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Everything posted by BlackHawk93
Seems to me that Rangemasters is taking the wrong route on this one. If they have had so many issues with Bersa's in their class or at their range, then why not take that failure and incorporate it into the teaching of the class? Like in how to properly clear a jam or failure? I remember my class discussing how to identify the failures and how to properly handle them, and actually having one happen would be a good learning experience. The other excuses are simply hogwash to me, and if their time is so to the minute then they need to add a buffer, as someone else suggested. Ultimately, the satisfaction of the customer, and not the personnel having to deal with a failure, should be number 1. Also, the law says that an individual with an HCP may carry whatever handgun they own. So if in fact they used this so called POS and a failure happened, then it would be a second good teaching point. Mr. Givens needs to get his house in order sounds like to me. Go somewhere else. Just my 2cents.
Running the tags will not let the officer know you are a HCP holder. Only your Dl# will show that info. Simply running the tags will NOT give him your HCP status.
Friend's idea troubling to me
BlackHawk93 replied to BlackHawk93's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I agree. he's a hard headed kind of guy and personally I think he "wants" one. I see it as a way of giving those of us who make up 99.9% of the people who respect the right to carry a black eye and just one more argument against Handgun Carry. I know that since I got mine I have become a MORE "law abiding" individual and am less likely to get caught up in a road rage incident or in an argument over some meaningless incident. he will regret it one day. Thanks to you all. -
Friend's idea troubling to me
BlackHawk93 replied to BlackHawk93's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Thanks for all the comments. I have not seen him in several years and don't hang around with him. I just happened to run into him that day. I have suggested buying an IWB to him, amongst other idea's, but he makes excuses for not having the money to buy another holster. He actually has a nice holster, but it's a paddle, and Ive never seen a paddle that concealed well, so I wonder whether he really conceals at all. I told him all the negative's I could think of at the time for wearing one of those retchid badges, but it's always better to hear it from several others rather than just one, so I'm going to let this serve as my way of letting him see what a mistake he's making. Thanks for the input. -
An old high school friend of mine recently got his HCP and mostly carries concealed. However, at times his dress code requires him to wear his shirts tucked in. Recently while at a local store he was approached by the manager and asked to conceal his firearm because several customers were nervous. He dresses well, and never appears to be a thug. I have, as I'm sure many of you have also, seen police officers off duty, carrying and no one ever seems nervous to me. I was with him at this store and I didn't notice anyone acting nervous, nor did I see any customers approach the manager. We had only been in the store for maybe 7 to 10 minutes, and when we went in I noticed the manager, behind the counter, immediately notice him and started watching us. If anyone was nervous, it was the manager. My handgun was concealed, as always. Anyway, my friend has decided to buy one of the Handgun Carry Badges and wear one whenever he has to wear his gun exposed, hoping it will prevent anyone from becoming nervous when seeing him, as most off duty police officers do when wearing their badges around our city. He feels what he is doing is ok. I have tried to explain to him the negative side of doing this but he honestly feels it will be for the better. I'm hoping to hear from some of you here and pointing his attention here so that he can see the opinions of most of us concerning these badges.
I took On Target's class. Believe me when I say it was a joke, as far as the quality of the class and the informative nature of it. My wife decided to get her's after I got mine, and didn't want to go thru the class without me. So since On Target's class was so poor, I went along with her to Greenbrier. For the price of On Target's class for one, I got to sit in on a good class, learned a great deal more, and the wife got her certificate. Well worth it.
I know previously that to renew you had to supply proof of citizenship, i.e. birth certificate, etc. and that was the reason I would not have renewed by mail as you wouldnt get the birth certificate back. Has the law, requirements changed now? It seemed stupid that you had to once again prove you were a citizen after the first issuance. If it has been changed someone finally got something right. I've been in Iraq so excuse me for not being up on current changes. Thanks
And you must think you are the judge. I simply stated what we were told in our class about the Castle Doctrine. But it's obvious anyone who you don't agree with you have to resort to calling them wrong. Whatever. You can create all your little scenarios you want but you don't know how I would react to an invasion. The scenario you created is a classic example of when someone should NOT shoot someone. Never did I say just because someone was in my home that they were ok to shoot. But you're the lawyer.
Yeah, I read it. Did you read what I said? I never said presumed was out of the equation.
The Castle Doctrine protects the homeowner from civil prosecution and provides them a valid defense to criminal prosecution if someone "unlawfully" invades your home. However they invade it. It also applies to entry into your vehicle IF YOU ARE IN IT. Any person using force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury within a residence, business, dwelling or vehicle is presumed to have held a reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury to self, family, a member of the household or a person visiting as an invited guest, when that force is used against another person, who unlawfully and forcibly enters or has unlawfully and forcibly entered the residence, business, dwelling or vehicle, and the person using defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry occurred. The presumption established in subsection © shall not apply, if: (1) The person against whom the force is used has the right to be in or is a lawful resident of the dwelling, business, residence, or vehicle, such as an owner, lessee, or titleholder; provided, that the person is not prohibited from entering the dwelling, business, residence, or occupied vehicle by an order of protection, injunction for protection from domestic abuse, or a court order of no contact against that person;
I think some of the horse's a**es think they are SO RIGHT about the image "some" people in this country have of gun owners/ activists being radical and that by being so they feel that if they make smarta*@ comments or in some way try to anger us that we will act out in anger or in some way that proves we are hot heads. The fact that 99% of us hold our tongue because we have a higher responsibility now not to engage such idiots and lose our head over their ignorance shows how wrong they all are. And I think they know it. I just ignore them. Not worth my time.
This comes from the TDOS website: Effective July 1, 2005, Tennessee handgun carry permit law will now allow certain applicants already exempt from complying with firing range provisions of the current statute to also be exempt from any classroom requirements. Those current exceptions are applicants who prove to the department that within five (5) years from the date of application for handgun permit, the applicant has: Been certified by the police officer's standards and training commission, or successfully completed training at the law enforcement training academy; or successfully completed the firearms training course required for armed security guards; or successfully completed all handgun training of not less than four (4) hours as required by any branch of the military. A person who is employed in this state for at least thirty (30) hours a week for six (6) consecutive months is required to obtain a Tennessee handgun carry permit within six (6) months from the last day of the sixth month of regular employment in Tennessee. A Tennessee handgun carry permit will be issued in this situation only if the other state has eligibility requirements that are substantially similar to the eligibility requirements of Tennessee. If the eligibility requirements from the other state are substantially similar to the eligibility requirements of Tennessee, Tennessee may issue a Tennessee permit to the person employed in this state under the renewal provisions of Tennessee law. Applicants are required to be a resident of the State of Tennessee;
Federal Court Rules Open Carrying Disorderly
BlackHawk93 replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
This is ridiculous. I OFTEN see off duty LEO's openly carrying. No one panics. No one freaks out. If someone were going to go in and rob the place, 1) they are not going to go in and walk around with their weapon in a holster. 2) they certainly don't want anyone else to even KNOW they have a gun, so if the DO come in they are going to rob the place RIGHT THEN. 3) If they ARE there when the police arrive, if the LEO handles the situation like he's been trained, and the person uses common sense, then there should be no danger. It's ridiculous to see judges make statements or rulings like these with such little proof this EVER happens. -
I recently bought a "gun belt" from High Noon. It is an excellent gun belt. Amazing difference from the belt I had. Feels SO much better to have a quality belt! But one thing I didn't consider when buying it was how much tighter the gun is while in the holster. The belt doesn't flex as much as the cheap belt I had so it pulls the belt loops tighter and therefore the gun is really held tightly in the holster. Which would be a good thing since it doesn't have a thumb break strap, but it's a little too tight now if I ever had to use it. I realize and pray that I hopefully will never have to pull it, but if I do my draw time will definitely be slower. But wouldn't trade the feeling of a quality belt for speed of draw for anything. It feels like someone is standing beside me and pushing the belt into my side and holding it up off my waist. Can't feel the weight of the gun at all. Anyone else notice their gun being tighter in a quality belt?
I was told my approval was on 4/08/10 and that it was sent to the print farm on 4/12/10. I was also told to expect a 10 day wait for the print farm to send it out, but was pleasantly surprised on 4/13/10 when it came in my mailbox. So good luck and enjoy!
Sounds to me like it does matter what Tn thinks. Or at least those who enforce the laws here. It would be them who might be enforcing what they think is right.
My thoughts exactly Fallguy
Seems like the biggest concern would be whether TN considers a GA Probation Officer a LEO. never know about TN.
Just curious. When you renew early, does your renewal date change to when your new HCP was issued or does your first issue date remain the same and just gets extended 4 years. Just wondering if by renewing real early you would lose time or if your issue date stays the same. Thanks
I took a class in Murfreesboro at On Target, and while the Instructor was knowledgable, the way the class was conducted left alot of room for improvement. Having a class size of 30 is, by my opinion, just way too much, as we sat in the classroom for 2.5 plus hours waiting on the others to finish their range time. I felt that all that wasted time could have somehow been put to better use through possibly a second instructor. At the end of the class, our Instructor encouraged us to fill out the comment section of our paperwork, indicating he was especially interested in that. However I felt reluctant to put it down on paper that we didn't actually get 8 total hours of class time as I was concerned it might in some way affect our ability to receive a permit. Hindsight is 20/20
Does a persoon lose their HCP for good if.....?
BlackHawk93 replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
That IS the law. Where DV is present SOMEONE is going to jail. End of story. -
If you have a relatively clean record, no arrests, yours will go faster. They have a new computer system that scans your record, and if clean the process is quicker, Lisa told me.
Does a persoon lose their HCP for good if.....?
BlackHawk93 replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I would suggest getting one and considering this not an area to skimp on. Even though it was dismissed, the DOS sometimes looks for arrests and requires you to provide proof of what happened. Also, if you are under any kind of order, as you mentioned, for a year, it could come back to bite you down the road. I would do ALL I could to get this cleared up legally now to prevent any future problems from biting you. There have been those on here who have had to go back years to prove a "bad check" charge was taken care of. And with domestic violence being an area which will cause you to have problems with obtaining an HCP, I wouldn't want to risk it. Good luck. -
That would be correct. There are several sites online which list the states, some even allowing you to download a "printable card" with the states listed so you can keep it with your license. Along with a "no statement" card and the states I can carry in, they ride in a bi-fold id wallet I use for my license and permit, so I don't have to reach near my gun if I get pulled over.
I agree. Since obtaining my permit I have been MORE diligent about being lawful and avoiding confrontation for several reasons. One being I don't want to lose my permit. The other being just because I have a gun on my side doesn't mean I EVER want to have to use it. Like you say, you will be second guessed, judged, and flat out wrongly convicted (possibly) in people's eyes JUST BECAUSE you have that weapon. People should realize that permit holders who are responsible will AVOID confrontation, as the consequences of getting into an altercation could not only mean life or death, for you OR the BG, but also jail time. My permit has actually made me a MORE lawful citizen.