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Everything posted by walton6467

  1. walton6467

    Ruger P95

    However, to borrow from another thread, you CAN'T limp wrist a P95. Anytime I've ever let an unexperienced shooter use the gun, it stovepipes.
  2. Welcome from Clarksville. Good to have another neighbor here.
  3. Campus Gun Bans Are Still on Solid Ground, Legal Experts Say - Legal - The Chronicle of Higher Education
  4. the wife, the neighbors wife or the kids have all jammed up my stuff at one time or another limp wristing. Walther P22, Kel Tec PF9 and Ruger P95.
  5. walton6467

    Ruger P95

    I've had a P95 for a couple years and I love it. Fires anything I feed it. Enjoy.
  6. YIKES!!! I obviously didn't think of these things. Thats why I posed the questions. Thanks. I'm learning all kinds of things.
  7. Why avoid the compensated for carry? The risk of getting lint/dirt in the barrel?
  8. I’m thinking of getting a Glock. I’ve read the Glock threads here and I’ve researched a little and I understand the basic differences between the different generations of Glocks. I understand 1st generation, 2nd gen and 3rd gen variations. I’m not sure what the 4th generation is. Can someone illuminate me? My next question is that other than physical size, is there a substantial difference between Standard, Compact and Subcompact? I mean, is the only difference between the 17, 19 and 26 (or 22, 23, and 27) is the length of the barrel and the length of the grip or is there a difference in the mechanical function? There is only about an ounce difference in weight between each of the variations. Would this make a substantial difference in the recoil? Also, does anyone have the Compensated version and is it for show or does it make a difference in the recoil? Can you compare the compensated to the non-compensated and honestly tell a difference in the recoil? Is there a specific model or variation of Glock to avoid? I read the thread related to the Glock 22. I’m not buying that, but is there, for instance, a first generation .40 cal that’s just a bad gun? What are the secrets to getting a good Glock? Are used LEO trade-ins generally good guns or something to avoid? I welcome all advice. Not really interested in the debate between stopping power of 9mm versus .40 or .45, but I'm happy to read them. At this point, not interested in Sig, S&W, etc. is better than Glock debate either, but I'm happy to read those too, never know when you might learn something. Educate me oh wise ones.
  9. My PF-9 has a metal mag release. I"ve never had a problem with it. I do prefer the metal to the plastic.
  10. 5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies) | Cracked.com
  11. Always nice to see another Clarksvillian on TGO. Welcome
  12. and many times more dangerous than most firearms.
  13. I wish Jack in the Box served beer. I wouldnt' have been tempted either.
  14. did you have the Toot's Chili Cheeseburger? Thats so good, it would make you shoot someone.
  15. To my knowledge, TN law does not differentiate between a restaurant that serves alcohol and a bar. Its a business that SERVES alcohol for consumption onsite. I believe the state law states that any business with a liquor license to serve must derive more than 50% of their business from the sale of food. Otherwise there is a small token fine to pay. So as far as the state is concerned, there is on difference between O'Charleys and some roadside honky tonk.
  16. Behind the DL. Don't hide it but don't flaunt it either. No more than I would flaunt a hunting license, fishing license or the card Microsoft sent me when I became certified with them. Its just part of who I am and what I carry. I can't imagine "flaunting" it. No one NEEDS to know.
  17. Love my Twitch II. Always in my pocket or boot. Don't leave home without it.
  18. I have not run into any limits at the multiple Walmarts in Clarksville. I've bought from the evil Walmart and from several local owned places and no one has any limits I'm aware of.
  19. Picked up a Kel Tec PF-9 recently for use as my carry piece and I got the opportunity to shoot it today. It has a little kick to it, and after 40 or 50 rounds the palm of my hand was tingling and a little numb. Fired Walmart Winchester 115 Grain FMJ and Walmart Winchester 147 Grain hollow points both for a total of probably 100 rounds. This is the first gun I've had with an internal hammer, so the trigger pull feels long to me, but its steady and consistent. Overall I think its a nice little pocket gun. Something I can stick in the back of my jeans or the pocket of my work pants and not worry about damaging the finish. Its almost identical in size and weight to my wife's Walther P22. All the edges and sites are rounded smooth for pocket carry. No sharp edges to stick or wear on your thigh or hip. The weight is comfortable and the little gun is sturdy feeling in your hand. It comes with a single magazine and an extension that you can add to the mag and I found that helpful. Disassembly is easy. RE-assembly is a little tricky. After cleaning, getting it back together with the assembly pin in the right place on the barrel is a challenge. I think I'll like it. Just wanted to share. J:woohoo:
  20. Yeah, the survey is kinda worded like "Do you still beat your wife?" any way you respond is wrong.
  21. I know what I'm doing tonight.
  22. walton6467

    .22 Plinker?

    I agree with the others, the Walther P22 is a great little gun. Much fun, with the grip and feel of a larger caliber.
  23. The Leatherman FUSE, which is a step down from the WAVE and the SOG Twitch II are always with me.


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