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Everything posted by 2.ooohhh

  1. Oh, don't get me wrong it could certainly be much better, but I live in brentwood where almost every one of my neighbors also have comcast on their ancient infrastructure, and thanks to the huge lots my options on DSL are even more slim due to my distance from node. If our market wasn't so saturated my pings would be much better. On residential service at this same address I was seeing frequent drops, and 10-20 more ms on my average ping! I do know what fast internet is supposed to feel like, here's a test from my desk a min ago. lol
  2. It's no fiber but loosing the bandwidth cap was worth the difference alone. Connection uptime has been great as well at 1 year 1 month and 2 weeks without my router sending any traffic over to our failover provider. I technically pay for 12/3 speed wise but have never had a test that low. The down fluctuates from around 16-24 and the up seems to stay around 3 or just shy even with my outgoing video traffic. When I signed up for business the tech came out and replaced every inch of cable to my rack before he was happy with the test results.(40 year old house) PS they may give you a hard time at first if you bring your own modem but if yours is on the approved list they can't deny it. No way I was gonna let them provide the router. lol
  3.   This is what I'm anxiously counting down as well, but int he time being business class is a drastic improvement over the BS that comcast residential tried to pull.
  4. My entire bill is 69.95 a month and will be for the life of my contract. Truck rolls happen much faster should you lose service. NO BANDWIDTH CAPS LIMITS OR OVERAGES. (really I downloaded 2.3 TB rebuilding a server last month from an off-site backup) Still have access to xfinity hotspots nationwide. Traffic prioritization over non business network traffic.   Is far as I can tell comcast business services anywhere comcast residential will. Worth a call at least. They are technically only supposed to sell to "businesses" so be sure to tell them you have a small home business. :)
  5. http://business.comcast.com/local/nashville seriously best option for you I was stuck in the same position. PM me if you need details but I can assure you the business internet is much better in MANY ways. One being the set price for the length of the contract.
  6. so anyone else notice how the "19 year old shot in the head in metro park" story from last night is being explained away this morning?   "A 19-year-old was playing with his cat in a park next to Tennessee State University in north Nashville when he accidentally shot himself in the head."       http://wkrn.com/2015/03/30/19-year-old-shot-in-the-head-by-tennessee-state-university/
  7. 2.ooohhh

    Helmet Law

    Belts were required in NEW MODELS by the "National Highway Safety Bureau" which was created by the  "National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966". Belts began being required from 1968 on but many pre-belt models were sold with "optional" safety belts. My '74 bronco was ordered without belts(I had the window sticker) but our '72 f100 had them. Individual states passing laws requiring mandatory seatbelt use did not occur until the '80s!
  8. Yes, and I'm typically in ORs 31-34 when I'm at VUMC but can end up pretty much anywhere in a pinch. Those are our thoracic ORs so it's mostly open heart surgeries, VAD implants, and heart and lung transplants. I'm typically in whenever we have a transplant on the board.   My actual office is over in Oxford House.
  9. Hey man next time this comes up shoot me a PM. Did they give you scrub access so you could enter the OR? It's not half as scary as it seems at first, most of the computers are mounted on the outside wall.   OR procedure when you aren't entering the sterile field is pretty simple, most is common sense.   Change into VUMC issued scrubs, upon entry to the OR corridors don a face mask and hat from the shelves next to the doors(I prefer the surgeons caps), right before entering the assigned OR room use the hands sanitizer next to the door or avagard(purple foot pump) at the scrub station. After entering the room don the simple blue gloves typically on the wall next to the door. Your now ready for non-sterile work in the OR, and if you have questions just ask for the circulator.(should be dressed similar to you at this point)
  10. I'd be fine with "local authority" if it weren't even more asinine than the state.   Brentwood even went so far as to ban running in a particular park citing "safety concerns" lol http://www.runnersworld.com/general-interest/runners-banned-from-tennessee-parks-trails
  11. 2.ooohhh

    Helmet Law

      I could interject here but I'll hold my tongue for the moment.
  12. ^What tnguy said. Do your own research. I bought the wife a car before christmas with some, though I exchanged them for dollars and paid tax on the currency exchange gain as my accountant suggested just to be safe.
  13. As long as a gun only fires when the trigger is pulled I consider it safe in my holster.(assuming a reasonable trigger weight of around 5 pounds) I'm fine with my p238 having the additional manual safety but I wouldn't stop carrying it if it didn't, the firing pin safety works fine IMHO. Now 70's series and earlier 1911s are a different animal.
  14.   I'd be fine with my p238 with no safety, it has a 7.5lb trigger pull and I carry it in a proper holster. I find it no more likely to go bang than any of my sigs without a factory safety. I was taught to not pocket carry loose guns because it's dangerous. That's what pocket holsters are made for.
  15. Very northern end of Williamson county here, have the tools and happy to help out if you don't find someone closer.
  16. Ended up stuck in FL for the week or so, found this gem in one of the local liquor stores. Not particularly expensive, nor that rare but sure went down well wether straight up, on ice, or mixed.
  17. Oddly enough this exact situation happened to me today. The wife and I were having lunch at an establishment with this posting: I'm halfway through my patty melt and I have to decide whether I want to run out in the cold rain and come back to cold food, or just risk becoming a test case b/c this class from Cheatham county decided to stop in for lunch.
  18.   Yes, there have been several but one stands out in my mind distinctly mainly b/c I spent the duration of that shootout taking cover in the back room of a Hollywood Video a few hundred yards away.   The Brentwood PD was sorely unprepared for the firepower they faced, and I'll never forget what a clusterfutz that robbery turned into. The shootout happened right at the davidson county line and metro had numerous cars trying to assist but they couldn't b/c the Brentwood PD had had the foresight to buy new high tech encrypted radios to keep scanners from listening in. Unfortunately it made communication with other assisting departments(who didn't have the tech) nearly impossible as well, having to relay everything through dispatch. Add to that the Brentwood PD officers had only a glock sidearm and a shotgun available and they were in for a rough go.   http://www.brentwoodhomepage.com/bhp-special-report-the-day-brentwood-lost-its-innocence-cms-8847   Many in the community stepped forward to make sure it wouldn't go like that again. I'll never forget going with my dad to drop off the check for a new AR to outfit one of our local police cruisers. It's also the day I started planning how to store a rifle in each and every vehicle I own, though that plan didn't come to fruition until I was a few years out of college.     http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130701
  19. WOW really interested to hear more, got stuck at work, but glad I didn't make what looks like it may have been a wasted trip. :(
  20. Yep. IL's new carry law is crap in many ways compared to ours but one thing I'm jealous of is that in their law EVERY prohibited business has to be clearly posted and with signs that are both distinct and large enough to see from the parking lot of most businesses. No walking up to a business's door and turning back due to some miniscule posting in a lower corner of the door you didn't see until you were right up on them, or the clear sticker on a glass door crap. TN compliant- Untitled by systemdelete, on Flickr IL compliant
  21. I plan on heading that way if I can get out of work in time. 
  22. I love that these guys took the time to do this, that's awesome, but I also often work with normal everyday people that attempt to bring the same experience to kids all the time. Some of these guys/gals are spending every weekend visiting kids in hospitals, working events, and raising money for children's charities just b/c it feels great to put a smile on a kid's face. Untitled by systemdelete, on Flickr Untitled by systemdelete, on Flickr Untitled by systemdelete, on Flickr Untitled by systemdelete, on Flickr
  23. I get 28 in town, just shy of 30 in the highway if I don't speed. Comes to just under 400 per tank. I expect that to improve a bit when I rebuild the engine to actually take advantage of the ethanol in our gas now.   Weather here is fine, clear but dang cold and all that wet stuff refroze into nice sheets of ice. Entertaining to watch people try and drive on.
  24. I wish, it is a 2.0l with the five speed though. Approaching 200k with no signs of stopping anytime soon.


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