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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Any new shooters coming for  the "class", you will need a safe working firearm and ammo. A holster, gun rug or bag to put your gun in.  Eye and ear protection.   The weather keeps getting better and looks great for Saturday.
  2. Any new shooters that want to come out to the range but do not want to shoot the match--I will be there to run a "class". We will work on gun handling, drawing, reloading, and movement. The ever changing IDPA rules and the terms used. If you have any questions ask them here. Others are probably wondering to.
  3. Super fun. Matt kicked my but. Would have given Joseph a run for his flashlight if his gun had cooperated. Beautiful morning. You guys that stayed home missed out. Congrats to Joseph M. for the win!
  4. Weather still looks nice for tomorrow. The bays we will use are the least muddy so we should be ok.
  5. I have a small prize for the winner. Hope to  see everyone there.   Good match to test your shooting. Love the sound of steel being hit.
  6. The range is in Dickson. 990 Coon Creek Rd. The match is $25. The initial match is around 60 rounds. But bring double that. The side match is free and you will need ammo to shoot several times. The is nothing better than hearing a good hit and watching the steel fall.
  7. Stages are finished and should be out shortly. Three quick stages to get warmed up. Around 60 rounds. Then we will set up the Man vs. Man and have it out. :slapfight:   Weather looks good right now. I hope it holds out.
  8. Great movie. Saw it this afternoon in Mt. Juliet. Same experience as others--everyone stayed and left quietly.
  9. We will be hosting an Outlaw Steel Match on the 24th of January. It is moving to the fourth Saturday this year.   The format will be a regular three stage match--round count around 75.   After we are done we will set up two identical 11 popper arrays with a stop plate in the middle for a little Man vs. Man battle. We can play around or challenge your buddies. And finish off with a bracket style elimination.  Max rounds in your mags will be ten so single stack can play to. Open gun guys.....I know you have a production gun laying around somewhere. Or you can shoot against the other cheaters open guns.   As always--shotguns, pistol caliber carbines and slingshots are welcome.   I'll get some stages up today or tomorrow.
  10. Some shots of the stages from today. You can still come out tomorrow and shoot.
  11. Super fun match. I set a goal to move up from "B" class this year. Shot what I think will be a nice "A" today. I usually shoot the classifiers well but today I shot the whole match well.   Thanks Robert for a great match!
  12. Weather looks wonderful. Can't wait to get out and shoot. Anyone who had been on the fence about coming out and trying--this will be a great match.
  13. Sorry guys but it is not lining up for anyone to make it there for the last match.   The Dec. 28th match is cancelled.   Please watch out for the  new schedule coming out soon.
  14. Great match. Thanks Robert! Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk
  15. Are wreaths tied with bread ties? Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk
  16. Great day of shooting. Lost twenty seconds on the reshoot. Didn't go home thinking, "if only I could have shot that stage again. "
  17. Music City will host an Outlaw Steel Match on Sunday the 23rd.   I am still working out the stages but they will be amazing. :cool:   Set-up begins at 7:00am with shooters meeting at 8:45am and shots by 9:00am.   This match is the "most funnest" match we shoot. It is instantly rewarding and very humbling at the same time.
  18. Wow! Super fun match. 31 pieces of steel on one stage was awesome. Thanks for the help.
  19. Sorry we didn't get the stages posted. Three big stages that we will shoot twice. Once one way and then change it up a little. Round count around 125.
  20. We will be holding our Outlaw Steel Match on Sunday the 26th. I don't have the stages finalized just yet but it will be fun.
  21. Great match. Thanks for everyone's help. I shot an A class classifier, Now if I can get the rest of my match going I would be good.


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