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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1. So, you are wanting to test to see what the limit is? Well I got you bud. PM, thousands of them, are inbound. Just send me a PM when you have reached the limit, hopefully my inbox is not full.
  2. There are solvents that will remove rattle can without damaging the original paint. Things that are painted with rattle csn tend to be pretty decent shape underneath.
  3. Give me a call.
  4.   As an AK owner I will say that every steel AK magazine I own will probably outlast humanity.
  5. The ONLY AR10 style rifle I would own would be the DPMS G2. All other AR10s, in that price range, will have issues.   The DPMS G2 is a total redesign making it a much nicer, and more reliable, weapon. It is lighter than any other AR10 on the market and from all accounts pretty accurate as well. It is the only "budget" AR10 that can actually stand up to heavy use.
  6. Missouri Bullet Company if you are shooting coated bullets.   I would STRONGLY recommend getting the coated bullets rather than the bare, lubed ones. They can be pushed as hard as jacketed, do not wear the barrel like jacketed, less smoke, no exposure to lead and are cheaper than jacketed or plated bullets.
  7. I will be the first to admit I am a big baby around my grand child. It is a battle to keep from balling my eyes out and sometimes i loose that battle. It is hard to explain and unless you have a child or grand child it is hard to understand.
  8. WD40 is not an oil so when you try to use it as an oil it leaves a lot to be desired. As a cleaner it is one of the better gun cleaners out there.
  9. Hose the gun down with WD-40 and let it set for 15 minutes then blow it out with high pressure air. Make sure to really saturate the firing pin channel from the breech face. This normally fixes most guns with a lot of rounds or if if gas been sitting.
  10. http://www.akoperatorsunionlocal4774.com/2015/10/ak-cast-trunnion-fail-on-ras47-boom/ The RAS47 now uses a cast trunion. And they're failing in a dramatic fashion because of it. It is a low volume gun and if it is used for high volume use it WILL fail. If your front trunion has a parting line it is a cast trunion and it will fail with even a moderate amount of use. There are confirmed reports of EASEs going in excess of 75k rounds of full auto fire without fail.
  11. WASRs of today are some of the best AKs, if not the best AK, on the market.
  12. Congratulations. You are about to embark on the hardest job you will ever do but also the most rewarding. Cherish every second you can because they grow up faster than you can ever imagine. Our granddaughter was born a year ago today and it seems like yesterday. I told myself if in had a daughter I would keep her chained to a radiator and for every person who hurt her there would be a picture on a milk carton and shallow depression deep in the woods. Didn't have a daughter but now i have a granddaughter.
  13. But if i am reading it right their refusal to hear it upholds the lower court's decision that the ban on certain weapons is constitutional. Prepare for a massive legislative wave of places banning them now. Just hope Tennessee doesn't but i bet we will within 10 years.
  14. The reason i carry a rifle in my truck is because of what i have in my house. If i come home to someone in my home it is a safe assumption they have killed my dogs and have guns, perhaps even my guns. And without a long gun I am at a disadvantage.
  15. But that does not count because it does not fit their definition.
  16. Christie is a Democrat by every definition. I would rather chop all my fingers off than hit the vote button for him. I called that when he first broke out into the political scene and he went on to further remove gun rights after he was elected. I can only assume he would do the same on a national level.
  17. And if successful it would not be a mass shooting. Kind of as catch 22. On one hand if a good guy with a gun did stop a mass shooter it would be a failure to some because at least four were killed. But if successful in preventing a mass shooting it would not even be classified as a mass shooting. Just another example of setting up criteria to make sure it fits a certain narrative
  18. My sister in law is an idiotic liberal, worst than most. Last time, as in the last time as well as never again, shev was at my house my wife handed her an AK and my sister in law pooches her stomach out, walked around bow legged and put her tongue inside her lower lip like she had a chew in. She then made grunting noises like she thinks we act. It took every bit of strength i had not to kick her out of the house. And the only reason why I did not was because of my wife. Now my SIL is blasting Facebook that we should allow as many Muslims in the country as we can because Muslims are good people. She also believes that gun laws will make bad guys have a change of heart. I secretly wish she suffers a home invasion but knowing her she will try to give them a hug. She also believes the government should regulate everything she doesn't like. If she had her way anyone with a different opinion would d be tossed in jail. If justify never see her again it will be too soon.
  19. Find a FLIR unit from a Cadillac. They came in early 2000 models and can be found for $250-$300. Then use the wiring diagrams online to hook it up to a small automotive LCD screen.   They work better than any of these although they do not do heat differentiation in color.
  20. For anyone trying to justify this because of the crusades let me dispel that as hogwash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo   Islam was attempting to take over the world and the crusades were in response to Islamic aggression not the other way around. Islam started it and the crusades tried to stop it. The crusades stopped almost immediately as soon as they started but jihad has not stopped once in 1,500 years. They will not stop until every one of us here are either Muslim or dead, period. And the worst part is a lot of Americans would rather live as a Muslim slave than be called a racist, islamaphobe or some other label.
  21. http://toprightnews.com/breaking-isis-just-responded-to-the-san-bernadino-shooting-with-this-chilling-message/ UPDATE: REPORT CONFIRMED (7:02pm PT ): Law enforcement officials have identified “Syed Farook” as one of the suspected shooters who attacked a center for the disabled in San Bernardino, California, according to NBC News. The Daily Beast has learned that the police have just executed a search warrant at a Redlands, California address—an address that belongs to Farook’s family. (Farook photo supplied below)
  22. I think he read the news that the North won. :)
  23. Do you have any you can post? This administration will down play the terrorist attack aspect of it. According to them it will be a failure of congress to pass "common size gun laws" that caused this, not the bad guys. They will not isentify these shooters as "terrorists" like they have said about gun owners and veterans. These murderers will be shielded behind their religion and anyone calling them terrorists will be labeled as a racist. This is all part of the plan, minimize the terrorist portion of it then use it as a means to further violate the protections afforded us by the Cinstitution. What is going to upset me more than anything else is these attacks will continue to happen and our government will continue to let more and more "Syrians" in th country. With this happening we should have our borders locked down tight and suspend immigration until we can at least verify who they are.
  24. Pipe bomb at scene
  25. Earily similar Paris.


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