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Everything posted by LastRebel70

  1. Dolomite, I wasn't referring to giving up on getting a response from you, it was directed at the others that commented on what I said. Sorry about this misunderstanding over that.
  2. Actually they have had 300 students in the last 7 days and already passed last years numbers.
  3. You know what I give up, I tried to get an answer to a question but you are ignoring my question and zeroing in on something completely different. It's like I heard there are 2 groups, one hates mhim and everything he says or does and the other loves him and there is no middle ground which is where I am.
  4. I was responding to Dolomite's claim that it was JY's fault that the 3 people were killed. That is what I was asking to be clarified. I have neither tried to defend him or attacked him, I was simply asking a question. And I have checked up on the facts I saw the video, read his AAR and another AAR.
  5. Yes I have read it but that still doesn't answer my my question of how everything is his fault.
  6. Maybe you can explain to me how the driver of car 1 is responsible for the commander of the unit to let the 3 car convoy sit at the road block for so long and be to blame for the guy that got killed in the initial burst from the ambush, who was in car 2?
  7. In West Tennessee I would say L&A in Union City and Parkway Gun and Pawn in Jackson.
  8. Everyday day in my right hand pocket I carry a Spyderco Tenacious and I love it. I even bought one for my son. On the left side I either carry a Benchmade Stryker I bought over 10 years ago, a Cold Steel Voyager Medium or a Sog Flash II.
  9. Welcome to the forum. I'm right down the road from you in the big town of Sharon.
  10. Balloons with flour in them then blown up a little gives a nice white cloud when hit.
  11. A friend and me were out shooting .22s at a local clay pit/dump when I spotted an old 1"water house on the ground and decided to take a shot at it. Lucky me I hit it right at the brass coupling and the riochet hit me in the right temple. Sure was glad I was far enough back for it not to break the skin. I discovered at an early age the brass is a lot harder that lead.
  12. There is a town here in West TN that is known as the Home of the White Squirrel. It's Kenton.
  13. Hey now being from West Tennessee I take offense to that comment if you notice the tag says Davidson County so that would make it the Nashville area, so Middle Tennessee.
  14. Might give J C Whitney a try.
  15. Thanks was trying to find this song the other day but couldn't remember who sang it.
  16. I just received one of these for Christmas and so far really like it. It's a great knife for the price.
  17. I don't care who you are now that's funny. LOL
  18. It doesn't go on your MVR because all they have is a picture of your car and the tags not the driver.
  19. I see no problem with these. It's simple, don't speed and you won't get a ticket. And this is coming from someone that got one from the one in Jackson. Guess what though, I was speeding at the time so it was my fault not the vans.
  20. From Season 2 of Sons of Anarchy Jax speaking to the ATF Agent that was stalking Tara: "And violating a restraining order will put you in the cell right next to me, did they teach you how to suck d*** in ATF school?:
  21. I am in west tn, and although Jackson is not my home I am there working every day. I have also shot at Great Outdoors and hope to get there again soon.
  22. Welcome Willy I am just down the road from you in the big town of Sharon.
  23. I have to say my favorite character is Happy, Loved it in season 2 where they said something about cutting Zobell's head off in the middle of the street and Happy said, "ok". lol
  24. Welcome Wil, I will say that I pass thru Medina almost every day on my way to work in Jackson. I also just went to GOS just last Saturday to shoot my new Springfield XDM .40. Maybe we could meet up sometime and do some shooting.


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