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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1.   Then he doesn't nee to be an ass. When he decides to open his cock washer and spew the BS he does then he invites it. If he didn't want the extra attention then he would zip it and not be putting out inflammatory videos every 5 minutes.   I understand there are a ton of his fan boys on here, I am not one of them. I owe him just as much respect as he would give me, which is exactly ZERO. I don't care what he thinks of me and he should not give a rat's ass what I think, or say, of him.   You think he doesn't talk about the incident?, think again.
  2. Do not advertise your shop or your services.   You must be a vendor to do so. Please contact TGO David for the details.   Our community goes out of their way to support our vendors so it wil definitely worth it but you must do it right. We cannot allow you to compete with our paying vendors.
  3. We eat a lot of them every year. I have seen trees that have had their limbs split from the weight. Be careful though because once on the ground they are like ice.
  4. I have thought about something like that. I would have the rounds drop out of the magwell like a 5.7 AR. And honestly it would be a pretty easy thing to build but with a 16" barrel it would look hideously out of proportion.
  5. Depends on what you are shooting at.   If I were going coyote or fox hunting I would use a 223.
  6. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/42752-how-to-home-made-handpump-for-water-all-parts-at-lowes/
  7. Let me start by saying I knew of him and even followed a lot of what he said on his forum long before I ever knew of the incident or even became a contractor. I agreed with nearly everything he was saying and he was a big motivating factor when I walked away from a career in LE that had spanned nearly 1/2 my life in order to become a contractor. I looked up to, and respected, him because of what he was saying on his forum. He sounded like someone who had been in the business for a very long time.   Yeager running to the culvert isn't the problem. Most people have no clue how they are going to react in a situation like that. Everyone has grand illusions of advancing on the enemy and saving the day but it rarely happens that way. I have seen some of the biggest talkers of tactical crap wet themselves over stuff that was relatively minor. If I do have a problem with that day it was the fact he had the car in neutral and his foot off the clutch. There ability to get out of the kill zone was severaly compromised. Several of the people that died that day would have been dead even if Yeager had done everything perfect. Another big problem I have is in his AAR he blames everyone else for mistakes but chooses to leave himself out of the blame game.   I don't like him. But not because of what he does here or even what he did during the ambush. I don't like him because of how he was long before the video made him famous. He was well known to be cantankerous towards his fellow team mates as well as not having a decent work ethic. I have talked to several people who worked around him or were in the same compound as him and they all said the same story. Spending the nights in the client bar and trying to fight other Americans in Iraq. It was also said that he was going to be let go had the “incident†not secured his fate with ERSM. He has also been fired as a police officer here in the states, no doubt to his cantankerous attitude he carries around.   In the end I am glad he made lemonade out of lemons. I am glad he brings in professionals to train people because we all should be training if we can.
  8. I used to buy steel case ammo to tear down then put quality powder and bullets in it. At the time it was cheaper than buying brass cased ammo. You would be surprized at how much variation in charge weights and bullet weights there are in the factory stuff.
  9. Where are you finding them for $90?
  10. Rather than trash cans I would use plastic 55 gallon barrels. They are a lot thicker and will last a lot longer. You can generally find them on Craigslist for under $20 a barrel. I know a guy in my area that has 55 gallon and 12 gallon barrels. I have bought about a 1/2 dozen barrels from him so far.   I would not be hard to rig up a sand filter either and have the water go directly into the sand filter. That way the water is ready use.
  11. One more thing. It takes a lot for another officer to intervene against another officer. 99 times out of 100 if there is a scuffle another officer will jump in to help the officer, it takes a whole lot more for the officer to get involved on behalf of the bad guy. It has to be so one sided for the other officer to cross back over that thin blue line. The officer that helped the bad guy risks being labeled a rat which is just as much of a career ender as doing something wrong.   I have seen, and helped stop, one officer that went overboard and it was a brutal beating. Then bad guy was already restrained, under control and compliant but spat into the officer's face. The officer unloaded on the bad guy. The officer said he remembered covering the bad guy's face with an open hand to keep him from spitting agian but what really happened was four haymaker type punches to the bad guy's face as well as kneeing him several times. And honestly if everyone hadn't tackled the officer he would have likely killed the bad guy because he was unable to even put his hands up. And even after we tackled the officer he continued to fight to get to the bad guy until he regained his composure.The officer didn't think it was that bad until he seen the video then he walked upstairs on his own to let the administration know he was resigning. He was a great officer that let his emotions get out of control.
  12. Have you checked the signal strength of your rounter now?   I recently turned mine down because of attempted connections by random people driving by my house. Prior to this my setup worked great but once I turned the signal strength down to 200Mw, from 400Mw, I started having problems even though my card is only 15 feet away. I turned it back up and all is fine again. When the signal is turned all the way up to full strength I can get a signal on my cell phone from over 300 feet away.
  13. I prefer the phosphated BCG's as well because they hold protectants and oils better than anything else.     The CMT bolt carrier is the best I have seen on the market in a long time. The BCM/PSA BCG is milspec, which is a minimum standard, while the CMT goes above it by using a 9310 bolt.   8620 IS Milspec for the CARRIER. Carpenter 158 IS Milspec for the bolt. But that does not mean that the Carpenter 158 is better than the 9310 bolt because it isn't. The Carpenter 158 bolts are probably the cheapest way to meet the Milspec standards so that is what most manufacturers use when they must meet the standard. But do not assume that because the 9310 bolts are not Milspec that they are junk because it is just the opposite, the 9310 bolts are better than the Carpenter 158 bolts. But Carpenter 158 bolts are not junk either, just that the 9310 is a better bolt even if it isn't Milspec.   Milspec is a minimum standard, it is not a standard to imply that the part is the best but rather that it met the minimum to meet the standard. Milspec is like a passing grade on a school test not acing it. A "D" may be passing but it is not as good as a "A". Milspec standards are also there to ensure compatibility between parts. But just because something isn't Milspec doesn't automatically mean it is junk because there are tons of parts out there that do not meet the Milspec standard that are very good.   There are plenty of great stuff out there that is not milspec. Take ANY billet lower or upper receiver for example. They are often better dimensionally than most forged uppers but because the Milspec standard says they must be forged a billet setup does not meet the milspec standard. Or take a melonited barrel, they are far better than any chrome lined barrel but it does not meet the Milspec standard because the standard says the barrel must be chrome lined and phosphated. Or how about Noveske's polygon barrels, they are way better than any milspec barrel but they do not meet the Milspec standard. Or the fact that most Magpul products are not Milspec but in most cases they are better than the Milspec equivalent. The list goes on and on with items that do not meet the Milspec standard but are better than the Milspec equal.   In the end I think the bolt carrier being 8620 and the bolt being 9310 makes the CMT BCG as good as any bolt carrier out there and better than those BCG's made to the Milspec standard. At $116 it is a great deal and even at $169 it is a fair price. You will not be able to find the same bolt anywhere else for the same price. CMT was selling these for a lot less as a favor to the members of TGO.
  14. Something else I have noticed before I was hit was small test purchases. Most times it is a $1 donation or a ITunes purchase for $1.   I have had my identity stolen as well. Someone ordered a bunch of tools from Sears to be delivered to an address in Waco, TX. They said they had a ship to address, a name as well as a contact telephone number for the person receiving the shipment. They had the delivery date and tracking info as well. Problem was they would not release the information to me. They said it was for privacy reasons they could not release their information to me. They knew and acknowledged that the order was a case of identity theft but still refused to give me any information. They did say that they would release the information to LE. So my wife called a the local LE and signed a warrant, giving them Sears information to get a name. Problem was that LE would not call Sears and get the person's information. I had a good LE buddy in Waco that said he could wait for the delivery but because of the local LE and Sears he had his hands tied. And on top of this the bank accused my wife of ordering the stuff then filing a false report to avoid paying for it. Me and the bank manager had a heart to heart on that call I made from Afghanistan. I would have paid airfare to have the scum put in jail locally. Being released from here with no friends or family around would have given him some of the pain I felt.  
  15. And this is what should be hung over the fireplace: http://www.lapolicegear.com/molle-deluxe-christmas-stocking.html
  16. There are always two sides to the story and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Even the OP's version is questionable behavior so I am sure it was a lot worse in reality.     That one sentence is very telling. You say you can control yourself as you threaten a fellow officer.   Was the inmate handcuffed in the front or the back?   Also, were you fired or did you resign in lieu of being fired?   Not a FOP member?   The way I see it there have been enough people who have seen the case, as well as your mannerisms and demeanor, to say with great certainty that you should probably not have a HCP.   If you are being paid for providing security in TN you MUST have a guard license issued by the state of TN. Armed or unarmed doesn't matter but if it is armed you must have an armed guard license that requires a qualification with your carry weapon(s). If you get hurt you might be SOL because you were breaking the law at the time you were injured.      An inmate staring at you in NOT a reason to take them to the ground. An inmate taking his hands off the wall and staring at you is NOT a reason to take them to the ground. And we all know that taking someone to the ground is never done gingerly. If you worked in a hostile enviroment why did you not quit as soon as it became apparent. That allegation will get tossed out because it is obvious and allegation that it retaliatory in nature.   I am not deleting or locking threads to save people from themselves. If another mod wants to they can but David has unlocked several threads I locked at the OP's request.   I am trying to see fault in the process and I cannot. There is always the option of getting a HCP from another state.
  17. As far as $60 not being enough I don't think it is either but it will hit people harder than some people think. Those that are texting and driving most are the younger drivers. Those younger people might not have as much money as us older people so it might hurt them a little more than we might think. Personally I think the fines should mirror a DUI after their first offense or if their actions resulted in property damage or an injury. We are not there yet but I think it will eventually be. According to almost any study you read texting is far more dangerous than DUI. DUIs didn't start out expensive either but they grew over time until it was having an impact. I think that is what is going to happen here. As people loose loved ones they are going to cry for stiffer penalties and eventually the penalties will be harse enough to stop most people from doing it.   All laws should be applied equally but they are not when it comes to officers.    Unfortunately there is a rule in LE that they will look the other way, if they can, when it comes to protecting their own. Not every officer looks the other way it for every infraction but I bet every officer has, at some point, seen a fellow officer do something questionable and chose not inform their supervisor. It could be something as minor as using their patrol for making an off duty run to the store or as serious as committing felonies. And I heard of some very, very serious crimes committed by officers and those officers were not arrested when they should have been. And yes even I, at times, have looked the other way but that was because those who I would have told were already aware or wouldn't have done anything.   I have seen what happens when someone is labeled as a rat and it is awful. You could choose to do the right thing and put your life, your livelihood and your family's well being at risk or you could look the other way. I was not willing to risk hurting my family and that is why I walked away. It made it really hard to do the right thing knowing you would be labeled as a rat and that really bothered me. To give you an idea, I had a supervisor tell everyone on my shift that she would understand if they might not be able to respond to an officer needing help if they were a rat. She said this during roll call while looking directly at me while saying it and everyone, including me, knew what that meant. She told me face to face that I might find myself all alone when I needed help the most. This was after I tried to do the right thing that involved one of her friends. That is when I realized I needed to start looking at leaving LE because I wasn't going to get hurt or put my family through that.     This is not to say that every officer is bad because the vast majority are great people doing the best they can. It is a few bad apples that gives the rest a bad name.   I have bugged my wife for years to let me install these. I tell her all the time to use the horn but she said she is worried about surprizing the other driver enough to cause them to have an accident and then we will get sued. I feel that if the other driver is about to cause an accident you should do whatever you can to prevent it, including sounding the horn. She also said she can't hit the horn because she is worried she doesn't think of it so I told her I would install a horn button for me in the passender seat and label it as the passenger eject button. I would love nothing better than to hit the horn on a person who is drifting as they text or those who choose to cut corners.
  18. I would never own a 7 twist barrel, at least not one that short. There are a lot of issues with running a 7 twist that are not there with 9 or even 8 twist and the shorter the barrel the more prominant the issues.
  19.   I recently read somewhere that cell tower data can be gathered without a warrant if the provider wants to give it. So finding out if someone was texting or not doesn't require a warrant or even access to the phone itself.
  20.  Yeah it would need to be loctited in place or another setscrew to lock it in place.
  21. It almost looks like some sort of sabot round. The fines probably folded out after firing and the dark colored ring sealed the "dart" to the bore. Didn't sound like an explosion either.
  22. I originally wanted a 6 pound gun then I realized 5 pounds was doable without any custom work. I bet I could even get it down to 4.5 pounds by changing a few more parts. All the parts on mine were off the shelf which is what I wanted so anyone can duplicate it. A former friend runs a stable and I wanted a lightweight gun to carry around for coyote. I could probably go with a lightweight JP BCG and save a few ounces. I could probably use a 14.5" or 16" barrel to save a few more ounces but I prefer the extra velocity. I shoot 53 grain SMK's at 3,383 fps avg out of the barrel. I bought parts as cheap as I could find them even if it took a little longer to build. I have under $450 in the entire gun including the Frontier lower. It took me a year to find the parts on the used market but it was worth it. This will be the gun I keep forever. By using a 14.5" or 16" barrel and a lightweight BCG you could probably use a forged lower rather than the polymer. A slabside upper would save a few more ounces too. The DI gas system is the lightest setup you can find. It is reliable. But above all else make sure the gun has a gas system that is set up properly. In a lightweight gun the recoil is magnified. With a properly setup gas system even a lightweight gun can have a very light recoil as anyone who has shot mine can attest. I used a Clark carbon fiber free float tube, http://www.clarkcustomguns.com/clk750.htm I used a Standard forged upper but removed the ejection port cover and related hardware. I kept the forward assist. I used a standard, not M16, BCG I used a Frontier polymer lower with a commercial buffer tube and buffer WITH the weights still in place. I used a standard GI pistol grip. There is a Magpul grip that is lighter but it is very uncomfortable. I used an aluminum gas block with a rail for a front sight. You could save a few ounces by going with a micro gas block. The 20" barrel was something I picked up at a show after a smith tried to pin the front sight without a jig. It is .6" behind the gas block and .55" in front with a .625" gas pad. It originally had a A2 style flash hider but now wears a tiny muzzle brake. I used a older car style stock, they are the lightest there is. Like this: Here are a few pictures of mine before I added the Frontier lower. I think in this configuration it was something like 5 pounds 8 ounces if I remember correctly: The only thing that has changed from these pictures is the Frontier lower, the muzzle brake and I use iron sights now.
  23. It looks better if you grind or file the back side of the safety. You can easily remove the safety by putting it between safe and fire then knocking it out of the receiver. Just make sure to press the detent back down when you insert it back in.   The safety removal trick will not work on guns with the trigger kit.
  24. I would worry about the 20MOA rail. Not every scope can be zeroed at 100 yards using a 20 MOA rail. I am not even sure irons can be. Other than that it looks like a pretty nice setup.


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