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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. A bunch of us drove to Jackson to see Queenryche and Suicidal Tendencies--while others drove to Knoxville to see GnR. I always thought we made the right decision. They did the entire album that night...fantastic.
  2. Queensryche at the Ryman. Did the Operation Mindcrime album. Chris DeGarmo was not with them and that hurt(a lot) but at a small venue like that--it was incredible. Saw Triumph at the Municipal when I was maybe 19--that maybe is my favorite show. As always hard to pick just one.
  3. Chat is open. A couple of people in there. TGO Chat Room
  4. Do you think she would be willing to pull the trigger? Show her that cornered cat website. Here Cornered Cat
  5. The water meters will have a small hand or dial that will show a very small usage. Turn off and isolate what you can and watch for that hand to move.
  6. Randy Rhodes, amazing technical work. Saw the G3 tour at the Ryman. Satriani, Vai, and Malmsteen. Then they bring out Neal Schon, I'm thinking the guy from Journey? WOW he can jam.
  7. You qualified it by saying "rock" band. They need no such help. Led Zeppelin.
  8. Wow! I would like to hear the other side of the story. But this goes back to keep your mouth shut, and if you get out lock your doors. I wonder how it would have ended if he had done that?
  9. This seems like a scenario that could cause a SHTF scenario to start. Have to shoot your way out of Kroger with a loaf of bread.
  10. Went Saturday night for a "Star Party". Local Astronomy club sets up many telescopes and invites you to come and look. Of course big no weapons signs and the entrances. I dug around on the boards and found HCP good there even if posted. But I also found if there is a school function there the entire park is now a school. Is this still the case? Saw the post by Fallguy, but that is a year ago. From OhShoot, Probably wrong forum, feel free to move.
  11. Motion detector lights, maybe a dog. Clear brush away that lets a bad guy hide. Lights on timers inside. There is a twin-mount .50 on gunbroker.com that you could mount somewhere. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=190484305
  12. I lived in Jersey until I was ten. Then moved to Blountville. Big change. My dad's family is in the trucking business there. Defiantly have had some Mob run ins through the years. Always loved the Boardwalk and spent a lot of time in Point Pleasant. I'll second Garufa--Steve Buscemi is in it.
  13. Lucianne.com had this problem--they said it was a hack from outside. Several months ago.
  14. I get rid of them when they turn up. My older daughter knows how we as a family feel and that we think it is a slight to the Military. I do it discreetly though. A Che or Mao shirt would be burned with much fanfare. I was not in the military(bad knee) started to try and force a waiver but went to a trade school instead. One of my closest friends was in "Desert Storm" and has just got back from Iraq again. I worried for him. I didn't wish I was there. He trained in Miss. with Hummers, but took command of a MRAP when he got in country. I told him I feel a lot better knowing hes in that. He said,"YOU feel better, I feel better." My wife laughed when I threw "Rainbow Fish" in the garbage because it was a commie book--ten years ago or so. Its not funny now with what is going on in Washington.
  15. Where do you guys come down on "peace signs". My kids will wind up with a t-shirt or earrings that find there way to the garbage. I do not make a big stink about it but my dad was in Viet Nam and hated the symbol. What about other things like "Ben and Jerry's" ice cream. I think they are commies and will not buy there stuff. I think you can drive yourself insane if you think about it too much. Older daughter's freshmen English class is called "World Studies". I start thinking multi-cultural Bravo sierra. But Ayn Rand's "Anthem is on the reading list. So is "Animal Farm". So not a commie propaganda class. It's late and I am rambling.
  16. Fantastic idea. The ending needs some help. I am not sure what, but it sounds awkward. "Thank you for registering. You are now being included in the 85 of citizens which refuse to patronize business whom don't respect their rights."
  17. I got invited to TN. VS Fla. had to turn it down. Go to Mt. Juliet Friday for the football game. Some kind of Marching band competition at Hendersonville Saturday (daughters in the band). Hopefully go shoot--a lot-- Sunday.
  18. That was Carlos Hathcock. He had MS and so does my wife. He would hide the symptoms even while in country. Amazing man. Amazing hunts and kills. Found my copy of "Marine Sniper" if someone around Hendersonville would like to read it.
  19. I was at work when the second plane hit. I watched it on a TV that I have on a tool cart so I can roll it around. The reporter later says "the tower collapsed" and Dan Rather says back you mean the top fell, NO the building is gone! I remember how beautiful blue the sky was that day. No clouds, no planes. The pictures from the stairwell of firefighters going in when everyone else is going out. The firemen carrying their Chaplain who died. That a few weeks after Berkley made their fire Dept. take flags of the trucks, and Hendersonville had huge flags on some of theirs. I Remember.
  20. Or is it a moral/ethical answer the teacher wants. Last of its kind dilemma.
  21. Saw a LEO do a felony stop on a motor home Wednesday. The driver stopped and disappeared into the back of the home, LEO runs to drivers side and then around to the home door. After 10 seconds driver comes out and the officer throws him down and cuffs him. I thought the officer lost his situational awareness because someone else could have hopped out on him. You sound like you did not lose it and had the upper hand if something did go down.
  22. A Theory is as strong as it gets in Science. Everything we know now will be replaced in the future by a new theory. Science does not grow on itself but goes through complete revolutions in theory. God put them there too mess with us.
  23. If they are not directional I go front to back--backs criss-crossed to front. Usually what you will find in the owners manual or service guide.
  24. A Conservative believes in the worth of the individual. A Liberal believes in the common good.
  25. Got mine today. Did the paper work and fingerprints on Friday the 13th. So 18 days for me also.


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