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Everything posted by BlackHawk93

  1. Another consideration is do you want that FMJ round you might possibly have to fire completely penetrating a perpetrator if he is just a few feet from you and hitting an innocent person nearby? Or your child in the next room? No, I want ALL my rounds to be JHP's. Good question though.
  2. Why would having gone to the DMV vs. renewing online have any effect on which one you got? I don't understand that.
  3. I got my HCP in April of last year. I recently ordered a duplicate to have with me in my vehicle, just in case I were to leave my wallet at home or lose it, and the layout of the license is different. The red banner with "Handgun Carry Permit" close to the bottom of the license is no longer there. Just wondering if the looks of the license underwent a change of layout or if duplicates are just a little different as far as layout/looks goes.
  4. The sadder, maybe even sicker thing about it is he has a whole slew of videos posted about home invasions, protecting yourself, and even talks about how he went into a bank and was stopped by the security guard, upon which he started an argument. He mentioned he was going to have to settle THAT one in court. He's obviously already on his way to getting some bracelets to go with the badge.
  5. Wasn't there a guy a few months ago arrested in a WalMart for taking out his gun and putting it back in continuously? I think this must be the guy or maybe his brother. I actually saw the holster wear on his Glock at the end of the video compared to when he started the video. He is truly dangerous and ignorant.
  6. Despite the Trooper's prior history, the fact remains that the now, new, current Sheriff refuses to dismiss one of his deputies for driving 99mph intoxicated. An officer who is, sadly, entrusted to take care of our children should something go wrong at school. A deputy who makes such ridiculously stupid decisions as driving intoxicated and speeding should have his badge taken and fired, but Arnold thinks a 5 day vacation and probation is good enough. We all know if this were you or I we would be UNDER the jail and our license and freedom taken.
  7. Probably the sickest aspect of all this is the fact that the officer who was allowed to be driven home by daddy was a SRO. Anyone who is in frequent contact with our children and supposedly protecting them shouldn't be allowed to carry on like this. Breaking the law and getting away with it is no message to be sending to our kids. Arnold needs to do the right thing but wont. His true colors have just shown themselves...
  8. The sad thing is that Arnold is elected... the Mayor should fire him I guess. Arnold had no problem when he was elected coming in and firing people left and right who he felt had done wrong, such as not working on his campaign, but seems to think this one's just fine and dandy.
  9. +++1 and that's how the story should go..... the papers have been filled with all the supposed "good" Arnold has done since being elected but they seem to be trying to keep this quiet. Green Acres is the place to be.....
  10. At least it is for HIS officers. Sheriff OK with deputy's release after stop - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather and Sports | He says we all help each other out. I'm sure he condones his officers driving drunk while arresting citizens who do. I feel ANYONE driving drunk should go to jail, not given a free pass because he's a "good ole boy".
  11. This is the issue that I'm referring to. It seems that some LEO's, and I'm not trying to insult ANYONE, but there are some who will ask just to see your reaction. Several years ago I got pulled over for speeding. I had gotten called in to work because a pilot had become ill. (I work for an air ambulance service) I was asked if I had any drugs in the car. I said no. He asked me could he search the car. I said "Sure". I never have anything to worry about. As soon as I said "Sure", he said Have a nice day and was back in his car. It was like he was testing me to see if I looked nervous or hesitated. And that goes to the issue. I dont ever have anything to worry about on a stop. I have to be tested often to even fly for my job and I never let anyone drive my vehicle, but I was just curious if I said no, like a few video's Ive seen suggest to do, if it would cause me to be held at the side of the road for a while. It's not the fact that I have something to hide, sometimes it's the insinuation that I may be hiding something and being asked to give consent to freely roam through my vehicle. I have the utmost respect for 99% of LEO's and know quite a few. But there ARE bad apples in every barrel, as we've all seen by some of the video's posted around the net. Thanks for all the good replies.
  12. Just wondering. If you have a car safe bolted in your vehicle and you get pulled over. The LEO asks you if he can search your vehicle, can he also demand you open the safe? Now, I'm going on these as the circumstances. He has no probable cause to search but simply asks. I have had several friends, and my wife, lately get pulled over and this has become a seemingly routine question. My wife stood up for herself and said no, and the officer let her go. I'm assuming they do this to see your reaction. But even if you have nothing to hide, I feel it is a violation IF there are no suspicious probable cause indicators from the stop. If you consent to a search and he finds nothing, can he make you open the safe? Without probable cause?
  13. I just had a close friend go through this same situation. He was targeted by three guys (not at WalMart) and was asked for his wallet. Before telling the rest of the story, I'm curious how the majority of us would react. He was carrying concealed and had his HCP. Do you pull your weapon and make a stance, taking the chance of getting shot? Or do you simply give up the wallet?
  14. Here's a link to the article, which has a poll to determine whether you agree with his views or not. As of now it's 85% for. Take the poll and let them hear what we have to say. Sheriff in South Carolina, Chuck Wright, urges women to carry guns to protect themselves - NY Daily News
  15. +1 I fly many of the injured motorists who are victims of being hit by these DUI offenders to the trauma unit and it is really sad. Alcohol is responsible for alot of vehicular accidents in this state and around the nation. But you are also right when it comes to getting old and not realizing that you have become impaired by age. It's a sad fact of life. I, too, hope I am not allowed to drive if I live to be that old.
  16. Expungment is not an automatic process that happens after a conviction and time/sentence served/conditions met. Having a family member who works in the courthouse I am aware of how the expungement process goes. After your time has been served, fines paid, and all conditions met, you have to go to the courthouse and pay a fee, usually around $100 and sign a paper and then that is sent to the judge who will sign off on it and then it gets filed, and the records are expunged. So most likely, if you don't remember doing this it very well may not be expunged. The records are public so call the clerk's office and inquire on your case. Most likely you will find out what you need to know.
  17. Just curious as to what weapon you used for your range time?
  18. geez what a whiner. Im sure we'll all be reading about the incident if you ever get pulled over and see the videos on youtube. You're one of those that thinks you're due EVERYTHING under the sun and EVERYBODY does you wrong. I bet you carry tissues with you in your front pocket with your pocket pencil pal.
  19. Thanks for the clarification Patriot
  20. Running a gun through the NCIC database only registers the number if there's a "hit".
  21. Sounds like you havent gotten your Tennessee HCP yet as you keep referring to your license as a CPL. If you think about the situation the officer is in, he is probably asking for his own peace of mind, safety. If you have a permit to carry and are asked, what is your reason for wanting to keep that a secret when he will find out anyway if he runs your drivers license? Then he's going to be suspicious as to what else you might have for not offering up the truth? If he asks you if you have a drivers license are you going to answer mutely? Sometimes by cooperating and being polite you just may get a break as opposed to being difficult and setting yourself up for a more difficult time than need be
  22. I see, all too often with my job, the effects of drinking and driving and, while there is nothing wrong with drinking, acting irresponsibly, either by getting behind the wheel or by getting into a fight while intoxicated may be more likely, I feel like bprater mentioned below: It's just not worth the chance that something bad will happen and I feel that having my HCP has definitely changed the way I act, carry myself and I DO NOT put myself in those circumstances because my license to carry is very important to me. As you can see in this story, Deputy accused of aggravated assault on The Murfreesboro Post even those who are supposed to be held to a higher standard of responsibility by being an officer do stupid and regrettable things when they choose to drink. It's just not worth it to me.
  23. Yeah, I assume they were taken to jail because they carried past the sign into the building, and went through the metal detector. Don't really know much more than what happened to them after that happened.
  24. Never heard. Don't follow the court cases personally. Just know it happened. I would imagine they were not given much leeway. I'm sure though, with a good attorney, one could certainly dodge any serious charges, but I personally don't know.
  25. I have close friends who work in the courthouse here and several spisodes of this have happened. The HCP holders were carried off to jail. A couple were local attorneys who simply forgot their briefcase had their firearm and a few have been HCP holders, men and women, the women had theirs in their purse and had forgotten, the men were wearing them. Makes me cringe to think that our local Sheriff's Dept. is so assanine to not understand when something like this happens and it is TRULY a mistake. Although our courthouse is clearly posted, it still happens.


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