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Red Haired Girl

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Everything posted by Red Haired Girl

  1. I never said they were MY tax dollars.
  2. 6.3 million in tax payer dollars went toward the making of Argo. I'll bitch about the Wookie presenting the Oscar if I so choose. If it elevates me to whiner status - fine by me.
  3. Not nearly enough. I have a brand new 9mm that hasn't been fired because I don't want to use up the rounds I have been able to get. I'm lower on .38's than I like to be and I have six, yes only six, .357's. I would have sworn I had 2 or 3 boxes of .357's but I must have used them up and just bought .38's to run through the .357
  4. The skeleton was dead of a head wound, hence, the bandage that was mistaken for a turban.
  5. How - in the name of all that is holy - do these imbeciles get elected into office? Have they ever read a newspaper or a police blotter?  Why aren't the women of Colorado screaming from the roof tops about this load of tripe. I wanted to vomit when I read the list. I may still.
  6. Men get raped. Where is their list of preventative measures and means of escape? You guys going to kick off your shoes and run?
  7. Comcast is the new carrier for Verizon. Crap.
  8. I know I'm late to this party and I couldn't get on the website to see if they have other nationalities depicted in this target series, if they do not, then this is seriously messed up. No Koreans, no Japanese, Chinese, Inuit, American Indians, only white men, women and children. WTH?
  9. It took a long time for the MSM to add that she killed the dog to the original story. Maybe they were waiting until the dogs family was notified. This morning at work I told people she killed the dog. Everyone thought I was kidding.   I'm sorry, I don't believe I was being judgmental. The woman had documented problems, some of which she admitted were her own doing.
  10. It is a shame those babies will grow up without their biological mother, but really, how good of a mother did she turn out to be? Shooting the dog makes sense. If she was self centered enough to kill herself she probably thought the dog would eat and disfigure her. It has been known to happen. My take on suicide is anyone who does it has tried, or thought about it, for a long time. They are wired differently from day one. A truly suicidal person will manage to kill themselves no matter how much help, or how loving a family they have. Even those that never gave any indication they had suicidal thoughts. They did and kept them hidden. I may be wrong...
  11. Very true. My bad.
  12. No one mentions the fact that he gave the speech in both English and Spanish.  I guarantee you his mouth was dry. I talk for a living and go through an average of 4 20oz bottles of water in a 7 hour shift. The guy took a sip of water. Cripe, it isn't like he dipped his hand into a font of holy water, slurped up a gulp of water then dried his hand on his tie.
  13. Hmm... perhaps what has changed is people got smart and noticed it is un-constitutional to disarm the people when we go to town. What a ditz.
  14. Still no word from Obama. He is probably mad because I said Michelle is no Jackie Kennedy.  I will have to trust Bob and Lamar to pass along my messages to him.
  15. He was educated in the public school system. Bless his heart.
  16. And over 300,000 little unborn Johnny's are dead (per year) because of the evil, soulless, Democrat's blood stained hands. Hypocrites.
  17. What do you expect from a woman who, at her age, still wears frosted lipstick? Totally out of touch.
  18. The whole thing could have been avoided had the store owner told the low information complainer the skeleton was not wearing a turban, it was a skeleton that depicted a person who died from a head wound, thus it was a bandage and then told the complainer  not to let the door hit them in the @$$ on the way out.
  19. I think Obama has blocked my IP address. He doesn't call, he doesn't write...
  20. My choice would be Gary Sinise http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Sinise
  21. If that old bitch runs and wins the Presidential election I am going to turn in my woman card.
  22. For hundreds of years we have had weapons, now all of a sudden, some politician gets their panties in a wad and wants to tax me under the guise of calling it 'insurance' (where have I heard this before) because why? Have guns become so much more violent in the last 7 weeks? Is insurance magical?  Will it prevent criminals from committing crimes because they will fear their premiums will go up?    If the government thugs make everyone get liability insurance I promise you, every family member of every little punk killed in the commission of a crime will find some way to work the system and sue the victim.
  23. I read an article in a magazine (Reader's Digest, I believe) titled 'Who Will Become a Nazi'. It gave a breakdown of the personality traits of different people and how they could, or could not, be persuaded to join a group like the Nazi's. It opened my eyes to a lot of traits I used to ignore in people. There are many, many,  people out there who would fire on American citizens if they thought it would curry favor with someone they consider their superior or if they thought it would get them promoted to a higher ranking.
  24. Obama is really pushing the 10 round magazine limit.  He figures it passed once before - why not try it again. He knows the AR-15's are not going to go away but he will neuter them if he can.


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