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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. I agree with everything said, mostly. Technically they were walking through the city right of way that is a storm water run off. Again this is a quiet neighborhood with kids running everywhere and these idiots move their animal cruelty(among other things) son right in the middle of it. Still better than lighting of a few 12 guage rounds...Right?
  2. Had to do something. Obviously me calling the police would have been the prudent thing to do. It may have been a violation of his parole to be out at dusk or threaten people. At least have a record of the call. My wife had talked to the Chief when they first moved in, he said anything thing they do could be seen as harassment if they did not have something specific to go on. But yes defiantly lucky, by the time I got to the house I was raging and getting shot was not something I was thinking. Pulling that sob out of the house was about it. The dad did step out with me and was very apologetic and quickly calmed me down. I got mad after I left because he did it so easily, he has probably done it several times. Again they knew someone was right behind them that would do anything to protect his family, even irrational, stupid, and not well thought out things.
  3. Bandit: Hold on, Now just wait a minute - why do you need all that beer for? Little Enos: Because he's thirsty, dummy! I love movie quotes and use them all the time.
  4. I had someone on the list move in behind me. Wife and daughter are walking around the neighborhood and cut through the yards to get home(their feet were hurting,barefoot). This guy is not all there and lives with his 60 something parents. He yells at them to freeze and that they are trespassing. They run home and tell me. I jump up and run up to the house. He is not outside so I go around and beat on the front door. The whole family gets a good cussing and threats of beatings and worse. Lucky they did not call on me. I am a big guy and I wanted them all to see me. Family still lives there but he does not show up on the registry, nor have I seen him. Not saying I ran him off, just glad he is gone.
  5. To help in getting back in the holster? How nice does it conceal?
  6. Bumping this back up in hopes to fill the bus. This is not something I would normally do, but the chance to go with a lot of like minded individuals and talk and tell stories is too much to miss. Come on guys.
  7. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/general-off-topic/44745-3-distillery-tour-anyone.html Just wait and go with us.
  8. Saw a bumper sticker that read,"I'd rather be eating your brain". Told my daughter we had better start keeping a shotgun in the car, that they are giving zombies drivers licenses.
  9. Russia built these things to. Not meant to fly just blast across the water. Thats what those Iranian things look like. Targets.
  10. Ruger SA in .30 carbine could have come home with me. Some Russian and a Finish Mosins and Mini 14's were there that are on my want list. A couple of M1A's but did not see any Garands. And of course a bazzillion ARs.
  11. La Loma in front of KMart in an old Pizza hut building. Best Mexican in town. Order a draft beer and they ask big or little. LOL BIG! Grande! I am from NJ so when Knead Dough opened and said NYC style pizza I was excited. Until we ate there. My brother is in town from Rochester(mom has cancer) and he ate there and thought it was good. May have to give another try. That Sicilian pizza place in front of the bowling alley was horrible. Always up for a slow boat to Cherokee. They do not sell booze. Says no coolers on the door but it is more of a guideline than a rule.
  12. I think he Used "archies" kit. First came in with a bad vibration. 383 needs external balance. Told him take it home and redo. Then we got it tuned in with a automatic, but he had trouble getting shift points. So he just installed a 5 speed. I had trouble getting it to setup so go back to basics. Smoke test intake and found injector o-rings leaking bad. It is fun to fool with, distraction from normal cars.
  13. Thanks Glock23forme. You and I are the "Jim Carter" guys so I think we are better than everyone else. LOL...
  14. I did not build this thing, just trying to get computer programmed and running good. It is an amazing car. 5 speed transmission and even has AC. Crummy cell phone pic.
  15. My older daughter wants to be a vet so we indulge her with the pets. There are guinea pigs, snakes, cats, a dog, and fish here. Have had a cockatiel(that we caught), hamsters, rats, mice, frogs and turtles. Probably leaving something out. As far as the small critters go, rats are the best. Way better that hamsters. This is Cinco. Fifth born from a dumpster saved cat that did not make it to be spayed in time. Doh!!
  16. Nice to have you here Hopster. Trying to figure out "hopster". Hoping it is Beer related.
  17. Yes. I get them mixed up. I think she is a BCI. A BCC has the really red tail. I grew up with a weimaraner. Smartest dog ever.
  18. I have a dog and some cats but here are some snakes. Albino Burmese eating. Normal Burmese. "Sneaky" the boa.
  19. I didn't finish school. Was at TTU, wifey got pregnant somehow. I am envious that you are doing it at 35. I believe if done right this can strengthen your "pro" gun argument when dealing with the left. You should have just made up stats and wild accusations...wait that is what they do.
  20. Some Pics of my Remington 1903.
  21. Once you start up the self defense ladder-hand to hand- baton- sword- spear- you make such a huge leap in power with a firearm, I say it goes to "what feels good".
  22. I pack up pretty good care packages. Is there anyway to get an APO address?


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