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Had a blast on the commute in, totally unplowed roads from brentwood to vandy, plenty of people who shouldn't have been out. Went to centennial park for a run since I was cooped up most of yesterday. Beautiful, and nearly deserted. [url=https://flic.kr/p/rtRygf][/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/rtRygf]Untitled[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/people/51628946@N00/]systemdelete[/url], on Flickr
Nah, local news was acting like it was frozen already, just started coming down slushy about 20 min ago.
Cold wet rain ATM at Vandy.
On most of my macs, Chrome, SMC Fan Control, and a few scripts I've written to automate maintenance tasks. On windows installs I'm running 7 sp1 64bit (Enterprise) and then I install Chrome, SPSS, and R studio. I only run stats on windows boxes, but I've found more of the performance is based on my input rather than some software add on so I keep the OS as close to out of the box as possible.
No heat, no 4wd, no traction control. I don't need no stinkin' 4wd, made it into work every single day last week. :squint: Untitled by systemdelete, on Flickr
Well it's all gas cans sold now in the US for the most part thanks to the dimwits at the California Air resources Board(CARB) and the EPA. They passed a law to make portable fuel containers both safer and better for the environment. As is typical with product design through legislation, neither goal was actually achieved.
Those are the chinese made ones, still better than the plastic BS wally world sells but not apples to apples with the latvian produces ones if I had to guess. I quit buying the chinese ones after one split at a seam after a minor drop.
It's rare that I suggest what other people spend money on, but after this week I will say that my SCC super-z6 tire chains have paid for themselves 10x over this week. They take up so little room in the trunk but once installed I've not had ANY issues getting anywhere all week.(in a 2 wheel drive VW beetle) They are quite perfect for the rare occasion that TN gets snow and much cheaper than a proper set of snow tires.
No room for flight attendants on our flights lol. I fly out with our transplant surgical team to package and preserve organs in transit from OR to OR.
This is the tarmac by the hangers as we were loading the plane last night, it was a solid sheet of ice. The ice and snow are much prettier from a distance. :)
I flew in and out of BNA several times in the last two days. You couldn't pay me enough to do it on that single "cleared" runway if live's weren't on the line. It was seriously 2 of the most sketchy landings I've been through, one in a King Air and the other in a 31a. Also apparently one of the main commercial carriers(southwest I'm assuming due to all the cancellations) ran out of de-icing solution.
Yep, the CSS is sizing correctly now. Not sure what you changed but thanks it's much better. I understand I'm weird mainly due to more time looking at CT scans rather than web pages, but responsive style sheets aren't that weird of a request to a web developer these days.
What in the content is forcing the 1190px min. None of the dozens of other sites and forums that I frequent have any issue adapting to this.
Having the same issue in Chrome on Windows 7. Resolution is 1920x1920 total or 1920x1080 per monitor.(they are turned portrait rather than landscape) Annoying to keep having to scroll right to see buttons on the right side of the site such as "view new content".
OK southwest is one thing, the airport itself is another. The airport is certainly still accepting flights.
Had a blast on the way into work. My commuter only has around 100hp so it's rarely fast enough to pass anything but this morning with the chains on I was passing stuck and sliding cars and suvs left and right. Got into work faster on the ice than I typically do on clear days in traffic. :stunned:
huh, BNA doesn't seem closed today.
I didn't need many supplies for the storm, enough spiced rum, bourbon, and whisky to last at least a month if not two and plenty of food. I did get some bar oil for the chainsaw just in case the ice brought down the tree threatening my driveway. Neighbor thought I was crazy putting chains on my car yesterday about 4pm. 6:30am rolled around this morning and I was out of the driveway first try inside 5 min. from walking out the front door while he was still trying to get his truck's door open. (I put a small ceramic heater inside my car on a timer set for 5am) I was at the hospital by 7am, and the car's all plugged up in the garage ready for the return trip this evening if I ever get off. :cool:
At work watching cars slip and slide along 21st. ave
so of the 12 bullets MB was shot with this might have made the first one non lethal? So if a lethal round wouldn't stop the attack and 11 more lethal rounds were warranted then WTF is the officer supposed to do for the other 11. I've always thought that a gun barrel pointed at the perp was a pretty good deterrent to aggressive behavior as is.
There is a 6 oz. weight difference(to the sig's advantage) not to mention the size difference. The only glock I consider comparable carry wise to my p238/p938s is the 42. If you want something that compares to the p938 there are options out there, but I don't personally consider a glock 26 to be one of them. A loaded p239 is around 35-36 ounces so I don't particularly consider it a competitor to the glock 26 either, though I personally prefer it.
A pair of oven mitts from wal-mart's kitchen or grilling section works for me. I use one to handle the hot suppressor and simply drop it into the second for storage and transportation. Friend uses welding gloves, which seem to work just as well. Very similar to .mil barrel change gloves minus the asbestos, and much cheaper.
Actually Comcast has data caps in MANY markets as of may last year. They are now in- Huntsville and Mobile, Alabama; Tucson, Arizona; Atlanta, Augusta and Savannah, Georgia; Central Kentucky; Maine; Jackson, Mississippi; Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee; and Charleston, South Carolina http://customer.comcast.com/help-and-support/internet/data-usage-trials-exceed-usage
BTW saw this while walking to lunch. . . Untitled by systemdelete, on Flickr
All of my "truck", ARs are carry handle/standard front sight. I keep those cheap, simple, and effective.