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Everything posted by walton6467

  1. My wife thinks it funny. My daughters rolled their eyes, but I don't want to have to explain it to my grand daughter, so sadly, I'm not buying. LOL
  2. I link to a company selling gun related merchandise. However, its almost R-rated. You have been warned. I hope its not too inappropriate for most here.   http://shop.tacticalshit.com/gear/i-love-guns-titties-gear?acc=9a1158154dfa42caddbd0694a4e9bdc8  
  3. I want a Glock 42. Don't need it, prolly won't use it, but I want it. Dammit.
  4. Um, didn't BUSH bailout GM?
  5. Found this at Wal-Mart, while carrying. I'd seen someone open carrying the same visit.
  6. When you remember when you could smoke everywhere!
  7. Idiots.
  8. My friends and I have all shared the info on Facebook. If we can do anything else, let us know.
  9. Aw He** naw. LOL
  10. I just spit coffee. Too funny!
  11. I recently purchased a Work Sharp and I love it.
  12. http://www.stripes.com/news/us/marines-shoot-down-internet-story-on-obama-s-alleged-push-for-girly-hats-1.248963
  13. Jealous. :stunned:
  14. Not me, but I have a very similar story that includes a shotgun, getting stung four times between the eyes and a can of Great Stuff expanding foam insulation. I'll tell it if someone wants to buy the beer.
  15. I don't know much about this, but all I know is I really, really, really, really don't want to be gay married to anyone.
  16. Not an asshat at all. An asshat would have blamed someone else, you stood up and took responsibility. Are you going to sue the gun manufacturer for not making it easier to unload the gun?
  17. Any used car ad that references Charles Dickens is EPIC.
  18. The University probably has their own policy. I recommend contacting the Campus Police station or the Administration and clarifying your schools position.
  19. Bless your heart Sir. Bless Millly's too.
  20. Take my money!
  21. I'd picked up this gun a week or so ago and time and weather prevented an immediate range report. Yesterday I was able to spend a little time with it and I'm happy to say it performs wonderfully. The .45 colt rounds were snappy, but at 30 feet or so, very accurate. I didn't try the .45 ACP, but I tried a variety of .410 shot shells and they are MUCH snappier. Not a wrist breaker and no chance of dropping the gun or anything stupid, but it was an unexpected recoil. At 20 feet or so, steel bird shot spread to about a 15-18 inch pattern. The "home defense" .410 with the copper slugs were great from 20-25 feet. I'm thinking after shooting this gun that its a perfect bedside gun and birdshot is a good option for point and shoot, middle of the night "someone came in thru the window" usage. The gun has great grips, better than the comparable Taurus and the six shot cylinder is definitely an upgrade to the five shot Taurus Judge. I bought it to resell, but I'm thinking of keeping it now. Look upon my ginormous revolver and be envious.
  22. I think I see Arnold covered in mud.
  23. Ouchies
  24. I have just had what I think may be the best burger in Clarksville. Rudy's Diner on Madision Street has a burger that is not on the menu. Its called The Jesse. The Jesse has two patties, at least a third pound each, maybe more, 5 or 6 full pieces of bacon, lettuce, tomato, pickles and mayo. When I squished it down, it was still too tall for me to take a full bite of. I had to take a bite of the bottom bun and meat, then the top bun and meat. The patties are flame grilled and seasoned just right.   I'm miserable and may skip dinner, but I'm a happy fat man.


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