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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1. Oh by the way enjoy the restocking fees when you return it. You guys are going to be out the return shipping as well as their restocking fee of $7.50. So you spend $26.99 plus shipping hoping for a $729 item but in reality you spend $26.99 + shipping to get $19.50 refunded minus your shipping fees.   Who said gambling pays.   Dolomite
  2. It is not the whole kit.   I spoke to them and there were two options. The entry kit which is the one for $729 and what she called the marksman (read magazine) kit which was $26.99   If it is too good to be true it is.     Dolomite
  3. That is for the magazine only. The upper is $729. They are sold out of the uppers. I called to verify. Dolomite
  4. Like I said before we forget who screwed us the last time. As Yeager said CTD inflates their prices and they have done it every time their is a "crisis" they can make a profit. CTD did it in 2004 when high caps became legal again by charging an exuberant amount. They did it in when Obama was elected both times and now they are profiteering off of us because they can't let a crisis go to waste. I have not ordered anything from CTD for at least a decade. And they are not the only retailer doing this. We realistically need to remember who screwed us in the past but so easily we forget that fact. Dolomite
  5. Walmart will do transfers to other dealers. Dolomite
  6. People have budgets and they live within those budgets. I would love to drive my Ferrari to my 30k square foot mansion and shoot my $15k rifle on my 1,000 yard indoor range. But I live in the real world under MY budget, no one else's. And my budget dictates what I can afford just likd the OP. The OP came with a request that was within HIS budget, not yours. Good for you that you can afford a $1,500 scope but not everyone can. Which is better? Not shooting a gun while you save or shooting while you save? Dolomite
  7. So every $500 scope is not a decent scope? Dolomite
  8. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="MSG Jano" data-cid="865121" data-time="1356095851"You've purchased a good rifle, you're putting it into a different stock, and you’re adding a bipod...why would you put junk on top of it? Save up and get a decent scope, meaning at least triple your current amount.</blockquote> Not everybody can afford or justify a $1,500 scope. $500 is a great budget for his purposes and his rifle. Dolomite
  9. I have posted these stories before but there are dealers who rape the local stores and buy EVERYTHING. Then they mark the ammo up 200%-300%. I wish I could start a thread of those gouging dealers so we could refuse to buy from them and put them out of business when they need us during normal times.   All dealers need their customers to survive during normal times. If we could just remember paying $40 a brick for 22 when things settle down then refuse to buy from that dealer then he would be forced out of business and never gouge us again. Dealers need us to survive during normal times. The show in Knoxville next week will have tons of guns with Walmart tags on them, guaranteed. And most will be marked up 30%-50%. Same thing with the ammo they buy from Walmart. They create the shortage by buying up everything just so they can make a windfall. And as far as Walmart goes, when was the last time you seen them gouge? As a matter of fact I have seen them drop prices when other dealers are raising prices.   Dealers are going to mark things up but it is us, the customers, that so easily forget that they did. I know there are several dealers at the gun shows that I refuse to buy from and tell anyone who will listen to not buy from them as well. I have even stood right in front of the dealer and told potential customers that they don't want to buy from him and why. Every single one of the dealers I refuse to buy from have proven, time and time again, to be an enemy to their customers.   The problem with gouging is this. It will cause the prices to elevate and never come down. A dealer marks his ammo up and realizes people will pay that elevated price so he never reduces his prices. The distributors realize that the dealers are making a windfall so the distributors raise their prices to secure more of the profits. And then when the dealer has to ask elevated prices because he paid elevated prices the dealer will not come down to where it was before he raised prices, at least not without loosing money. The dealer starts the madness not realizing he is the one who will get screwed but only second to the customer. And that is where the solution lies, the customer. If we all decided to wait a few weeks to buy what we NEEDED demand wouldn't have shot up and in turn the prices wouldn't have shot up. Nothing, prices or supply, would have changed from where it has been for the last 2-3 months.   Know what I bought when news broke of an impending shortage? Nothing. Why? because I have slowly, over the course of a few years, gathered what I need. And I can honestly say there is nothing I need and not a whole lot of things I want to be able to continue to shoot like normal.   Dolomite
  10.   That is a great sign that they are looking at ways to speed the process up some.   Ideally I would like to see a electronic background check system like they do for firearms. Your first one takes forever as usual then afterwards you can be verified electronically and walk out with your NFA item. We have the technology to make it happen it is just the federal government doesn't see it being profitable under the current system. Have your dealer fill out the paperwork electronically and take a current picture to attach to the file. Upload everything then the name and SSN gets bounced off of all the databases they ALREADY have and use. If nothing needs more investigating then you get the all clear, your dealer prints off your approved form and you walk out with your NFA item.   This would eliminate 99.9% of the labor intensive searchs the ATF agents are currently doing for ALL the applicants. This would free them up for those that need more investigating. But more importantly it would let 1,000's of dealers do the labor intensive part of the background check rather than the agents themselves. 9 out of 10 people I have talked to said they want an NFA item but don't do it because of the wait.   Imagine being able to buy and use your item the same day. Or better yet remove silencers from the registry all together. Countries around the world that have strong gun laws all allow silencers without the need to register them. I guess they figure the silencer is harmless without the gun.   Dolomite
  11. I would avoid the bullet drop reticles. The reason is they work with one bullet, at one velocity in one weather condition. I have had a bunch of BDC reticles over the years and very rarely do they work as intended. I would look at a mildot reticle. It is a much more useful reticle when it comes to determining range as well as a quick holdover.   I never thought I needed a mildot until I got my first. Now every scope I buy has to be a mildot.   What I normally do is make a chart for the drop and stick it inside the scope's objective cover. It has my adjustments that need to be made on the turret as well as a quick mildot holdover. I rarely use the mildot for quick shots and turn the turrets 90% of the time to get on target.   The math to range a target can be done in your head as well. It is a super simple formula. Take the target height, multiply by 1,000 then divide the target by the number of mildots that cover it. Thats it. And whatever units, meters or yeards or feet or even inches, are used on the front end that is what comes out on the back end. Take a 2 meter tall target, multiply by 1,000. This gives you 2,000. Then lay the reticle over the target and the target is 3 mil tall in the scope. Now you devide the 2,000 by 4 and the result is 500. So that target is 500 meters. You can use the average height for a deer at the shoulders as well. Or the height of the average door of a building. There are plenty of things you can use to judge distance. As long as you have an idea of the height or width of the target you can get the distance.   And once you have your distance you just refer to your chart and turn your turret to the correct adjustment. Which brings me to another thing that a decent mildt scope needs. Easily adjustable turrets. You also want turrets that can be reset once zeroed. Most tactical or precision scopes while most hunting scopes do not have a way to zero the turrets back out once the scope is zeroed.   Ideally you want the turrets graduations to match the reticle. That is if the reticle is mil then the turrets need to be mil. The reason why this is important is if you are shooting and you see the "splash" is say 1 mil low. You can just add 1 mil to the turrets and be on target. If you have a mil reticle and moa turrets then you need to do a conversion that is impossible to do in my head.   And finally, it might make it a little out of your price range but you want a first focal plane scope. This means the mildot reticle works at all magnifications. Normally the mildot only works at one magnification.   I would make sure the turrets matched the reticle before getting a FFP scope.   If you are LE I would also look at Burris. They used to offer a 55% (yes 55!!!!) discount to LE or military.   Here are a few that would work fine for you in your price range. Just make sure to get a mildot. http://www.opticsplanet.com/millett-6-25x56mm-lrs-1-1-mil-click-illuminated-multi-coated-matte-long-range-riflesc.html http://www.opticsplanet.com/vortex-riflescopes-vpr-m-05fp.html http://www.opticsplanet.com/burris-3-5-10x-42mm-mtac-g2b-mil-dot-reticle-rifle-scope.html http://www.opticsplanet.com/hawke-sport-optics-sidewinder-30-4-5-14x38mm-side-focus-rifle-scope.html   http://swfa.com/SWFA-SS-MRAD-Scopes-C4225.aspx http://swfa.com/SWFA-SS-MOA-Scopes-C4226.aspx   For my top pick this would be it: http://www.midwayusa.com/product/183567/vortex-viper-hs-tactical-rifle-scope-30mm-tube-5-15x-44mm-side-focus-1-10-mil-adjustments-mil-dot-reticle-matte   I have been hearing GREAT things about this scope as well: https://www.primaryarms.com/Primary_Arms_4_14X44_FFP_Scope_p/pa4-14xffp.htm It has EVERYTHING it should. Mildot reticle, 1/10 mil adjustments to match the reticle, first focal plan so you can range at ANY magnification. And a top notch warranty. They even have blems for under $200 that way you won't have a lot of money to see if you like a mildot setup. The only problem is you might run out of elevation at the rather distances.   Dolomite
  12. I will say you are probably a little premature to expect your check to get cashed. And they likely will not have any information for you if it hasn't. I know when I called BEFORE the check cashed they said they had no record of me. And when the check cashed it took close to a month for me to show up as pending in the system. This was back when things went quickly.   Here was my timeline last year: 1. NFA Item: Suppressor 2. Form Type: Form 1 3. Transferee Type: Individual 4. Forms Sent: 1 April 2011 5. Delivered: 5 April 2011 6. Personal Check Cashed: 12 April 2011 7. Pending Date: 9 May 2011 8. Approved Date: 1 July 2011 9. Forms Received: ??? 10. Examiner: Suzanne Santa Maria   Here is a pretty good thread for judging wait times: http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_6_17/295509_New_NFA_Timelines_thread__post_Nov__5__2009.html&page=102   Dolomite
  13. You think some people have an attitude now. Deputize a few million and there is bound to be a few who think they have full on LE, kick the door down, powers. And even if they did, like Rusty said, the legal ramification would be monumental if one of those "deputies" did something to hurt someoen else.   Interesting idea though.   Dolomite
  14. I have never had an issue with MI. Every time I call they pick up the phone and have always been helpful.   Dolomite
  15. I found this and got a really good chuckle out of it.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZO_cKASmA8   Dolomite
  16. Could also be a bait and switch by the administration with the media helping. I mean if it isn't on television people will forget about it. People then concentrate on something else and the gun control measures will be easier to get passed under the radar. I honestly belive that the administration is so bold they would push it through regardles of how many constituents call or write their offices. We will see because I am gonig tos tart writing a letter a day while they are on break.   One of the biggest things we need to make sure of is if there is a vote it needs to be a by name vote and not a voice vote. Voice votes is where whoever makes the most noise wins and the noise level is subjective to the person asking for the vote. This is how Charlie Rangel, yes the same one with ethics violations and a slew of other violations, was able to get the Hughes ammendment banning machine guns passed.   Dolomite
  17. I demand on ankle socks be produced from now on because it makes it more difficult to swing a poo filled sock. But in doing so it also makes it easier to throw poo filled socks like a baseball. Damn if you do and damn if you don't.   Dolomite
  18. For that kind of money go buy a Nikon P22. They are $150 and have a $30 mail in rebate on the BDC reticle model.   For a comparable scope to the UTG but much cheaper head to Walmart and look at the Centerpoint scopes. They are identical to the UTG and about $30 cheaper.   1" refers to the size of the hole not the ring height. Some scope have a 1" tube and some don't. The rings that say 1" are for scopes with a 1" tube. And for a AR15 make sure to get the "weaver" or "picatinny" style that are 7/8" wide and NOT the 3/8" "tip off" mounts.   Dolomite
  19.  And the reason why is it is probably properly gassed. even if the ports were a little larger than they should be the longer gas system reduces the pressures compared to a carbine or midlength gas system.   It is possible to take a carbine length gas system and make it shoot as smoothly as a rifle length gas system. With an adjustable gas block you can lengthen the gas system by reducing the carbine length gas systems pressures to the same pressure as a rifle length gas system. This slows the bolt velocity down to a point where the rearward impact is significantly less.    Dolomite
  20. BCG's on Ebay that have bids well above $300. We are talking standard BCG's, not Bn or chrome plated. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=bolt+carrier+group&_sop=16   Glad I bought the ones I needed last month for $125 shipped.   I also follow bullet molds on Ebay and most of the used ones have doubled or even tripled in price.   I guess Obama might be right when he said the economy is going to improve under his watch. I bet the nation's holiday sales figures are going to be the highest in decades because of the run on guns and gun related accessories.   Dolomite
  21. I bought absolutely nothing, didn't even shop for anything I might want. I have enough AR/223 related stuff to keep me happy for a while.   I have the ability to make my own bullets and load my own rounds so there is no need for me to get anything else. I have a steady supply of lead now for my casting habit. I have enough powder and primers to last through this panic. That is why I switched to 300 Blackout. Because it is easy to cast for and is a miserly round as far as powder goes. It costs me 4.4 cents per loaded round.   I have a secret place to get what I need and they ALWAYS had what I needed during the last scare. When no one had primers, 22's or guns I could walk in and walk out with anything I needed. This time will likely be no different. He can order me what I want and get it within days.   Yeah, there is some stuff I want but the threat of what is on the horizon isn't going to force me to go out and buy it right this second.   On a more positive note, this summer there is likely going to be a lot of great deals on these panic items. Just like two years after the first Obama win when you could find RRA AR's for $750 all day long and at the shows no less.   Dolomite
  22. I use a Lee Classic Cast but I installed Hornady Lock-N-Load conversion bushings. They allow you to set the dies and never have to reset them again when changing calibers. If you are mostly going to load rifle rounds I would go with a single stage. Dolomite
  23. It is the only way they could vet the new owner to amke sure a background check gets done before taking possession.   Dolomite
  24. I could see them reclassifying the weapons on the CA DOJ list as destructive devices under the NFA. There was talk of that after Aurora. If they do they will give a year or two amnesty period to register your firearms for free or become a felon overnight. They would do this to prevent from having to pay people for their property because there is no way the government could afford to pay even $100 each for all of them.   Dolomite
  25. No place I know of. I called a local shop and they are sold out of EVERYTHING and said everyone they have talked to in the area was the same way.   Dolomite


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