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Everything posted by BlackHawk93

  1.   I'd like to see this, along with maybe an "Open Carry Day", unofficially, of course. It would be nice, even if just for those of us on this forum, to select a day and go about our business while OC'ing and see how things went. Just a thought.
  2. With the equipment I wear and my options, an ankle holster works best for me. Especially when flying. 
  3. I am really impressed with the lightness and, of course, the quality of the new G42. Most other small handguns I have tried to use/considered buying I had trouble getting my large hands around them comfortably and enjoyed shooting them. They also were either a bit on the heavy side or felt cheap. If I were to carry a backup gun ( and I feel it is important to ) it would definitely be this Glock.    I can see where an ankle holster would become irritating if it were to be one that wrapped around my leg and rode above my shoe, but I am in the medical field and wear military type boots not only at work but when I'm not flying. I feel comfortable with them. I think the rig that would strap securely to the boot and not rub against my leg would be the only one I could probably tolerate. I can see where many might give up on them for comfort reasons.    Do most you know who have tried them stop using them because of comfort reasons or do they have several different reasons for not sticking with it? just curious. Thank you for letting me know.
  4. Thank you snake! That looks like it will do just fine. I appreciate your help and hopefully this will work well for me.
  5. I just had to buy it. The new G42. The other 380's I've held were just too small for my hands. And I must say that I love it. But I'm looking for an ankle holster, or I should instead call it a boot strap holster. Ive seen some that strap to the laces on your boots, but can't seem to find them now. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but I figured where better to place the question about a holster than the carry forum. Thanks in advance.
  6. This idiot has no need to be carrying a gun if you ask me. Or for that matter driving a snowmobile. Or for that matter being anywhere around moose. The moose clearly gave him multiple "look, leave me alone warnings" that, personally, this idiot should have picked up on. It's sad that the moose population is shrinking, and estimates are that by 2025 there will be no more moose left. They are an endangered species. My wife's girlfriend works in Alaska and is involved in a program where they are tagging moose with tracking mechanisms to better understand why their numbers are falling so rapidly.    Any one of us, we have taken on the responsibility to be handgun carriers. Therefore, I think I can speak for a lot, if not most of us, that we have researched and trained and carried on in  a manner that is  considered "responsible" to have that card. This jerk, having been in an area where he was sure to run into one, should have studied a little about their habits and how they react to a threat. It's obvious to me, after watching this and just what little I've heard from my wife's friend, that this moose felt threatened, and is why it came at the idiot twice and then retreated. He should have left before even the first time. He definitely should have left after the second.    As permit holders, just because we have the ability to carry and use deadly force does not give us the right to go out and act recklessly. My opinion stands that this person has no business being in the woods with a gun if he is going to start a fight with a wild animal. Do you think he would have been yelling at it if it was a huge brown bear? One with a cub maybe? Heck no he wouldn't have. And if he had, it would have shown his IQ. Which I think he actually did show by how many shots he fired. A sad waste of a life.
  7.   I like that. And believe me when I say I've seen a cop get his butt handed to him by a clever attorney. Excellent advice. But you have to ask the right cop I guess.
  8. I like the fact that we have the ability to open carry, but I must have run into every one per center and their relatives every time I DID OC cause all I got was the funny looks. And it's not on how I look cause I'm former military and still keep a high and tight and stay in shape. I just feel uncomfortable OC'ing and that's a shame, but I choose to CC because I would rather not tip my hand. I wouldn't necessarily let those sheep make up my mind for me, but I don't like the funky looks I got when I did OC for those few times I did.
  9. My carry is a 23 but my nightstand gun is a 19 with a Streamlight and a 1300 Defender with 9 rounds of .00 by my headboard
  10. An old military friend of mine came to see me for a few days last week. This guy is your typical, laid back, easy going guy as long as he doesn't run into stupidity. I remember in the service always hearing of his heroics on the flight back from whatever mission he had been on. I never got tired of listening to the stories of how his actions had rallied everyone's spirits and given them the courage to push on when things started looking bleak. He was a true hero many times over for his "take no s*@t" mentality when things seemed too difficult for them to overcome as a team. We became very good friends over the years and have remained close ever since. We were going to see another old military buddy one day and there was this guy in front of us who was going about 20 mph in a 40, pulling a trailer loaded with lumber. We were on a road with broken yellow lines and plenty of room to see no one was coming so, after about 3 minutes of following this guy and realizing we had plenty of room to pass, he pulled out and started to pass him. Well, it was one of these guys who thinks it's fun to play games and speed up, keeping you behind him just so he could be the man with all the "power" in this little battle. He kept this up for a couple of miles until there was enough room where we had more than enough time to get around him without having to back off because of someone coming. Now had I been driving what happened next would have never transpired, but once we were in front of him my friend, whom I'll refer to as "Joey", slows down and stops, telling me he was going to give the guy the opportunity he so wanted to "kick our a*#", which he so vehemently yelled out over and over as we finally made it around him. No sooner had Joey stopped that the guy behind us was already out of his truck and power walking his way up to the car. I knew at this point what was probably going to happen, and since there were 2 other guys in the truck with this jerk, I considered stepping out, but I had no worries that Joey had this covered. As soon as my friend steps out of the car, accelerator boy was almost at the trunk of our vehicle, all raging and acting like he was Rocky or something. As soon as Joey gets to him there were just 2 punches and accelerator boy was laying in the road, bleeding profusely from an obvious broken nose and busted lip. Probably some loose teeth also. His friends were smart enough to stay in the truck, and Joey gets back in and we pull off, leaving accelerator boy to pick himself up and get back in his truck. While it was satisfying to see someone like this finally get what he deserved, I realized that since I was carrying, had this happened to me I  would have had to have the restraint to hold back that inner urge to give this jerk what he had coming. I also realized that, if I had been approached by this guy at, say the store down the road where we stopped and got something to drink, that I would have also had to have the humility to back down from him, or at least try and de-escalate the situation, for fear of having to get into an altercation with 3 knuckleheads. While I had no worries I could have handled the situation, had one of these wacko's pulled a knife or something like that, pulling my gun would not have been the smartest thing to do because any good prosecutor would have argued that I did NOT do all I could have to walk away from the situation. And that's where the discipline comes in. Just because you have the right to carry doesn't mean you should exercise it for any and all situations. Sure, if one of them had pulled a knife on me I'm sure I would have been justified in pulling my weapon. But not for something in which I had started, or at least participated in instead of just walking away. And that's what I feel a lot of people don't realize. Just because we carry and have that right to use deadly force doesn't mean it is always justified. When someone calls you a name or acts like a jerk it doesn't mean it's smart to stand your ground. Sometimes humility is what's called for. And that's why I'm glad my friend has decided he doesn't need to have a permit. He has the wisdom to realize he was pushed too far too many times in the service to be the type to walk away from some knucklehead who doesn't realize what he's up against. And for that I not only respect him, but have learned from him. Once again.  
  11. As stated above by another EMS provider when a gun is found on a victim and LE are still on scene it gets placed in their hands. In my 20 years in EMS I've seen it happen only 4 or 5 times. Now that I'm in a different part of EMS I never see it. But that's how it was handled when I was working on the ground.
  12. I like OC, just don't like the looks of the sheep. It is much more comfortable. I CC 95% of time in summer. In winter I will OWB carry with a jacket. I dont know why I get so many bad looks. I dress nice, am polite, still wear my hair high and tight, and am always professional.   I had an incident in a Wal-Mart where, while open carrying once before I made the change to CC, I attracted the attention of 2 employees and got followed by their "shopper" security guy who tries to blend in as a shopper but is really bad at concealing what he is really doing. When I checked out there were 2 more male employees standing there to intimidate me, I can only guess, and when I walked outside the shopper was out there and when I walked by him he started towards where I was parked. When I got to my vehicle, I saw the PD coming in the parking lot and he went to waving his arms. I just pulled on out and left. This was about 12:30 am, but still a little ridiculous. That was the day I decided to stop altogether. If not for the looks I'd OC everywhere.
  13.   With this being the case, does the fact that you're actually breaking the law by carrying, even though you have a defense in the form of an HCP, give an officer probable cause to search your vehicle without asking you? Just curious on this because, even though I haven't been pulled over in years, (knocking on wood), the last time I was, I was asked if I would consent to a search of my vehicle. At the time I had nothing to hide and said sure, not really giving much thought to the right I just gave up. The cop obviously saw I wasn't concerned and after saying "sure", he handed me my license back and said have a good day.   While I don't plan on consenting to warrantless searches anymore, just curious if the law could be interpreted in this way.
  14. This. Here recently I went to get in a little practice because the private land I usually use the owner was out of town. While I have his permission, I still like to let him know. At the range, I had people on either side of me who had no business holding a gun, much less shooting one. One guy kept pointing the gun in any direction he turned, which was towards me 3 times asking me questions, as well as behind him where a window was looking out at the store portion. The other guy had never used his gun before and he loaded a magazine, took it out after racking the slide, and while loading the rest of his mags I guess forgot and pulled the trigger, as he had been pulling the trigger multiple times before inserting the mag, and the gun went off and into the divider between us. Needless to say he was asked to leave but MAN! I guess some people need to be screened. Scares me that alot of these people have carry permits.
  15. Just did a search within a 5 mile radius of my address using the TBI site and came up with 70 registered sex offenders. (And I thought this was a "good area") Just goes to show you.....
  16.   Thanks Dave. I guess I haven't learned the best way to get a point across here on this forum. Why do people assume, because someone says they put their guns in a safe when they are not carrying, that they are unreachable, unloaded, and impossible to get to if someone were to break in? Nowhere did I say I unload my guns at night either. I only said when I wasn't carrying it, it goes in the safe. My gun safe is right beside my bed, bolted down, and all I have to do is place my hand on it and it opens. A lot better than leaving a gun laying somewhere for an intruder to grab it and have the upper hand before I even know he's there. Does that make sense? It seems I came under fire here for simply stating we all should be safe when it comes to leaving a gun laying around with kids nearby. But that seems to go with the territory here, and I'm used to it.   I just know that I'll never have to worry that some tragedy like this will happen because I was negligent. And anyone who thinks that because they've taught their children to never do this or to always do this is being naive. Accidents happen. And with all that's against us now with so many negligent, tragic mistakes being made concerning firearms, I think keeping a gun locked up when not being carried or used is smart and safe. And besides, if someone WERE to break into my house, being shot will be a much nicer choice than what is actually going to greet them when they get inside.
  17. Granted, the recent events of shootings and misconceptions SO MANY people have about guns just jumping off the counter and going off, killing people, we have had an uphill battle to fight to keep our 2nd Amendment right. However, how much more of idiotic events can we take? When my gun is not on my hip, its locked in a safe. Zero tolerance, and I dont even have kids in the house. But two shootings, within 2 days of each other, one here in Tennessee, http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/09/us/tennessee-gun-death/index.html and now this one http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/09/us/new-jersey-child-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 whats it going to come to? Eventually ignorance is going to hurt us badly. Yes, it's terrible these two people had to die, but both at the hands of a 4 year old? The NRA is doing a wonderful job fighting for our rights, and so are all of us, but people need to start keeping their guns locked up when not on their hip or not being used.   I put this topic here in the carry forum because we deal with firearms daily. I just wanted to see how many of you lock up your firearm at the end of the day, and, like any responsible gun owner should do, make sure they are safe from the hands of someone who doesn't understand their lethality. God Bless those two who perished. But also bless those two children, for the weight they will carry in the future. And shame on those who left those guns in harms way. It only takes a second. Sometimes not even that long. Thank you
  18. This forum http://www.usacarry.com/forums/georgia-discussion-firearm-news/ at usacarry.com is specifically about Georgia's laws and issues. Might be a good place to start, including the sites tnhawk listed also. All good sites.
  19. Here's a story about how a restaurant owner is offering a discount for Open Carry customers. Restaurants everywhere could learn something from this guy. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/05/virginia-restaurant-offers-discount-to-gun-toting-patrons/
  20. Cars are broken in to all the time in downtown Nashville. A glovebox locked gun has the chance to wind up in the hands of someone else. I would either leave it at home or lock it in a gun safe either bolted in or with a cable. And most of the nice bars are posted. Most of the others have security like previously mentioned, and Metro cops are out and about on the weekends quite visibly downtown.
  21. Congratulations on getting your permit. Lisa is an awesome lady. She even answered my email on a Saturday morning. Glad everything worked out for you!
  22. I emailed Lisa Knight when I was waiting on mine, and she had told me it was approved and that it had been sent to the print farm. She told me to wait 10-14 business days. But 2 days later, it was in the mailbox. Of course that was in 2010, and the USPS isn't what it used to be, not that it was that great to begin with. We have mail swap day almost daily in my neighborhood, so I'd email or call Lisa to check the status, to whether it was just "approved" or sent to the print farm. 
  23. Its funny how looking back, we all couldnt wait for it to arrive in the mail and time seemed to drag by, but now looking back it seems like WOW, where'd all that time go? The older you get, the faster time goes. Or so it seems. Coming up on 3 years for me.


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