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Red Haired Girl

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Everything posted by Red Haired Girl

  1. I gave this some more thought. What about doing a 180 from the CA by instead releasing the names of the eligible people in TN who DO NOT have a handgun permit? It would level the playing field. If bad guys can find out who has a gun, they should have the same access to those who don't. It would save them some time wandering around to find someone to rob. They can look it up online "Oh, no danger in robbing 666 Hell Street. They are unarmed!"
  2. OK. What kind of s*** storm would be unleashed upon me if I were to buy the Tenn Care information then publish it on a website for all the world to see? How long do you think it would be before the hue and cry of the masses forced my ISP to remove the site? That is the only way it would come down - They can scream all they want - I would not remove it. This is strictly for argument's sake. I'm sure I can't afford it - oh, but if I could... I also don't believe it would be given to me because of the privacy act or some crap about it not being in the public interest to release the information.
  3. No apology necessary. Thank you for the clarification! Is the TN drivers license database public record? The Tenn Care database? If we are publishing state records, let's publish them all.
  4. My brain is in a dead zone. What or who does CA stand for?
  5. When I said this place is going to hell in a hand basket I wasn't kidding! I took the dogs out for their afternoon walk. We went across the dam, which is my oldest male dog's favorite walk. The dam is wide so people walk their dogs, ride bicycles and even 4 wheelers / ATV's on it. It is posted no motorized vehicles and whatever else the sign says. It is the official Dam Act signage. I could care less if people want to come across the dam on their ATV's. If they don't use the dam they have to go 3 1/2 miles around the lake to get over on this side. Anyhoo. I was walking along and noticed an Aluminum roofing tack laying on the ground. When I bent down to pick it up, I saw several more - WTH? I looked around and some asshat has spread roofing tacks 1/2 way across the dam! There is no reason to do something like that. I'm not a huge fan of the ATV's but I am also not a fan of someone getting hurt. Not only by stepping on one of them, but what if someone gets one in a tire then gets on the road and has a blowout! Some of these guys bring their little kids along for the ride. People slay me. I swear they are so very stupid and selfish.
  6. Find someone connected with a model railroad club. Someone will know someone who knows the bridge. Here is a link to all the clubs in TN to save you some time. I hope you find it. Please tell us if you do, it is a beautiful place. http://www.cwrr.com/nmra/Cluba-SZ.html
  7. Gary Sinise Amy Madigan
  8. I love it when a plan comes together! Seriously - I could not / would not get in a car with anyone I don't know. There are some I do know and I wouldn't get in a car with them. I do have a pretty good sense of self preservation that serves me well. That is not to say I never do something boneheaded - I do - just like everyone else. Someone asked where I am. I'm on the Plateau. Don't bust me on the geography if it isn't East TN. I suck at geography, although I have no trouble telling someone where to go. I spoke to some neighbors tonight. One being the brother of one of the ladies. He couldn't get over the fact that she didn't even notice what kind of car the guy drove. He did say she has always been oblivious to her surroundings. I can't imagine... The other neighbor lives across the street. He came over at dinner time to ask if we knew anything about the guy living up the street. He said he came to his back door this afternoon wanting a ride, a beer, and money. He told him he was not going to start giving people rides, beer or money so he should go elsewhere. I don't know the guy personally but I've seen him around here. The person he lives with is another story. I printed his picture and other information off of the TBI sex offenders website for him. He now has a whole different view of the neighborhood we live in. My husband jokingly told him not to pay any attention to me, that things are not all that bad. The neighbor looked at the picture in his hand and said to my husband "She knew this and now my wife will know it. I want to hear anything she has to say." This place is going to hell in a hand basket. What kind of animal does something like this? It is as bad as being a baby raper.
  9. Battery powered cattle prod. A big one.
  10. The only person who sees my weapon is my husband and he only gets to see it to clean it for me. The only way this guy would see it would be if I had no other choice. I am going to print off all of your replies and give them to the ladies. The thing that gets me about this whole situation is that from what they've told me, he is in his late 20's to early 30's. We are all close to or over 50 and from my perspective we are by no means beauty queens.
  11. Thanks every one. I fully understand that the police need to be involved. I asked my neighbor if she called. She told me the other lady who was approached told her unless she had a tag number the police wouldn't do anything, so she didn't call! I told her to call even if she only had a make and model or a color so they are aware of the problem. Jamie - You are 100% right. I was dumb for going outside. I really thought at the time is was kids. Now that I know it wasn't, there is no way I'd leave the house! Nothing in the truck is worth the risk. They make new tools at Dewalt everyday.
  12. My neighbor lady stopped by this evening to warn me that there is a man driving around our area trying to get women into his vehicle. She said he approached her when she was leaving her house to go for her evening walk. She thought he needed directions since it is easy to get turned around back here. He pulled up to her, she being on the passenger side of the car, and rolled down his window. He commented about the day then asked her about her husband. She is single. He then went on his way. When she got to the end of the street he was waiting for her. This time he stopped the car and told her to "Get in!" She refused and he became more insistent and agitated. She turned around and walked the opposite way, toward the neighbors house and safety. He drove off and she didn't see him again. He approached another lady in much the same manner. He pulled up along side her while she was on her evening walk and asked her if she "Wanted to party" all the while he was rooting around in a duffel bag on his front seat. She told him "No" but he kept pacing her for about 100 feet until she told him she was going to call security. He drove off. Both incidents have been in broad daylight at about 5 or 6 in the evening. I had to call security about 10 days ago for a prowler.It was about 1:00 in the morning and I kept hearing a vehicle drive past the house and slow down and stop then drive off. I thought it was kids out looking for things to steal so I got the keys to the truck and my gun and went outside to lock my husbands tool box on his truck. When I first turned on my porch light the vehicle was at the end of my drive right behind the truck. Once the lights went on the car drove off. I was trying to get the key out of the tool box lock when low and behold here comes the same car. This time he stayed back away from my house but sat in the road idling his engine. He couldn't see me from where he was so I used the remote on the keys to turn on the truck lights, then I walked across my yard and back into the house, making sure he saw me. Once I was back in the house he drove up to my mailbox. I could see him sitting in the car from my back door so I grabbed the phone and went out on the porch to call security. Once he saw that I was on the phone he drove off. Security came out and drove around for about 1/2 an hour but they never saw the car. We think it is the same car. Mid size and dark blue or black and about 10 years old. I am always armed when I am out in the neighborhood plus I am walking 4 dogs so I'm not prime pickings. I am worried about the other ladies though. They were walking carrying golf clubs this evening. Better than nothing but pretty much next to nothing for self defense. I told them to quit fooling around and fooling themselves and get their permits and a firearm. Short of driving them to a HCP class, I don't know what else to do for them.
  13. I use the Pistolwear holster when I'm on the bike ,walking the dogs, breathing... It is very comfortable, I have even worn it unconcealed. It looks like a fanny pack to a casual observer.
  14. I believe our rapist friend would have an unfortunate accident or die from lead poisoning before he got deported for the 10th time. He ain't comin' back if he is sent to his homeland in a box via Fedex.
  15. He is not. A douche bag serves a useful purpose. Bredesen sure doesn't.
  16. What tee shirt? What courtroom? I missed that one. If those 5 students had been wearing tee shirts bearing the French flag I could possibly understand the Assistant principles thinking and actions...possibly. Given the relevance a French flag would have had to the Mexican holiday there might have been some conflict, one could also assume, had the 5 students been wearing French flags, that they were itchin' for a fight. 2 of the boys had on flag adorned Bandanna's. The wearing of any bandanna's was in violation of school dress code. When they were asked to remove them, they did so. They were then asked to turn their shirts inside out. Instead of using any judgment the principle used none. He is 1: Prejudicial, 2: Anti-American 3:A wuss - he was afraid of a fight breaking out. And 4: A slime eating, gut sucking Jackass. I loved the comment from the bubble gummer who stated that the holiday was the only day Mexicans had to be proud of their country. A holiday celebrating not paying a debt to the French makes them proud. Nice. Those 5 boys didn't need a holiday to be proud and show pride in their country. I wonder how they feel today.
  17. The 9mm wouldn't be for him. It will be mine - no question. I really don't know what his thinking is about trading - I buy and pay for my guns. I really like the LCR for concealed carry. I didn't notice a problem with the sights and the recoil was very manageable. I've fired far worse.I am not a big fan of 9mm or semi-auto's for that matter. His reasoning is capacity and ease of getting ammunition. Both valid points. My thoughts on 9mm are for another thread. Yes!
  18. Thanks everyone. I appreciate you taking the time to answer and offer suggestions. I would never think of asking him to trade or sell one of his rifles or shotguns, so for him to even suggest getting rid of the .357 is He does not carry. All handguns in the house are purchased by me for me. I respect his suggestions on a purchase, however the final decision is always mine. I do let him touch them while he is cleaning them. The 9mm I traded was a Taurus that I hated from day one. I won't go back down that road. I am leaning toward Glock - based on the reliability - something sorely missing from the Taurus POS I had. A Glock purchase is not carved in stone either. It looks like it is time for me to do some reading and research on 9mm's.
  19. Nothing serious just a difference of opinion. I just traded off a 9mm for a Ruger LCR. I still have a 22LR semi auto and a High Standard .357 snubby. He would like to have another 9mm in the house for a couple valid reasons - which I wholeheartedly agree. Where the difference in opinion comes in is, he wants me to get rid of the .357 in trade toward a 9mm. To me it is a non issue - the .357 stays. He feels that because the .357 is an older, not so valuable firearm, it would be smart to get rid of it for something new and shiny. I do not see it that way. At. All. It is the first firearm I purchased and I am attached to it. I used it to qualify for my TN HCP and carried it for many years prior to moving here. When I pick it up it is like visiting with an old friend. Am I being unreasonable about the .357?
  20. Whoo Boy- that right there is one hot bed of activity! He has 255 members and 16 posts.
  21. That is because she probably has no idea what you are talking about. She is hearing this :blah:. Tell her she is going to blow up the engine. She will catch on pretty quick.
  22. I got my PA permit in 1990. I got my TN permit in 1998.
  23. Hi and welcome from the Plateau.


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