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Everything posted by 2.ooohhh

  1. All I know is it's cold as $#!% here now, and I have to go to east TN tonight for work where apparently it's also cold as $#!% so I can only guess that I'll be an ice cube by dawn.
  2.   You should always take YOUR side, b/c otherwise it's quite likely that no one else will. I was in IL several years back before my wife and I were married. I was shooting in a backyard range owned by my now FIL. Another shooter there with the family is a police officer from a neighboring town who was dating my fiance's sister at the time. After we finished shooting he politely came over to me and mentioned for my benefit that the mags I was using were illegal in the city nearby where he works b/c they have a 10 round limit on mags on the books. He didn't arrest me or hassle me just pointed it out.(they were factory 12-rnd .40 p229 mags) I asked our family lawyer who's a DA up there about it and he looked in my bag and determined that they could charge me with 12 counts of illegal magazine possession!(one count for each mag over 10 rounds in my range bag) I didn't change anything and luckily the local law was preempted with the new carry laws in IL so I no longer have to worry about it, but it did impress upon me how fast one can go from being a law abiding citizen to the other side in a hurry in this county's patchwork of local laws.   In some places in this country a single round of hollow point ammo loose and forgotten in a corner of your backpack can turn you into a "criminal". That is why many of us are so wary of searches.   To be more relevant to the OP's question. Should you hop in my car while caravaning to H20 and we get stopped my MSP and they find a loose glock 19 mag(no ammo, no gun) you left in your backpack last range trip that was contained in my car it could be a long day for both of us.  :up:   . . . and no you can't escape me, it's my internet. I was here first. :cool:
  3.   Depends on what you mean by "cooperating", if you're involved are you going to talk to the police directly or ask to see/speak to your attorney before proceeding?   When your attorney advises you to "keep your trap shut" are you going to listen to them or "cooperate" b/c I guarantee an officer is going to consider you uncooperative if you lawyer up and don't speak in most circumstances.
  4.  I remember it being super faded along with a bunch of other stickers on the door, LAST WEEK all of the stickers other than the no smoking sticker were GONE. It might be they have seen the light, it might be that they are seeking a replacement or moved the posting location but I did not see the old faded sticker on my way out the door.
  5. I was at loveless last week sticker on the door was gone, it seems to be no longer posted. I was with family but will verify politely with the manager when I go next.
  6. I use Lee dies and shell holder in mine, no problems. ;) I do prefer the hornady lockrings though.
  7. How many are hard wired connections? ;)
  8. In this case the easiest way to explain Netflix, and Hulu+, are to consider them digital video libraries. Just like local libraries in your city and county they may each have a dictionary on the shelves, but only one may have a copy of the latest bestselling fiction novel. Joining these two examples are relatively cheap for the amount of content on their shelves, but not EVERYTHING you want to watch may be contained within them. They are to be considered a "good start", some are ad free(Netflix) others are ad "supported"(hulu+).   What are your other options for material you want to watch not in one of the base services?   1)Rent- There are options to subscribe to content direct from providers, such as HBO GO. They will often only have premium content from that provider, many major sports also fall into this category with the providers being the leagues.(see MLB 'at bat') There are also rental of many new movies available through digital stores such as Vudu, Google Play, and iTunes.   2)Purchase digitally- There are options to purchase content much like a local bookstore. It will be pricey by comparison but you will own it, it will essentially always be on your digital shelves. It will typically be commercial free and possibly available in multiple qualities. Examples of digital content stores are Google Play, iTunes, ect.   3)"OTA" (over the air)- Think of over the air as free promotional copies of books constantly being throw at you from the heavens. If you have long enough arms(antenna) and live close enough to a broadcaster you can catch these free but you will need to watch them live, unless you add a DVR to record them when you aren't watching. The best DVR(in terms of simple, and reliable) for this IMHO is the tivo romio but they are pricy($499 with lifetime service) which only works out if you watch a lot of broadcast television.   4) Purchase/Rent/Borrow physical media- Not often a great option but in one to keep in mind. In my case my wife wanted to watch 4 seasons of a show that wasn't available anywhere digitally. I found the box sets used at a local store(McKays) purchased and later sold them on ebay. It ended up costing us around $6 per season and she got to watch them at her own pace. We've also occasionally rented from redbox.   5) Steal- I'm not going to beat around the bush nor deny ever doing it but I won't go into depth here on how to do it for yourself. There have always been providers who were "less than willing" to release content in a timely manner even though they had thousands of fans standing "in line" with hands full of cash offering/asking/screaming to pay for said content.(I'm looking at you HBO!) Legalities/morals aside you can find content through the internet, but I highly recommend that you thoroughly exhaust all avenues above first, content producers do spend large budgets producing many of these shows/movies and they and all their employees deserve to get paid for all their hard work.   BTW- you may have noticed I left Amazon out of all my examples, it's a great source for content but bad example since it's essentially a content library, that also sells/rents digital content, as well as selling physical media, and producer of original content.     Where to get the show depends on it's age, what entity owns the rights, and what entity has paid for it to be available in their library recently. In some cases a show will be available on 3 major services all at the same time. In other cases it's more challenging b/c one provider might have an exclusive agreement for a show, or it may not be currently available digitally at all.   One online "card catalog" if you will is www.canistream.it though it occasionally has a few errors here and there due to content providers not reporting correctly.
  9. It does not take a 50mbps connection to stream media for a typical household. My primary internet service is under 20mbps and only actually guaranteed to 12mbps down and no issues running two full quality streams from netflix. In fact the picture/sound quality from netflix is so good in our home theater that a few guests at our holiday movie party didn't believe that the movies were streamed from netflix. It's not blue ray quality but it's much higher quality than the compressed crap comcast was calling HD channels. My WAN averages 18mbps to stream a top quality Netflix stream to the theater and a standard HQ(1080p no surround sound) to our living room. The only content beating our streamed content are blue rad discs and uncompressed OTA MPEG 2.   Many people hit limitations due to outside factors in their home and assume their internet connection is not up to snuff, My FIL was not happy with his roku's quality and was about to upgrade his 6mb DSL service but I found 4 cheap wireless surveillance cameras were eating up a large chunk of the available WiFi bandwidth. I ran a simple 60 ft cat5 cable down the hallway to show him the difference. The roku's video is now worlds away better in quality, no more random buffering, and much faster loading. Now he's begging me to come help put an actual wired network in for several more rooms of the home.   Now bandwidth caps on the other hand can be a problem, and are a little more tricky. I turned down the quality on my wife's ipad a notch for netflix, and the same in the rooms of our home with 22" TVs(bedrooms) this cut down our Netflix bandwidth considerably unfortunately this is beyond many people's ability since on many devices it has to be done in the router configuration of the home network to force traffic from netflix to particular internal IPs to utilize less bandwidth.   I have no interest in this offering from Dish, but I know it will be a good option for some, and more options in the market are generally better for the consumer. I also look forward to google fiber mainly b/c internet service drastically needs more competition in the marketplace.
  10. Welcome Walter.  :wave:
  11. LOL, you obviously don't visit Illinois very often. Feel free to grab a nonresident permit if you happen to be from HI,NM,SC or VA. Otherwise the ILSP has determined your state isn't worthy of the right to even apply for a non-resident permit. Not to mention even getting firearm carry there this far has taken decades of legal battles. I'm spoiled b/c of how many places our permits are accepted but it only takes having  frequent business in one state that doesn't to be a complete PITA.     NON-RESIDENTS – What Do I Need Prior to Applying for a Concealed Carry License? In accordance with 430 ILCS 66/40 (b), out of state residents may be eligible for an Illinois Concealed Carry License if your state meets the definition of substantially similar as established by rule. See 20 Il. Admin. Code 1231.10. Currently, the states identified below have been determined to have laws related to firearm ownership, possession, and carrying that are substantially similar to the requirements to obtain a license under Illinois’ law; and, therefore, may apply for an Concealed Carry License. This list will be updated as additional states are identified as substantially similar. Further Information concerning the regulations for non-resident applications can be found at 20 Il. Admin. Code 1231.110. Hawaii New Mexico South Carolina Virginia   Other requirements if your state meets the substantially similarly definition: 16 hours of Concealed Carry firearms training provided by an ISP approved Instructor. An electronic copy of a valid concealed carry license from my home state. Electronic Copy of my training certificate(s). You will be required to upload your electronic certificate during the application process. A head and shoulder electronic photograph taken within the last 30 days. An Illinois Digital I.D. Java will be required for all of these computer functions to work correctly. To find out if you have the current Java click on this link and then click on “verify java version” to find out if you have Java. AGAIN – YOU MUST HAVE JAVA LOADED ON YOUR PC. Visit the Illinois Digital ID website to obtain a digital ID. NOTE: If you have questions, visit the Illinois Digital ID website FAQ page or call the Central Management Services Help Desk at 1-866-465-9119 for assistance with the Digital ID. Questions regarding the Concealed Carry License application process should be directed to the Illinois State Police at 217-782-7980. A Valid Driver’s License or State Identification card. Be able to provide the last ten years of residency. A notarized affidavit documenting the applicant’s eligibility under both state and federal laws, the understanding of the laws pertaining to possession and transport of firearms, acknowledgment the applicant is subject to the jurisdiction of the Illinois State Police and the Illinois courts and that the applicant meets the mental health standards in Illinois to obtain a firearm. $300.00 payable with a credit card or electronic check.
  12.   It's 5 cars per year then you need a dealer license, but it's more than just applying for a license. You'll need to meet all the requirements, which can get expensive.   http://www.tn.gov/regboards/mvc/documents/DealerApplicationandRequirements.pdf
  13. Medical staff but non-MD. Actually it still mystifies me at times, that pager works in the tunnels, my backyard where there is NO cell service, and in the hospital's elevators. It's loud enough on vibrate to wake me from a dead sleep at 4am(shakes the entire night stand) and somehow the single AA battery lasts for months. :stunned:
  14. Phone is now a 5s, the rest doesn't really change other than driving different cars from time to time. photo.JPG by systemdelete, on Flickr
  15. I've been pondering modifying one of my sigs to remove the rails, b/c I already have several similar railed frames of the same model gun and I think it would make it easier to re-holster in some of my holsters for carry. That said i have neither bought nor refused to buy due to a rail on a pistol, but I occasionally wish I could find the guns sans rail that didn't cost more.
  16. Mike, I would love to know the whereabouts of your shop so I can swing by next time I'm up that way. I love supporting fellow TGO members.
  17. It's all theater, fly commercial they will make you, toss a soft drink, take off your shoes, inspect your bags, and dance around in a body scanner. Fly charter or private and the security suddenly drops to NIL, nada, none especially if your flight plans are in country. I left my pistol in my briefcase one trip and asked the charter pilot before the return flight if I needed to unload it/stow it on the way home, his reply "Nope, just promise not to take it out and play with it while we're in the air." Most of the charter flights I've been on don't even bother to check ID.
  18. Yeah, the jr really opens up with a cube of ice, I haven't had this years EHT rye, but I enjoyed last years a lot, I would have grabbed one but the saz were the last 2 on the shelves here where the EHT rye will be on the shelf here for months to come with the quantities I saw. I'm really looking forward to a glass of the maker's barrel proof after dinner though.
  19. Picked up a few while out of town for the holiday, several I haven't been able to catch on the shelf in Nashville in a while.
  20. I believe the Ranger was the first carrier I ever saw(first I remember at least), out in Hawaii when I was younger visiting my relatives stationed there. Speaking of decommissioned sites, my office mate was telling me of his years spent in Adak, AL and I found some recent pics online, apparently it's changed a good bit since it was decommissioned. :/
  21. For those who don't know Sony global lost and is continuing to lose b/c they miscalculated the risk of poorly implemented IT security. Instead of weighing the value of the data held and it's worth to the business, they weighed things like the "estimated cost of a breach" and determined proper security wasn't worth the cost to implement. Worse still, their sister company Sony Online Entertainment has had MULTIPLE large breaches of consumer credit information as a prior example of how bad a mistake this choice was and was given a few years in between to fix it!   "The cost to harden the legacy database against a possible intrusion could come to $10 million, he says. The cost to notify customers in case of a breach might be $1 million. With those figures, says Spaltro, “it’s a valid business decision to accept the risk” of a security breach. “I will not invest $10 million to avoid a possible $1 million loss,” he suggests."   Heck, that's not even newsworthy, the shortsightedness of this stance was even pointed out in the 2007 article's next paragraph.   "That reasoning is “shortsighted,” argues Ari Schwartz, a privacy expert at the Center for Democracy and Technology. The cost of notification is only a small part of the potential cost to a company. Damage to the corporate brand can be significant."     Source- http://www.cio.com/article/2439324/risk-management/your-guide-to-good-enough-compliance.html
  22.   I had one, couldn't find the charger for it so I donated it.  :up:
  23. If I owned a theater with limited screens I'd likely have already dropped all 4 of the sony films involved in the hack. They have been available on the internet for weeks in their entirety killing any chance at exclusivity and with some of the films aimed at younger more internet inclined audiences profitability.
  24. I cut the cord (got rid of directTV satellite) in 2007. Looking back, the first 2 years were rough, many of the streaming services and "channels" didn't exist yet, my antenna setup sucked, and I was basically using a PC hooked up to my primary TV as both a DVR and to watch internet based programming. Much of that changed when I got married and I had to deal with the WAF(wife acceptance factor) I slowly made the move to an using an apple TV(first gen silver) and purchased/rented content via apple in many cases to have recent shows. Now we have an apple TV(3rd gen) on each TV in the house, and the entire setup works great. We pay for netflix, and hulu, and have been prime members for several years for the shipping anyway so them throwing in video content is just a bonus. We also pay for MLB at bat most years since my wife's family are baseball fans. We honestly see more games on that than her dad sees and he has season tickets. We honestly only miss cable when it's world series time since the series hasn't been offered via streaming yet, but we just hit up a local sports bar.
  25. They covered it for just shy of 10 min. about halfway through last night's (12/15) episode. Sunday night they had one of the moms of one of the newtown kids talking about the bushmaster suit, and they replayed some of her interview then they had a higher up from PEW research taking about how much the climate and public opinion has changed. It seems the harder the politicians push for "gun control" the more of the general population supports "gun rights". Support of gun rights nationwide is apparently higher than it has EVER been. We just need to keep up the good work on educating friends and acquaintances and being good ambassadors for the lifestyle. 


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