Caught 2 folks parked on a gravel road running behind (not on) my property. I'd had a couple of things stolen while I was rehabing this place, so when they were parked there over 30 minutes, I watched from the woods, for 10-15 minutes, confronted them, told them what my concerns were, took their license number, and run them off. Since the road isn't on my property, I had no reason to hold them for the cops, etc. Got to looking around the piece of ground they were hanging out in, and found 2 2 quart pop bottles half full of lithium batteries, liquid, looks just like the stuff I been seeing in the drug class dog and pony show we do once a year at work.
Long post short, I called the cops, they sent a deputy to look it over, he ID's it as a shake and bake set-up, calls haz mat, and takes the license number. A while goes by, they catch the guys with another batch cooking, I ID the guys, they go to court, I'm called as a witness, and they're out of the courtroom free and clear before I am. End of lesson.