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Red Haired Girl

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Everything posted by Red Haired Girl

  1. Lighten up, Barbara. I was only kidding about it being time for G.H. to go before the death panel.
  2. Not to be a ghoul or whatever you would call it but... White County (Sparta) may be looking for someone. I heard one of their guys in the Sheriffs Dept. passed away. I don't have any details but the source is reliable.
  3. If you can do it and not toss your breakfast, pull up images of Bloomberg. That guy has a bad case of Crazy Eyes. I look at him and all I see is 'nut job'.
  4. What does Haslam have that Corker and Lamar want?
  5. This is one of the comments taken from Alexander the Traitor's FB page. I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read it.   "Tennessee expected You to stand up to Harry Reid. You stood just high enough to put your head up his butt. What a disappointment."
  6. It will be interesting to find out what Corker was promised while he was kneeling under the dinner table worshiping in the lap of Obama instead of standing with Rand Paul during the filibuster.
  7. FB was a pit before it went public last May. I consider it  the Detroit of social media so I am not the least bit surprised by any content posted there.
  8. When we get off the trains which line do you think they'll put you in? The 'able to work' line or the 'shower' line?
  9. You have to read the comments under the auction. Hilarious! Someone asked if the paper was standard photo paper or if it was soft enough to wipe with. :rofl:
  10. The gentleman can afford a pistol for his own personal collection and an AR15 to give away but he can't afford a decent dog leash to gift to his step daughter. It is because of this kind of 'self-centered, everything is about me' attitude that causes Baby Sea Lions to be senselessly murdered in broad daylight.     Hey Mark Kelly - just because you are a media hound it does not make you a good dog handler.
  11. Wouldn't work - they would only pull the plug on it that day. The best way to twist their tails is to call in continuously over time to keep the pressure on them. Heck it is an 800#, it is their dime so call, and call often!
  12. Congratulations to you and your wife! Is your wife doing OK? If Riley is in NICU it probably wasn't exactly a day at the beach for her.
  13. Even if the sequester will cause budget cuts, from my understanding, it is a reduction of less than 5% from the budget for next year or maybe the year after. There is absolutely no reason to have these situations now. In a year - maybe. The lying, slime eating, gut sucking prick, Harry Reid actually had the gall to say the sequester was the reason for the accidental death of the 7 Marines from a mortar explosion in Hawthorne, Nevada. The whole bunch makes me sick.   :tinfoil: I believe the reason Reid rolled over on the AWB has nothing to do with his worrying about the careers of politicians in red states or that the AWB will not have enough votes to go to the house; I believe the administration is going to try to ratify the UN Small Arms Treaty to let the UN try to deal with the dissidents. :tinfoil:
  14. My Walmart has had the 3 box limit since the beginning of February. The shelves are still bare. On a brighter note: Dunham's got in a couple buckets of 1600ct 22LR. They were gone in a matter of minutes, but they did get them. I'll take it as a good sign.
  15. Don't these people die? I swear to doG they live forever. If I were her age they'd have me in diapers and be feeding me gruel in the common room with the other droolers. She is sitting in the US Senate spewing her vituperative hate! I don't get it.
  16. The schools do this type of over blown hysteria to terrify the children about guns. It used to be the boogie man kids were afraid of - now it is a hunk of metal.
  17. I'm so very sorry.
  18. I don't think this will work out in his favor. People are not so stupid to not realize their leaders are probably not reading mail about any of the other concerns of the people.
  19. I find it odd that the grabbers are screaming about the people in the south clinging to their guns, yet if you look at the map, it shows that the northern and western states, for the most part, were May Issue and Shall Issue states while most of the south and mid-west was bathed in red with No Issue until 1995.
  20. The "manbeast of a woman"(funny!) apologized to the woman after the meeting. Don't you know that makes it OK? You can say whatever stupid shit pops into your head as long as you apologize afterward, off the record and off camera.   I want to punch her in the face.
  21. What the hell! I believed the flag was only lowered to half mast for national or state mourning, and was proclaimed by the POTUS, or the Governor of each state. I was not aware that a business could lower the flag for a foreign despot. That is just wrong. It will be a cold, cold day before I put Citgo gas in my car.
  22. No. I am not against tax breaks. If a state is going to offer a corporation like Nissan, Amazon or VW etc., an incentive in the form of tax breaks to move to TN or any other state, and the corporation in turn provides long term, permanent employment for people - great. Making a movie is a temp job. Are the film and television  production companies based in the state of TN given a tax break or are the tax breaks reserved for outside production companies who decide to film here?
  23. @ Mike.357 - Perhaps.   I will concede on the cost factor. If California wants to waste their people's tax money on movies it is no skin off my behind.   Her gown was priced at retail for 8900.00  I'll assume ( we know how assuming works) Barry paid for it and told her to buy one in every color.   No, she didn't fly out there, she was at the White House at a formal dinner for the service men and women standing behind her. Some, if you'll notice in a few of the different screen shots, don't look real pleased. I could be reading more into the dour looks than the actual intent.   Harvey Weinstein, the big time Hollywood producer and Obama ass kisser asked her to do it 2 weeks ago. She should have declined, but being a media whore...   There is no conspiracy or message. PricewaterhouseCooper's keeps the academy votes under tight secrecy and security and has not had a breech in security for the 76 years they have been counting the votes. Until the envelopes are opened nobody, aside from PwC accountants, knows who won. The last day to vote was the 19th of February, far past when the FLOATUS was asked to be a presenter. However, this is the first year that electronic voting was made available to all members of the academy by a company called Everyone Counts, Inc. You may make your own suppositions.


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