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Everything posted by 2.ooohhh

  1. RC airboat.
  2. I moved our older shindowa which I love(circa 1998) to the other property b/c of the long fence lines that need trimming a few times a year. Just got a CORE electric weed eater to try out at the house in town. So far it's done great(2 mows in this season) but the jury is still out on the longevity. I went electric b/c I haven't been able to reliably source ethanol free fuel for my 2 stroke engines in town without going significantly out of my way.   I have to say that as a car guy I LOVE being able to weed eat out by the street without having to wear hearing protection. It allows me to hear cars coming along the street and stop weed eating while they pass.(I hate when inconsiderate people weed eating along a road bombard my car with clippings and small rocks.)
  3.     I'm sorry, you were right we could never have a forced lockdown and manhunt in Brentwood. . .    Does this one in Governor's Club just last night count. 
  4.   The likelihood of the ATF/FBI/SS knocking on my door looking for "a fugitive" has crossed my mind before. . . "kwik" is only a few houses down.  :ugh:
  5. Wife brought up a good point, if it happened here and when searching they walked into my workshop(where I reload and store ammo and tinker with electronics projects) going by what most of she's seen on TV, I'm only a pressure cooker away from being a terrorist!   several pounds of powder - check BBs, Lead shot, nails - check miscellaneous wire, electronic circuits and components - check   So what keeps me from ending up face down in my front yard in cuffs as a suspected accomplice due to proximity other than refusing the search without a specific warrant?
  6. Not stating that I agree with the law in this case, I'm just more familiar with this particular law than most.  :up:   " The National Organ Transplant Act (Public Law 98-507) makes it illegal to sell human organs and tissues in the United States. Violators are subject to fines and imprisonment. One reason Congress made this law was to make sure the wealthy do not have an unfair advantage for obtaining donated organs and tissues. (OPTN white paper on bioethics—Financial Incentives for Organ Donation, June 30, 1993)"     Sourcehttp://organdonor.gov/faqs.html
  7. I've had good luck in the past with Vogley and Todd
  8. Fairly certain that he and his wife are going to end up IN the jail rather than working at it if they keep it up. Found them openly trying to sell a kidney!  :popcorn:   "42 yr old woman. Perfectly healthy. Never drank, never used drugs. Looking to "donate" a kidney to help save a life. Must be compensated adequately. Contact me - EB3131@gmail.com"
  9.   There is a difference between braking very swiftly at a changing light in the city and brake checking someone on the interstate. In my case the other driver had assumed that I would run the light if he pushed me when in fact I stopped just short of the line in record time. I wouldn't brake check anyone in most of my cars b/c it would nearly guarantee that I ended up a hood ornament on their vehicle.  :ugh:
  10. I stopped fast enough for a changing yellow/red light on 21st last week the guy tailgating's face impacted his steering wheel when he panic stopped, he wasn't too happy about it but he left me some decent space from then on.   :woohoo:
  11. Police leaked to the media that they had already obtained security video of a suspect carrying backpack(s) into the area, they have also recovered an unexploded device from a trash can apparently.
  12.   The best gain from quality coated headers in my experience is from the drastic reduction in under-hood temps. I don't generally count HP on my projects but I've had a few where others were curious enough to cover the cost of my dyno runs.  :woohoo:  I spend a great deal of my time concentrating on thermal management especially on my swaps and turbo builds. Getting heat out of the engine bay and the block always makes it easier to make more power with what you already have.
  13. If a resident or group of residents file with the court vs. the state of NY then the supreme court could choose to hear the case, but I'm guessing that the law will be struck down by a lower NY based court before it gets that far based on the case law that the supreme court has already ruled on in recent years.
  14. Until there is a case to overturn I doubt they will get involved.
  15. What is the status of the rest of the engine? Do you already have a good free flowing exhaust? Have you tried a slightly more aggressive cam profile? Software tunes?         I dropped an E303 cam, some ceramic coated long tube headers, flowmaster exhaust, and a custom tune in my 2000 Ford Explorer(5.0) and made really good gains per dollar spent. (around 45 horse at the wheels)  All of the parts were intended for a mustang but none required serious modification to fit my explorer other than some firewall massaging to clear the headers.     Don't get me wrong I've installed several supercharger setups, but they are rarely worth the investment if you only want a little bump in power.     If you have over 100k miles I would start by replacing the injectors with a fresh set. Can make quite the difference in power on systems with more injectors in each bank.
  16. Except for CDMA phones that also have GSM radios, such as the CDMA iPhone, blackberry, or any number of international capable phones. Which still in many cases can't be used for US carriers but are capable of both wireless standards.  :squint:
  17. You're not the only one who can do that. . . http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx :cool:
  18. You're paying too much for a feature phone IMHO, I pay $49(56 after tax and fcc fees) monthly for an iPhone on sprint, 500min, unlimited text, and unlimited data. When I had a feature phone it was $29(35 after tax and fcc fees) monthly.   I've heard good things about ting from a friend who is using them.
  19.     Yes, my example was to point out the difference in de-identified data used in general statistical reporting vs the over share that is what the state currently releases, and YES there are fields released currently by the state that are not published by the CA.
  20. May not be able to see your building now that the line has passed and the rain has begun.
  21. The line still hasn't hit 21st Ave but it sure looks ominous outside.
  22. While I don't agree with them reading them without a warrant, if you believe your email is any more secure a method of communication than a post card sent through the mail you are mistaken.   You have to use some heavy duty encryption with carefully thought out implementation and strict execution to keep the contents secure. 
  23. I carry a variety of guns via a variety of holsters and methods depending on my dress, where I'm going, and what my anticipated needs may be.   Spring/Summer Church = a small .32 derringer in a simple leather pocket holster, it draws no attention even with light linen formal pants in light colors. Winter/Fall Church =  a 2" S&W .38 airweight in a shoulder holster under my jacket. Out of work/out on the town = one of my p229s or my p226 in either a white hat OWB holster or a crossbreed supertuck depending on shirt/pants combo. Work = off body in a maxpedition "murse" with a Crossbreed ohai velcro holster for my sigs or my sigma depending on where I'm going so it can be left in car as required.  :down:   Additionally I occasionally carry one fo the 38s in an ankle holster as backup or in a blackhawk holster mounted in some of my vehicles. vehicle have lockboxes, some vehicles also have big sky roof racks for long guns as required.
  24. The wife also reminded me to mention the Video Podcasts, she uses them when she wants to do yoga, or other exercise that she doesn't want to spend money on. She also often watches the NBC nightly news podcast, it's a 20 min summary of the days news (commercial free version of the NBC OTA show) It' a good summary for the days when we can't catch the top stories as they break online thorughout the day.   PS- NBA league pass for aTV is $29 to follow up to 5 teams, or $49 to see every game from all teams. Blackouts apply similar to MLB but no clue how they measure where you're at, I got around many of the MLB blackouts by moving the billing addres address of the credit card we use to pay for it.     Fast way to find where to best find what you want to watch across services- http://www.canistream.it/


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