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About Independent_shooter

  • Birthday 08/30/1976

Profile Information

  • Location
    Franklin, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Isshinryu, guitar, hunting, fishing


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
  • Carry Weapon #2
    HK 45, Sig 556R, KSG ;)

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Independent_shooter's Achievements

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Established Contributor (3/5)



  1. Please let me know if the sale falls through
  2. Do you know if this SN is part of the x-mark trigger recall?
  3. Any idea if this rifle is part of the x-mark pro trigger recall?
  4. Sorry if I’m dense here, but what exactly is included in the $1,100 package price?
  5. Someone buy this, I don’t need it…but my willpower is wearing thin.
  6. GLWS, good deal. I love mine
  7. Can you post a link to the specs for the gun you have posted? I can’t find anything on a 686 Silver Eagle
  8. Man, wrong side of state…nice set up. GLWS Rudy
  9. They just posted a pic with the original tag, "claw controlled round feeding". If the prices stay reasonable, I may be getting my first 1911, a Colt 1911 Special Combat Government...looks to be new in the box.
  10. Thanks guys, I can't wait to get behind her. Too bad work has me in the road for a few days. I'm not on the tuarus forum


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