I'm always willing to take on new jobs as long as they are local, and by local I mean as long as you are willing to meet me atleast half way. And as long as I'm in town long enough to get the work done. I'm still looking to build my camo portfolio, I think I have the multi-cam thing down, I've got two-tone down, I've got solid colors down and I'm still working on getting intracate designs down. After talking to a few guys on 1911.com for a multi-cam job like that we came up with $175 for a pistol (full pistol, 1x mag), $250 for a bolt action (stock and barrel done seperate to give better apperance + scope (scope caps are a no-go...for some reason they don't cooperate with me)) and $300 for an "assault"/tactical rifle (3x accessories i.e. eotech, foregrip, flip-up front and rear sights (I count them as the same)) and $25 per accessory above what's listed. Less intracate patterns will obviously be priced accordingly. I sand blast if necessary, or just rough up the surface to give the duracoat something to bond to, degrease after a good cleaning, phosphorus coat, then start laying on the camo.