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About jarhead

  • Birthday 02/11/1958

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. I know that Tennessee had a period where gun safes were exempted from sales tax. I also know that that period has expired. I discovered that information (while shopping for a safe) two days after it expired. I have heard that the legislature passed a bill to make "no sales tax" on gun safes permanent and that it becomes effective November 01, 2023. Can anyone confirm this info? I've been holding off on buying a safe for that reason. Thanks.
  2. I play 18 holes with a regular foursome every week. Usually on Wednesday mornings. Frustrating and rewarding. Last week , I shot 36 (rewarding) on the front nine and 45 on the back (frustrating).
  3. I usually end up spending well over $150 every year there. Between my wife and kids and now grandchild it's easy to blow through a good bit of cash there. This year I intend to purchase some ammo in honor of the Wilson County Fair and stay home.
  4. I suppose I have attended my last fair. Looks like Wilson County has adopted policies from Nashville and forgotten their roots. I have attended the fair every year for the past 20+ and carried a concealed pistol every year without an issue. Now that the "State Fair" has crashed the party, the anti-gun crowd has taken over. Maybe I'll spend the money (that would have been spent at the fair) on ammo instead of fried everything. JMHO
  5. You knew it was coming. He's from New Jersey and still calls Shortsville, NY his hometown. He knows what's best for us backward gun owners. I'll be glad when he's out of office so he and his wife (who refuses to use his name) can move back up north and annoy people there. JMHO
  6. jarhead

    HBO "Pacific"

    I don't have HBO but I went to HBO's website and registered and it allowed me to watch the entire first episode for free. I am assuming that each episode will be available for viewing the day after it airs on the tube. Great first show. I am hooked but then again I am somewhat biased! GySgt. USMC (ret)
  7. The Gate I entered was over by Fiddlers Grove and the sign was attached to the White Fence to the left of the ticket shack there. It had several rules on it and one of them stated No Firearms beyond this point except LEO. I didn't see it either at first and even went into the fair carrying for about 30 minutes. For some reason my little voice told me to double check the gate again for signage. I'm glad I did because that's when I saw the sign and returned the weapon to the car.
  8. Wilson County Fair is posted...No Firearms beyond this point except LEO.
  9. I've heard rumors that they have signs up forbidding firearms but that's unconfirmed. I'm going to the fair tonight and I'll be carrying but if it's posted I guess I'll go back to the car and leave the Sig locked in the vehicle. Really hate to go unarmed though. It feels really wierd not having that pistol digging into my right kidney.
  10. Yep, that's three. Walter Cronkite is sleeping easier tonight. Figured he'd be #3


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