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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. I got my Colt at D&T. Good guys. Spoolie you are definitely a "weapons abuser". LOL Only 500 rounds?
  2. Thanks for posting Garufa. I hope he has told his story to someone.
  3. I assume there will be valet parking and people to carry my bags. LOL It looks like me and three still coming. Fingers crossed on the weather.
  4. Some groups in Wisconsin have gone this route(Open carry protests). I don't know if it has helped or hurt their cause. Seems like cops wrote tickets for disturbing the peace or the like. It at least got their message out. But, I think, in a bad light.
  5. I've just started also. I enjoy it so far and find the process fun. Sending your own round down to the target is a good feeling. Bought supplies local. You should be able to knock these prices down by watching shows and sales. 230 gr. FMJ $20.00 per 100 CCI Primers $3.00 per 100 Powder About $2.00 per 100 So $25.00 a box of 100 not counting your brass. I used Unique powder at 6.2 gr. I bought a Lee Kit, turret style. But I would second what Jonnin said and go up to a lyman or rcbs to start.
  6. It is my town, so it is a little self-serving . I expect 56ford to be planning the next one soon.
  7. Taking Strictj's point about picking up trash. Come out to the highway cleanup. We could use the help, and I'll OC with you.
  8. The Garand Collectors Association Official CMP Home I would check those two. Like was said drill teams have them. From cmp seems a little high. M1 Garand Drill Rifles ITEM # DESCRIPTION PRICE RM1DRILL M1 Garand Drill Rifle (Description Below) $345 Fits the description of our Rack Grade with the additions of: gas cylinder lock screw is welded to lock and gas cylinder, barrel is drilled, plugged and welded at chamber mouth. Barrel is welded to the receiver, firing pin hole is welded closed on bolt face. Rifle wear will be exhibited by worn and mixed colors of the finish; there may be some pitting on the metal parts; wood will be basically sound but may be well used with minor hairline cracks, poor fit, and many dings, scratches and gouges; wood may not match in color, type of wood or condition. Wood may be Walnut, Birch, Beech or other variety
  9. I see it at Academy Sports in Rivergate.
  10. That's nuts. My wife would crap if I brought that home. "But honey, just think how much we're saving."
  11. My anticipation level is high. This sounds great. Fingers crossed for nice weather!!!
  12. Set yourself up for that one. I wonder about what is best--do you restore it or leave it alone? It would be awesome nice and blue again.
  13. +1 For D&T. Colt Commander, Supertuck, and a box of bullets and I was ready to go walking out the door.
  14. My Professor at TTU said "The Millers Tale" is one of the most vulgar and dirty of The Canterbury tales. So that is of course the first one we will study. Didn't know it at the time but he is a gun guy and was on the board of Garand Collectors Association for awhile.
  15. Seems like I read that a family of 4 on welfare was making $38,000 in cash and benefits. Welfare is the worst "good" thing ever done to people. And it is high on the bad things list.
  16. I have not used mine other than discounts at Midway. I really think a P1 from AIM will be first. Southern Ohio Gun is another good one. You need to scan you license in and email it to them. Don't sign original. Just sign copies.
  17. This is an amazing trick. I wonder if it is something you should keep in the car? Put a string through it to be able to find it. My friend had a passenger side window knocked out when his drivers side was down. LOL
  18. So it is the Ritalin. 2011 we are ready for zombies, Jeffrey gets double tapped.
  19. It is on netflix. I have watched about half but haven't finished. It's pretty funny.
  20. Awesome looking course. Looking forward to it. Thanks for putting this on.
  21. I like the sound of this. What is the limited amount of equipment? Same as the list on your site I assume.


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