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Everything posted by roverboy

  1. Man, thats nice. Congratulations on a good find. I've never seen a Westinghouse. What other companies made the U.S. contract Mosin?
  2. I've never ate any kind of wild mushroom except Morels/Dry Land Fish. There's several different varieties that are edible though.
  3. Glad you had good luck with your loads. The only problem right now is bullets ,primers ,etc are hard to find.
  4. I don't have experience with Unique in .357 but, 2400 and H110 are good with heavier loads. I load 180 gr. WFN cast GC behind 13.5 - 14.0 gr. 2400 and it hits about 1250 fps out of my Security Six. Its a thumper and no pressure signs in my gun. www.handloads.com had only one load with Unique and  a JFP bullet and it was 7.0 gr. and a starting load of 6.3 gr. The 7.0 gr. load gave a velocity of 1125 fps. I don't have one of my manuals handy right now. Your GP100 should be a strong gun. Ruger don't mess around.
  5. I agree. I hate going to any walmart.
  6. If you want to load berdan cases, good luck. There's decappers to get primers out with.
  7. Bump. Thanks. I need to renew mine. I let it run out last September.
  8. A friend has 2 boxes of Win./Olin .303 Savage 190 gr. ammo and was wondering if they still loaded this stuff. I told him its a obsolete caliber that has been since probably the late 1930's. One box is in decent shape and the other is a little rough. He's wondering if its collectable. I found some Hornady 150 gr. ammo but, no luck on 190 gr. Any help is appreciated.
  9. Hogs will always be a problem. They'll probably never be killed out of an area, once they get established. There's been hogs around Dale Hollow Lake for years, and they've been hunted hard in some places too. I think that there shouldn't be a limit on how many hunters a landowner can let help out. it should be his/her decision.
  10. Good article. It looks like it won't be long before hogs are all around me. There's hogs about 2 miles form where I sit now.
  11. There usually ready to load as is. Lubed and sized and ready to go.
  12. I like the Steyr 95 and 95/34 and have been meaning to order one for a long time. Yeah, I know ammo is hard to get unless you want to mortgage something but, its on my wish list. Maybe it means another set of dies.  S.O.G. has been good to me in the past.
  13. I don't have the box right here now but, its something like Diamond Shot. There not copper or nickel plated. I think the lead shot is polished.
  14. Anybody have experience with Kent turkey shells? I bought a box and I've not tried them yet. But, have heard from a couple guys at work that they had bad experiences with them. I'm gonna try and see how they do in mne. I usually just shoot Win. 1 7/8 oz. #4 in mine and they do good but, couldn't find any the other day.
  15. I went to the store where I get most of my reloading supplies, and all 3 items I wanted, they didn't have. The guy working there that I talked to, said that they usually ship it to customers as soon as it comes in. He said, primers, powder, and some caliber bullets, he can't keep on the shelves. People are freaking out! Its been this way on and off ever since Nobama came in.
  16. I hunted hard the whole weekend and every evening this week and ain't seen nothing. I don't really have a clue why.
  17. A lot of people buy corn this time of year. Some do it just because they're neighbors are doing it. I'm not saying that makes it right. Thats just the way it is for some people.
  18. I went this morning and stayed in the stand till 10:30 and didn't see crap. I usually stay longer but, its hard to do when nothings moving.
  19. I may have to get some. I've heard the stuff is "toadly awesome". Where would I get some without having to order it?
  20. I got a problem with a firing pin that's stuck and a breech plug too. What would be the best penetrating oil? Store bought or homemade. I may heat the breech plug up with a propane torch and try and get it out that way. I know there's some knowledgeable members on here, so anybody got any advice. Thanks.
  21. I love the grip panels. And the finish is nice too. The only thing wrong with it is........... its not a .45. Just kidding. I'd love to have a .45 Hi-Point. Thats gonna be my next handgun buy. A lot of people put down the Hi-Point but, its cheap, reliable, and the warranty is awesome. Did I say its made in U.S.A. You can send Hi-Point your gun thats wore out and they'll fix it or replace it free. It don't matter if your the original owner or 10th.
  22. I love Spring turkey huntin' but, can't get in to Fall huntin' for some reason.
  23. Dave, you got a great and unique hog there. Congratulations. I've never seen one that color, and its one to be proud of.
  24. Well I'm not a caster yet, but I can help you some on the handloading. You'll need a good press, scales, dies, shellholder, powder measure, loading manual, powder, bullets, primers. these are just basic items. If you have friends to help you get started that would really help.
  25. I called TWRA years ago and asked why was Feral hogs a big game animal if they're such a pest? This was back when hogs were 1 of the 4 big game animals. I asked the guy that answered, why if they're such a pest and so destructive, why don't TWRA just let the legal hunters go crazy on'em. He said, yeah they're pretty destructive but, didn't have an answer. He just talked around it. Sounded like a crooked politician.


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