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Red Haired Girl

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Everything posted by Red Haired Girl

  1. Just my opinion. I believe the Reelection Team should be called what it really is - The Propaganda Ministry.
  2. I know it has been up for some time. I don't recall being able to search by county, though I may have not paid attention.
  3. Now that the criminals have the list of gun owners by city all they need is a phone book to start matching addresses to the names.
  4.   Of course it will get media attention. Rupert Murdoch will make sure of it.  As for who is paying for it - one word - Soros.
  5. Don't you remember, they can't find anything out about him because he had the foresight to destroy the hard drives in EVERY computer in the house. Destroyed to the point that expert forensic computer analysis was impossible. So the media reported. One time. In a sound bite.
  6. Are we 100% sure NRA authorized the release of this app today or did Medl Mobile the developer, or someone higher up the food chain have an agenda in mind with the timing of the release date. Not that I'm the suspicious sort but take a look at the who's who doing their press releases. http://www.medlmobile.com/press
  7. Has all the little kiddies standing 'round while he runs the country into the ground. I wonder how the parents are going to feel in 10 or 12 years when he comes knocking on the door for their child, only this time it is to give them a gun and fight another war.
  8. Geez! you must be clairvoyant! http://news.yahoo.com/wal-mart-says-buy-more-u-goods-add-141415846--sector.html
  9. Walmart was invited to VP Biden's round table on gun violence. They initially were not going to attend until word came from the White House that attending was not optional - it was a command performance.   On Tuesday  January 15th it was announced that Walmart will hire 100,000 military veterans over the next 5 years. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Why only a 5 year initiative? Shouldn't the hiring of willing, able bodied, veterans be a priority with all businesses - every day of every year?   Also on Tuesday in a small blurb on Brietbart.com it is mentioned that El Presidente Obama has tapped Walmart Foundation Manager Sylvia Matthews for a cabinet post. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/01/14/Obama-Picks-Women-From-Morgan-Stanley-And-Wal-Mart-For-Senior-Positions   Maybe I read too much into the news, or perhaps, I read too much news.
  10. The media whore doesn't even know what he is asking people to quit selling. How many fully automatic machine guns do you think got sold in the last month? Putz.
  11. The man in the woods had dropped his child off for school. He heard the shots and was going around the school to try to get inside. He was apprehended and later released. As for the rest of it - I'll keep my opinions to myself. Now, where did I put my Reynolds Wrap?...
  12. Not all medications affect every patient in the same way so I feel it is unfair to automatically suspend rights based on a prescription. I truley believe this is where we are headed now that Obamacare is in force. The feds will find any reason to flag a permit holder. Once they get all the permits from the ones on the drug list, what will be the next thing they flag for?  Perhaps eating fast food 5 days a week. A person obviously isn't capable of making rational decisions if they would eat that crap would be the reasoning behind it. Sure, it is noones business what anyone chooses to eat, yet we seem hell bent on making everything else our business, even things that are supposed to be doctor/patient privilege. Would you feel the same way if it were you taking one of the drugs you think should be flagged?
  13. Bloomberg is the most arrogant P.O.S. I have ever come across. He puts the Dick in Dictator.
  14. I was going along with what was being reported until it was reported that Lanza had destroyed the hard drives in his computers.
  15. Who decides what constitutes a mental illness and to what degree? Where will that stop? Nothing is private anymore, under Obamacare it will be less so. Will your pharmacy records come up when your social is put into the computer at the firearms dealer, flagging a medication you are taking that might cause a side effect, or have a warning on it  "Don't drive or operate heavy equipment while taking this medication" with the result being a denial? Will a list of medications prescribed to everyone at your address be accessed and a denial ensue because your 90 year old bed ridden aunt is taking Haldol? I can hear it now "The denial has nothing to do with you - you are fine - but our records show you have a possibly mentally unstable person living in your residence. You can appeal"... Next please.
  16. There are several sex offenders living in my neighborhood. For the most part they stay to themselves or try to contribute by helping some of the older people in the area by doing lawn work, or stuff outside their homes. We know who they are, and with the internet, we know what they did. We use caution and common sense when dealing with them. There has never been any trouble. Until now. Friday 2 weeks ago one of the ladies who lives up the road from me was outside doing some yard work. She is a petite, pretty woman and lives alone. She went into the house to use the bathroom and kept hearing a rustling sound. She went down the hall and noticed the shower curtain pulled closed in the guest bathroom. In the mirror she could see a man standing behind it! She ran to her room for her pepper spray, and he hightailed it out of there. She ran after him screaming. The neighbor across the street came out to see what was going on. He saw him going down the road so he went after him. When the offender turned around the neighbor hit him in the face and subdued him until the police came and arrested him. His story was that he was looking for information about him that was supposedly on her computer. Yeah. Right. The woman had nothing to do with him. He had asked her out a long time ago but she declined. She had no information about him other than what we all had which was public record anyway. He bailed himself out of jail - why he was allowed out is beyond me. He left town. He missed his court date and is now classified as an absconder. Crazy stuff goes on around here.
  17. Sorry I have been MIA. Life gets in the way every now and again. The latest goings on in my little 'hood are semi interesting. We believe we have discovered the person responsible for spreading the nails on the dam, cutting down large trees to block the paths in the woods and various other petty irritations. A sweet, innocent, 12 year old girl! As for the perv situation - Big drama on that front. Everyone is OK, but I have to get ready for work right now. I promise I will log on this evening to let you know what the latest happenings are. I find it hard to believe myself.
  18. I agree with all of you and you have very valid reasoning. I would also prefer to opt to be a good witness and call 911. That being said, if I were to encounter someone kicking or beating the living crap out of a person, male, female, adult or child, I will find it very difficult to stand idly by while they are defenseless and having the life beaten out of them. My first action will be to call 911, but after that call is made, if the aggressor did not stop the attack - I would.
  19. We have a Winner!! Thank you BrasilNuts.
  20. You have a HCP and are carrying in the above scenario. What are you doing drinking Tequila? If you are not drinking Tequila, then what is the point of this thread? You would be sober and in control of your emotions and faculties and firearm.
  21. So, the way I am reading this is, not just anyone can have my DL information according to the US Government and the TN Dept of Revenue, however, the TN Dept of Safety is free to give that very same information out to one and all because it is stamped HCP even though the permit is issued and the information is maintained by the TN Dept of Revenue. Driver's Privacy Protection Act Driver's Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), U.S. Code 18 Sections 2721-2725, was originally enacted in 1994 to protect the privacy of personal information collected and maintained by each state's motor vehicle agency. In Tennessee, the Department of Revenue is that agency. The DPPA prohibits any state motor vehicle agencies (or any officer, employee, or contractor thereof) from releasing personal information about an individual obtained by the department in connection with a motor vehicle record. It sets penalties for violations and holds violators liable on a civil action to the individual to whom the released information pertains. In Tennessee, persons or entities requesting information under the authorization of this Federal Act may make application on the Vehicle Information Request Form. This form will provide you with more specific information as to who is and is not authorized to receive this information.
  22. Yes, I saw the flaw in my logic the next morning. My husband does not have a permit but does have firearms. He is on my 'list' often enough, he shouldn't have to be on another one! The DUI list is already published! If you've committed a crime your name is all over the place. We have committed no crime, yet our names are bandied about akin to Hester Prynne, except we have a Scarlett HCP on our chest.
  23. What does it say? I have tried enlarging it, to no avail.


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