dam to fail? Several years ago a group of "tourists", err terrorists, we caught taking pictures of Norris dam and right after fencing went up all around it. You could fish right next to the dam but not any longer. Imagine the problems it would cause if a device were detonated on one of the many bridges crossing the Mississippi? But that is not my biggest concern. My biggest concern is some sort of biological attack because people are complacent and do not want to do things for the good of others. We seen that when we had Ebola exposed workers refusing to stay inside their homes during the incubation period.   I read the PowerPoint that TGO David linked. In that is says that they are targeting schools because that is what we, as a country, cherish and would have the largest impact. They do not practice taking hostages, they do not practice escape and they are probing our LE community looking for weaknesses and response times. Attacks like we seen in Paris WILL happen here at some point and they go into it believing they are going to die.
  20. Read every slide, definitely something every officer, EMT, fireman and city manager here should read.
  21. +1,000 David is a great guy and you will not find them cheaper.
  22. I used to smoke and at the same time in my life I was poor. I can easily see someone not buying a lighter because they cannot afford it. Yeah I know, if they can't afford a lighter they should not be smoking but some people cannot or do not want to quit. I have bummed a light hundreds of times because I did not have a way to light a cigarette. Does it say that the only thing he bought was cigarettes? But even so what does it matter. It is perfectly legal to buy cigarettes only. Since when is smoking synonymous with being s bad guy? There have been times when all I could afford was rolling papers and a bag of tobacco. Lucky for me back then a lot of places that sold tobacco would also give you a book of matches if you ask. I agree she did not act like most of us would but none of us know how scared she really was and it is that fear that caused her to draw her firearm, not because she wanted to. I do believe she overreacted if you assume she is in perfect health but if she is not or is feeble that could make her fear for her life. I can say that because I am disabled I would react differently than someone who is not. Perhaps require her to attend a firearms training class like a driving class for those who do not follow the rules of the road. After all the instructor of her HCP class could have told her she can draw any time she is in fear for her life and maybe, in her mind, her life was in danger. And a lot of random assaults start with a conversation to put the victim at ease before the criminal goes on the attack. As far as turning and coming back there could be several reasons why. Maybe the lady just lit her own cigarette and the guy figured he would bum a light from her. Maybe the guy was walking or his car did not have a lighter. No reason to assume that the guy was a bad guy because he circled back. And with that I will not assume a 67 year old lady is a bad person for doing what she thought she HAD to.
  23. If you want I can make you a stop. Pretty simple to make.


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