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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. They are too much. I want to come see them!
  2. Funny story. Rabbit punch is in the back or your neck at the base of your skull.
  3. Thanks to David at D&T. Awesome experience as always. Springfield XDm 9mm. 4.5 in. barrel. Stainless slide.
  4. Not a 1911 course. I am looking at a XDm 9mm. Might be a better choice. And Sarah can shoot it.
  5. The course looks like a lot of fun. And a lot of shooting. I will see you guys there.
  6. What the!!! Monkey--bat--thing.
  7. Love that episode. Tears me up when they gave him the 1903.
  8. Terry we can fly out somewhere to celebrate. We've done breakfast. Do you know any good lunch spots?
  9. If some skinny college kid is asking for my ID i get pissed. If it is a hot waitress I assume she wants to see how tall I am.
  10. Navy reservist shot, killed during Williamsburg weapons drill | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com Here is one. Searching for "dropped gun" I see some stories of the gun going off when it hit the ground. I am skeptical of this.
  11. Missing 5 out of 20 = 75% Still passing. Tell her it is a practice session. And trick her into going.
  12. And a sack full of knives.LOL I'll OC going to a gun store or such. I guess this summer will be the testing ground.
  13. I am even more concerned by a Chinese takeover after seeing the anti-doughnut propaganda. Love the original. It is on my DVR.
  14. I was worried my score would not be where I would like. But I am satisfied with it and happy with 69 points down. Seemed to be middle of the pack. Chip kept saying "relax"--"slow down"--"hit your shots".
  15. No way would I work on cars all day long....Oh wait a minute... "There is honor in a hard days work." Doesn't make it less hard. I am good at what I do and there is satisfaction at pushing them in and driving them out.
  16. I would like to thank Hognut for a great time and gun rental. And Chip for helping me and my daughter out. Had a great time.
  17. We are going to try and be early to help. Got my bag packed. Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow.
  18. I wonder how much rain they are getting? Has to be better than last time.
  19. I've never flown in a helicopter. Hint...Hint... Terry, its been over a week. I would really start looking in the mailbox. Did you take the IFR test? How did you do?
  20. Is the Classifier OK for new guys to come and shoot? I still have a couple of good shooters who would love this. One does the civil war stuff. The reloads would kill him. LOL. But he is good with a saber. Anyway, I am hoping for four of us, and my daughter.
  21. I think they sent aircraft carriers on a "one way" mission to try and free up the Yamato and her group. Quote by a torpedo bomber pilot,"If you want holes in the deck send the dive bombers, if you want it sunk, send us."
  22. He was shot down and rescued by the French Underground. The rules were you could not go back into combat after that. He pushed it all the way to Ike. And got his seat back. Amazing man. Happy Birthday Chuck!!!


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