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Red Haired Girl

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Everything posted by Red Haired Girl

  1. Congratulations! She is beautiful. Is mom doing okay?
  2. He has it aimed in the wrong direction. IMHO.
  3. Meh. Just yesterday I read that there were no known pictures of him firing a weapon. Probably not even him.
  4. It is nice to read something that has not been edited or twisted. I wonder how a big city spin doctor would have changed this statement.
  5. Pinking Shears fall under Heavy Millinery. You would have to have a class III license to carry them and you would have to take a 6 hour training course and be re-certified every 6 months. They would be a lot of trouble. You can get the same piercing power with a pair of 9 inch tailors shears. If your budget allows, go for the full metal ones, don't fool with the lightweight composite handled ones. Sure, composites are lighter and easier to conceal, but they have a high failure rate if you hit a bone.
  6. The TSA won't have to update any signage since we already know we are not allowed to take scissors on a plane. That alone will save the taxpayers a bundle.    I was planning on going to the quilt shop this weekend. I probably won't be able to get a parking place  - everyone will be buying scissors. That being said, I just realized I am ahead of the curve in the scissor department and have quite the arsenal already built up. I even have a nice set of applique scissors I can use as my mouse scissors.   Idiots.
  7. Dang! I read some of the comments after that tripe. What is wrong with those people?
  8. He wants to get his name out there and let people know that he means business because he has his eye on 2016.
  9. In this economy and the price of gas I don't know how people can afford to go to DC to protest anything.
  10. I have to wonder if so many really want the government to take care of them or, is it possible they are so brain washed they truly believe they don't have the right to discipline their children, teach them right from wrong, educate them in the manner they see fit - not the governments idea of education/indoctrination. Because of the constant barrage of politically correctness shoved at them daily, people could possibly believe that this is the way things are supposed to be   When we live with the reality of 'if you bust your kids' butt because he/she is showing their ass in the supermarket you will have your child taken into state custody and you will go to jail on child abuse or endangerment charges' we no longer have to wonder why kids are out of control and their parents live in fear of what they will do next.
  11. I know what you say is true, however, I'm not going to willingly offer my information directly to the White House. They can work for it. The way I see it is I'm a job creator. 
  12. There is no way on earth I would sign any petition on that site. Sure, they only ask for your name, email address, and zip code however, they then have a database to pinpoint clusters of dissenters.
  13.  I am sorry. Truly I am. I did not intend to piss anyone off or cause anyone to get upset. Lock the thread or remove it.
  14. You are correct, it was terrible timing. My point, and I did not make it clear at all, is about him saying it to the press. If the liberals get even a sniff of the possibility of a crack in the armor, or a hint of no united front in the NRA, they will go for the jugular and this fight will be lost.
  15. Jim Baker should be relieved of his position in the NRA http://news.yahoo.com/exclusive-nra-senior-lobbyist-says-attack-ad-ill-181051948.html
  16. I was talking to one of my co-workers today. He has been buying 20 round magazines and reselling them. Paypal shut down his account because they didn't agree with the items he was selling. He tried to reason with them and get a valid explanation. Nothing.   PayPal said it is a new policy and is in effect for all sellers of firearms and accessories, including some really big companies who accept PayPal.
  17. He supposedly quit but he is still sucking on Nicorette gum. Hell, he chewed the stuff the whole way through the inaguration ceremonies. Funny how this came out after he put down the cigs. Hypocritical, lying, slime eating, sack of s#%*!
  18. I keep getting a canned response from Diane Black. I've received it so many times today my spam filter is sending them right to the spam folder.     Edited because I... never mind.
  19. Yes. If you really want to get an eye opening to the machinations of this administration read this.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels It is like a play book.
  20. I wish I was getting in some range time. I have a brand new Beretta 92FS that I bought at Christmas. It has never been fired. I bought 2 boxes of 9mm before the Sandy Hook shooting, figuring I'd get more after Christmas. 
  21. I also hope everyone is OK. I am in no way a fan of Mr. Obama, however, I spent most of yesterday holding my breath waiting for the report that someone had taken a shot at him. I was relieved when it didn't happen.
  22. I'm wondering about two things. The first is what in the world did he do to the children before he shot them. The charges for killing the children are "child abuse resulting in death", for the parents it was simple first degree murder. The second thing I'm wondering about - and we'll never know, is  - what kind of video games were in the home.
  23. The blue dress aside :yum:  Do the liberals honestly believe any sane person who lives in the inner city of any free state (New York and Chicago excluded) will give up their guns? I lived in one of the worst areas of Pittsburgh, PA 30 years ago and there is no way in hell I would have given up my gun then, I can only imagine what it is like now!
  24. Your clocks are beautiful. They all look original. When I ran an antique mall there would always be one dealer who thought things should be "fixed" and would end up destroying the value of items. I had one who removed the face from an old, working clock and used a face from a completely different clock that didn't work to replace it. He ended up with two worthless clocks.
  25. I was able to buy 1 box of 9mm target rounds at Walmart today. They have signs up "Only 1 box per caliber, per customer, per day." The whole store was just 'off'. Hardly any coffee, there was a lot of empty shelf space in the food section and in the paper goods aisle. Even the beer stock was low! I was trying to put my finger on what was causing the run on staples. It looked like a bus load of Preper's went though it.


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