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Everything posted by 2.ooohhh

  1.  You can sign the petition at the second link without FB. (I refrain from the FB as well.)
  2. I have the background music set to play different playlists on different days/times, This sunday afternoon after the range it was Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline :)
  3. Where is the match being held? Address or coordinates for use with GPS would be great. :)     And yes, I saw an address on the MCTS website but zillow popped it up as a 2 bedroom home so I figured I'd double check before heading out to someone's house. 
  4.   Last night they charged me $15 for the transfer and the standard $10 background check fee. Be sure to tell them your a TGO member. :)
  5. Yeah, the giveaway on the new 9mm mags is that they get slightly wider a few rounds from the top. (all the factory mags are labeled 229-1 but some aftermarket mags may not be) if the wider mag will fit into the mag well it is the wider frame. (all .40 and .357 229s should be on the wider frame as that is why the frame was widened to begin with)
  6. Ok, the new 229 in .22lr showed up yesterday (Thanks to David and Kev @ D&T for a simple and smooth transfer). The 229 "classic" is, as I had figured, based on the wider frame as well. So it would seem to reason that as long as you start with a 229 based on the wider frame (any 229 excluding the 9mm produced before the switch to the wider frame) any of the newer caliber x-change kits will work on it. One thing I noted in the box is that unlike the mosquito, the p229 classic chambered in 22lr receives sig's lifetime warranty. I'll update again both when the .40 x-change kit arrives and when I get a few hundred rounds downrange on the new assemblies.
  7. Had a friend purchase his first gun in the rush before Christmas, the night after at dinner he asked me where to buy ammo b/c the store where he had purchased the gun didn't have any. I told him I hadn't seen many places that reliably had it at the moment but I would loan him a box until he found some in stock at a reasonable price. His wife asked why he needed ammo "right now" and I explained that without ammo his new pistol was essentially a very expensive rock.  :rofl:
  8. I require my guns to reliably go bang and be reasonably accurate (just b/c I'm a terrible shot doesn't mean I need any help) and my phones to reliably make calls. My previous Windows mobile phone was thrown out of a moving car in frustration when it refused to make a call and locked up, most of the guns I've ever sold(very few) have had either FTF or FTE errors with my preferred ammo.   I'm currently iPhone/Sig and happy with both.  I would probably have been more inclined to try a glock but from what I've seen they have a less than stellar record with hand cast bullets.
  9. Apparently they are now sold out the BX-25 now links to "This item is no longer available."
  10. Being my first event I'm fairly certain that I was terrible as the scoring goes, but I learned a lot in the process and had fun doing it so I look forward to next time. Great set of experienced shooters running the event that offered lots of good advice.   Thanks to all that helped put it on!   Erik
  11.   TGO is an open forum, even if the administrators delete the entire database the entire site has already been cached by companies outside the control of the site owners. If it's posted here and stays up very long it's as good as public.   Here is google's most recent cache of this conversation.   http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:LF-_yl5jhusJ:www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57132-mag-ban-bill-in-the-house/page-5+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  12. I've purchased 1 gun in the last month but I've sold a half dozen or so I didn't need so bad, I do have a much larger supply of ammo and mags than friends mostly b/c I've been reloading for a few years. I can't begin to count the friends I've answered questions for who were looking to purchase their first gun(s).
  13. I keep important copies of many files on usenet after encrypting via truecrypt of course.  I also stash DVDr copies of the encrypted volume in places I have secure storage.  Saved my ass when we got burglarized a few years back, and you never know when you may wake up in a foreign country and need a copy of your passport to get home.   :cool:
  14. I generally keep 4 per pistol per caliber minimum, but several of my pistols share magazines or have 3 or 4 calibers so for some pistols I technically have many more.   As for rifles if 2 dozen 30 round mags isn't enough I've got bigger issues.
  15. Pick up the trade first and figure out where/when it was made, then you can order the correct conversion kits. The newer p229s all use the wider frame so that the slides are more interchangeable than some of the older p229s. I have a .40 conversion for mine on the way from sig and a separate p229 chambered in 22lr on the way so I can certainly let you know how it goes in the next few weeks. :)
  16. For warmth I would take a wool blanket and a pair of large trash bags over most "space blankets" any day in a survival situation. I would even choose my wool blankets over my very expensive high fill down sleeping bag in many instances. That's not to say I don't have a space blanket, but that I've found it uses far more limited when put into actual use, and I haven't really found them to be a magic replacement for anything in my bag. When I was in BWCA several years back I actually came upon a couple that had planned to sleep in a pair of the Adventure medical blankets, they weren't dying or anything(it was late summer) but it was painfully obvious that they really regretted that decision after 4 days of paddling. Seemed to be that they couldn't both stay warm and ventilate so they either woke up soaked to the bone with sweat, or didn't sleep b/c they were too cold.  :2cents:
  17. I just can't seem to leave anything stock.
  18. I'm using stainless after de-priming brass, and then my older vibratory tumbler is eastwood walnut shell media w/nufinish that I occasionally run the finished rounds through to give them a final polish and remove any excess sizing lube that may still be on the cases. I've found the light coat of the wax helps them stay factory fresh looking even after exposure to the elements. I was amazed when I switched to the stainless last spring how well it cleans the primer pockets.
  19. I'm would hate to have them pass it. . . my safe would probably fill up with my relatives' firearms from up that way overnight, and I might have to see some of them more often.      The laws up there are already really odd, walked into walmart over the holidays and they would only sell my FIL 2 boxes of ammo and he had to give her his FOID card so they could register the number or something. I asked for 12 boxes total in 4 different calibers and simply had to prove I was from out of state. I asked about the discrepancy and she said the county's sheriff had limited ammunition sales to FOID card holders to 2 boxes per day but that the limit didn't apply to non-residents since we can't apply for a FOID card. :squint:  Kinda reminded me of when TN lowers the corporate taxes to entice business to move to TN, except they are enticing me to keep my ass here and buy my ammo there. (It rarely ever sells out with the goofy limit on locals)
  20. It's very hard to find "good" prices on much in the way of firearms right now(possible pending legislation and all), the main thing to do is be wary of paying too much due to the current high demand. If you do find what your after in stock locally and the price is "fair" I'd jump on it.  :2cents:
  21. My sister is a teacher locally and decided to bring up at lunch yesterday while my wife and I were out to lunch with a group of them that I supported a teacher's right to carry if they were so inclined . I was immediately confronted by one of the other teachers at the table stating that she wouldn't trust several of her coworkers with a firearm b/c they are borderline incompetent. I asked if she would mind putting those teachers names on a piece of paper for me so I could take that up with the principal of the school. She said "take WHAT up with the principal?" and before I could get a word out my wife interjected that if they were in fact  "borderline incompetent" we didn't want them teaching our children OR carrying firearms in the school.   While my wife rarely approves of my stance on firearms b/c she was raised to fear them, on the way home she said that she is much more scared of the idiots that have some how gotten into positions of power than she is of me or any of our friends who carry firearms. 
  22. First taught rifleman-ship by my Father starting at around age 8 (he was a range officer and school rifle team member when he was in military school), then pistols began at around 10 by my Grandfather since he was a USMC Veteran and Tennessee State Trooper, Then quite a bit of time on the range in the Boy Scouts. . . I tried to seek out little more training at Camp Lejeune to follow in gramp's footsteps but the USMC MD said I wasn't fit for combat due to a prior sporting injury. :rant: Still pretty bad with a pistol (safe and reasonably accurite just not where I want to be) but I can drive tacks with my rifle at long range thanks to all my dad's hard work.(and money spent on ammo!)   I look forward to some further private pistol training in the near future, just not much spare time for it lately.  :( Erik
  23. Well my job is lame to look at, but my office has a nice view as long as you don't mind the noise from the helicopters/traffic. My other "job" gets me a little more out and about, I often deploy with one of these(borrowed pic) Carrying these to support GIS mapping and GPS tracking solutions in the DOC. (the run a connection via the web to an ESRI server as well as a stand alone disaster response mapping and logistics software used for routing our response vehicles and deploying volunteers.)
  24. Let me condense and clarify my previous post to make it a little clearer.       <- that includes asking your attorney to advise you where it is most beneficial to set up the trust to best meet your goals.     If your attorney advises you improperly and bad things happen they can be held accountable, if I tell you to form a trust in Deleware b/c it looked good on the internets and it goes south good luck holding me liable b/c I'm not an attorney, I don't play one on TV, and I didn't sleep in a holiday inn express last night.     A glance at the board's supporting vendors points to one law firm you could check out. (Their banner even mentions knowledge in NFA trusts!)   http://www.cain-law.com/     A quick trip to google turns one attorney I'd look into if you want another. . .   http://www.arsenalattorneys.com/


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