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Everything posted by Dolomite_supafly

  1. Patch the parts you don't like the coat it using bed liner from the store. It dries to a pretty impervious shell and is pretty good a hiding minor imperfections.
  2. Without a doubt the greatest guy you could ever meet. And doing business with him has ALWAYS been quick and painless. Always willing to help out as well.
  3. The worst movie I have ever seen. #1 was great but #2 was the worst acting I have ever seen. You will get better acting watching a 70's Kung Fu movie.
  4. It says there is a $19.99 hazmat charge.
  5. I assume these are the questions you are asking about. I will not speak for anyone else but I can promise you if I seen a group of bikers sitting at the pumps I would not give them any more scrutiny or act any differently than I would any other group and I sure wouldn't tell my wife to wait because my wife is more of a threat to my life than some bikers if I told her she had to hold it. Now if they, or any other group, were acting like they might be trouble then I might move on but I will not go somewhere else just because of someone's dress. I would not see the contents of their hearts because we won't get into long philosophical discussions standing at the pumps but I would have zero problem nodding or even talking to them. You can get a better idea of someone's demeanor by engaging them than by staring at them from afar.
  6. That is the top. It will sit on a wall of blocks that run down the middle or three columns with two at the front corners and a column at the rear.
  7. I will say I forgot about one attempted robbery by someone who was a minority but the rest have been people who look and dress similarly to me. Just trying to say we should not judge someone by how they dress or the color of their skin because not everyone who is different is a bad person. We have plenty in our community that do not confirm to what our community has deemed "normal". When we start alienating everyone who is different we will end up alone because we are all a little different. Anyone who has never seen Murgatroy would probably cross the street to avoid him but you will not meet a nicer person. He has been to my house and is always welcome. Spots is a towering guy, with the eyes of a lunatic, covered in tattoos, rides a bike and is in motorcycle club but he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. I can promise you that both of them are some of the best people you will ever meet but if you start off judging them you will never get the chance to find out.
  8. Which part and why? I can promise you that how someone dresses does not affect how I interact with someone. Matter of fact the color of their skin as well as what might be tattooed on their skin doesn't even factor in to how I view people, it did at one point but not since becoming a mature adult. The reason I say mature is because just because someone is old enough to vote or drink doesn't mean they are mature. I will say that the people who have consistently offered to help me have been those that most of us would avoid. I have no problem sitting down and having lunch with a complete stranger who has a different skin color or dresses differently, I do it regularly. Anytime I stop in a fast food restaurant I look for someone who is sitting alone to sit, eat and talk with. Am I aware of my surroundings? You bet, but what someone is DOING is more of a concern than what they are wearing. I can promise you that you have stood next to some hard core criminals plenty of times and you never had a clue because not all bad guys dress, or even look, like thugs. Most criminals any one of us will encounter will dress, look and act like us because those that commit crimes against us generally come from within our peer group. Which for me (and most others here) is a white, middle aged men who looks, dresses and acts like me. And so far that has proven to be 100% true. Every single person who has EVER screwed me over has been someone who looks and dresses like me. I would like to hear everyone else chime in with how the last person who ripped them off was dressed. I am even willing to put my money where my mouth is if anyone wants to bet. I will wager that the majority of us who have been robbed or ripped off have been by those within their peer group who dress and look similar to what we see in the mirror every morning. BTW, when was the last time someone dressed like a "gang'sta", white or black, did anything negative to you? I grew up with one of the most racist people I have ever met, my father. So when I was growing up I heard the usual racist BS. My father made a career in the military and he continued to have the same racist views throughout his career. Even when he was in charge of large groups of men he would say stuff like "Private" Smith when referring to white soldiers and "N****r" Jones when referring to black soldiers. When I was growing up, in the 70's, we had one black person in my school. She would be ridiculed relentlessly by other students while teachers would do nothing or just laugh saying kids will be kids. When I decided to interact with her I was given the same treatment, being called a "N" lover before being beat up by those who acted like my friends 5 minutes earlier. Worst part is when I got home I told my father what had happened and my father beat me for "talking to a N****r". I was told that I would be beat every time he found out I talked to a black person, and he did. I have been at friends houses when their parents, along with the neighborhood, would stand on their porches with shotguns and scream "Go home N****r" to a black man walking down their street. And that was not too uncommon back then in the area of East Tennessee I grew up in. So I know all too well what racists say and how they act and there are a lot of similarities between what is being said in this thread and what I heard growing up. Ever since joining the military I have realized it is better to judge a man on the content of his character. When we start making preconceived judgments we start compiling evidence to support it, even if it isn't entirely true. It is human nature to come to a conclusion first then find the "facts" to support that conclusion instead of letting the facts determine the conclusion.
  9. I just received approval for my silencer. Exactly three weeks under a full year.
  10. I don't see how that looks like a "gangsta". I dress nearly identical everyday with t-shirt, shorts and shoes. And dare I say the vast majority of the members here have also dressed in a t-shirt, shorts and shoes. How he is acting proves he is a thug but how he was dressed just proves he can get dressed in the morning. Just because someone sags their pants or dressed differently than you doesn't mean they are a thug, gangsta or miscreant. It is what is being worn by those they want to emulate or because everyone within their peer group is wearing the same. That is no different that any one of us wearing "tactical" clothing because it is what is in style within our group of peers or because someone we respect also wears the same. Everyone would flip their lid if wearing a holstered gun was suddenly treated the same as wearing sagging pants. I mean there are places in this country where the wearing of sagging pants means you are going to get randomly patted down or searced by LE. Imagine if LE started doing the same to ANYONE with a holstered gun, we all would be shouting from the rooftops about how our rights are being violated but it is perfectly fine to limit someone else's right as long they look or dress differently. And make no mistake, being able to wear what you want is a first amendment issue. The officer lied to dispatch when he said he thought they were involved in a robbery. The officer didn't even believe his own words and you can see this by how he nonchalantly walked up to the car. Perhaps this is the MO for that officer or the officers in that department, link a person to a suspected "violent" crime so that the actions of the officer are justified. If I were on the jury I would have NEVER voted to acquit him based solely on the fact he started the interaction with a lie.
  11. I don't use my real name for any orders. Don't see why they can't give a bogus name.
  12. He has an inmate picture from 1989 that was over 25 years ago.
  13. Joke if you must but I ALWAYS have a firearm in the bathroom. Why wouldn't you? It is probably the most vulnerable you will be during the day. You either have you pants around your ankles, and can't run, or you are naked and soaking wet. Either of those would put me at a distinct disadvantage.
  14. Especially considering they each sent, what, a platoon each compared to the number of troops we have sent. Just by shear numbers we should occupy all of the top 100.
  15. About six months ago I was coming home from a local restaurant with food for my wife. It was really cold so I was trying to get home before the food got cold. I was speeding and was probably doing 15 mph over on a local highway where the speed limit is 50 mph. As I turned onto my dead end road I looked in the rear view mirror to see a patrol coming up on me rather fast but without his lights or sirens going. Realizing that he was probably going to pull me over for speeding I pulled off to the side of the road and turned off my ignition before he could hit his lights. A few seconds after I pulled over he pulled in about 15 yards behind my car and hit the emergency lights. Because my car was already off I could not roll down my electric windows so I opened my door to tell him my windows were not working. That is when he came unhinged and started yelling things like "you want some of this" as well as "bring it on if you want to die today" from behind the door of his cruiser. I honestly cannot remember with 100% certainty but I would swear to the fact he had his pistol pointed at me as he yelled those things. There was about a two minutes of him yelling taunts at me before he yelled for me exit my vehicle. As I exited my vehicle he went full retard and did a full blown felony traffic stop on me, for speeding. As I got out of my vehicle the officer had me walk backwards towards him with my hands on top of my head. Somewhere between my vehicle and his the officer grabbed me by my hands that were no top of my head and put me against the trunk of my car. It was at that time I informed him I had a gun and a valid HCP. That didn't change his attitude one bit and he continued to aggressively search me head to toe after taking my gun. I honestly thought I was going to jail for something because of the way he acted. All this occurred in front of a neighbors house and I was being searched as they were coming home from church. My neighbors had to drive through their yard because my car was blocking their driveway. After he ran me he came back and apologized over and over again for how he acted and tried to make excuses for why he acted the way he did. After I told him I understood he handed my gun back and sent me on my way. I had every intention of informing him as soon as I could but I knew I didn't want to tell him I had a gun while he was excited with his gun pointed at me. If this is how he acts on all traffic stops it will just be a matter of time before someone gets hurt. The officer that pulled me over worked for THP and was definitely a younger, unseasoned officer. And if he did shoot I would no doubt be painted as some bad guy because I did have a gun on me, legal or not. Having a gun, even legally, is all that is needed to justify a shooting any more. Even if you don't have a gun you can be shot if the officer thinks you do and "feels threatened". Castillo was the person we wish everyone was and he was killed just because he had a gun but the worst part is the officer(s) were acquitted because Castillo had a gun. I am starting to think that maybe carrying a gun is more of a risk than not carrying a gun. It won't keep me from getting shot but it will make it a lot harder for my homicide to be justified. I will say that it seems like LE is a bit more jumpy these days, especially the younger ones, and they escalate far too often and far to quickly. They pull their guns out without any valid reason a lot of time and as we all know every time your gun clears your holster there is potential for something very bad to happen. I understand officers have to protect themselves but they also have to realize that not all people are trying to kill them no matter what they think or have been told. People will get nervous and act differently when they have a gun pointed at them but these days nervousness is often used as justification for the officer's actions. All you have to do is watch any one of the reality shows with cops to see officers say that because someone is acting nervous, after getting a gun pointed at them, they must be doing something illegal. Could it be they are nervous because you just pointed a gun at them? Never realized that nervousness is probable cause to conduct a search but it happens all the time. I would LOVE to see any officer go through a formal investigation anytime their gun clears the holster on duty. And the only way to determine whether it was legitimate would be through an investigation by an impartial party, not IAD. And if the there was no valid reason to pull the gun then take administrative action against the officer. I cannot approach someone with a gun in my hand so barring a legitimate reason an officer should not be allowed to do the same thing. As far as the video released I will say that I do question the officer saying the people looked like they were involved in a in a robbery. Is it because they are black? Is it because the car is white? If the occupants were suspected in a robbery then by all means conduct a felony traffic stop. But with them walking up willy, nilly that only tells me that the officers did not believe for one second that the occupants were involved in a robbery even though that is what is told to dispatch as the justification for the stop. I also have a big problem with the video that was released because every version I can find does have some editing done to it to remove something from video that happened just before the shooting. I would like to see and hear what was said in the video that was edited out by the police department. I believe the acquittal was in error and the officer should be held accountable because he was wrong for killing Castillo.
  16. I think a perdon's heart rate has a lot to do with it. The average person's heart beats 2.2 billion times in their life. If a person is overweight or in poor physical condition or have some other stressor in their life then their heart beats faster. And, I believe, that is the key factor in dying of "old age". My resting heart rate, according to my FitBit, is 57 bpm but I can also meditate it down to below 45. I try to do calming/breathing exercises as often as possible and have been doing them for several years now. I also try to be as sedentary as possible when possible. Hopefully it helps but who knows. I have also read that another factor in how long you will live is how much you eat. There is a lot of data that suggests that if you eat as little as possible you will live longer versus eating more. And I am not talking about over eating but eating more than a starvation diet.
  17. What caliber(s) are you planning on using it for? I should be able to get you some starting loads. There is not a label on the back?
  18. I am not sure I would trust that because it looks like the data is not correct. I mean two different loads, with two different bullet weights, have the EXACT velocity with barrels up to 14". Both M855 and M193 have the exact same velocities with barrels 14" and under, I think not. The standard deviation is also identical which is statistical equivalent of hitting all the lotto numbers, not going to happen. Heck, you could not get those results shooting bullets from the same box of ammunition in two separate strings, much less two different loads from different manufacturers. Those results are worthless.
  19. Personally I see this as the state preparing to have its laws in step with federal law. I think the representatives in Washington are telling those at the state level it is coming, fix your laws now.
  20. It has been WAY too long since the last eastern side meet and greet.
  21. They have been illegal in Tennesssee up until the recent law change. Prior to the new law they were illegal but your registration was a "defense to prosecution". Basically it means you could be arrested for possessing one but once you showed your registration to the judge the charges would be dropped. Now they are legal.
  22. I was able to get the 458 SOCOM equivalent of the holy grail, dimensional drawing of the chamber. Took some emails back and forth but I was finally able to get it with Tony's help. I will say it is not what I was expecting but with it I was able to come up with a nice subsonic bullet for the 458. We still need to do some testing but it should be a decently accurate subsonic bullet.
  23. ACME Bullet Company is about to release an accurized 458 SOCOM bullet. It will weigh 575+ grains and uses certified 92-6-2 alloy. Should put a thumping on whatever you hit.


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