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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. If you enjoyed the Zombie Match come out for this. I'll try and have the air conditioner going Saturday. LOL! Nice mix of steel, paper and movers.
  2. Another member here is Tim Calhoun. Never had any work done by him, but I have shot with him and his gun runs like a scalded dog. Calhoun Custom Firearms
  3. Hello and welcome. Just jump in anywhere. Thanks for your service.
  4. I have both a XDm 9mm and a M&P Pro 9mm. Both are very nice, but I shoot the M&P better. Knocked 30 seconds off of my IDPA classifier time with the M&P. Shooting just one week later. I usually Carry the XDm and compete with the M&P.
  5. Congrats Matt on first in ESP Expert. Do you move up in class now?
  6. I was at work. Pulled the TV from the break room out into the shop and watched. I had a cousin in the first building hit, second to fall, that got out OK. Called my Uncle to check on everyone. Anger, grief, sadness, hope--repeat. I remember Berkeley, CA. telling the firemen not to have flags on their trucks, and Hendersonville's trucks with huge flags flying off of theirs.
  7. Had a ton of fun today. Great course of fire. Thank you Robert for the early setup. Made it easy on everybody.
  8. Are you going to shoot? Best to bring your stuff so we can talk you in to it. Don't let that stop you. Just stick the mags in your pocket. Probably root up a holder for you.
  9. Yeah baby!! Hello and welcome. Us young guys need to stick together.
  10. I shoot a 9mm Pro that is stock in IDPA and love it. It will drop the slide on a hard reload and once or twice it didn't strip a round out of the mag. It has not done that in awhile though. Ran great at the "Zombie Match" and that was a lot or lead down range.
  11. Hello, and welcome. My Dad was in the 101st. 327 Infantry. Thank you for your service.
  12. The two month countdown has begun. November 5th will be here fast. Music City Tactical Shooters Click here for information.
  13. Conservative, Independent, Constitutionalist. Picked Republican to make the survey go.
  14. What a day. I had a lot of fun. I didn't shoot very well though. Crazy seeing that many people at the range. Hottest day of the year to boot. Hope everyone can make it back out.
  15. The dead are rising tomorrow. Hope everyone that wants to hone their Zombie skills can make it out. There will be some some added effects that should make it "more funner".
  16. Larger caliber - 76 Small caliber - 124 Round count is not half because of the steel targets.
  17. 46 rounds in stage 2. Plus extra for misses. How many rounds does your mags hold?
  18. i have been going back and forth, but I think 9mm and just sling a lot of lead their way is the way to go.
  19. Great to have you Randy. It is going to be a lot of fun.
  20. Just show up. Round count is minimum so bring extra. Set up 7:00 AM for anyone who wants to help. New Shooter Orientation begins promptly at 8:30 AM. Shooter's meeting 8:45 AM. Match start time at 9:00 AM.


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