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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Try this. Tree Identification Guide at arborday.org
  2. Would have probably ended with a rifle sold too.
  3. I know it is too late for him now, but I can't believe he didn't come to his senses and apologize for the e-mail and try to make it right with Dolomite. You never know who you are pissing off. Could be some nobody or it could be a well respected citizen of a popular message board.
  4. 1. Green Day - On the calendar bottom right with one day colored green. 2. Match Box 20- Bottom of picture, to left of the calendar on the ground 3. B-52s - The two large airplanes at top center. 4. Gun's-n-roses bottom left 5. Led Zeppelin - the big zeppelin up in the sky. 6. Queen - bottom center-left 7. smashing pumpkins (right hand side on bottom) 8. Great White (left side next to the gold guy leaning on the building.) 9. Eagles (upper right hand side) 10. White Zombie-left hand side, under the Virgin sign, above the guns and roses. 11. Blur - Guy on the far right that is blurry. 12. Alice In Chains (right side next to the Blur guy) 13. Rolling Stones (back center and right side of street) Dang it! 14. Gorillaz (three apes in the top center) 15. Nine Inch Nails (Just above left of Matchbox Twenty) 16. Blind Melon (bottom right) 17. Sex pistols 18 Iron Madien (center crosswalk) 19. Men Without Hats 20. 50 cent 21. Nine Inch Nails 22. Queen - holding the pistols 23. Prince -getting jacked by the queen 24. U2 - on building above police officer 25. Garbage-just right of center 26. Phish (in the bowl near the bottom right) 27. Black Flag (just to the right of center) 28. Red Hot Chilli Peppers - bottom right next to Blind Mellon 29. Is teh Queen Holding Sex Pistols? LOL 30. Whtiesnake- Light poll above girls amking out on left 31. RadioHead - center 32. Styx - sticks on the ground 33. Dead Kennedys - next to the zombie. 34. The Black Crows (On the Main St. sign) 35. Ratt (center on pavement) 36. The Police (Just to the right of the Iron Maiden) 37. Bee Gees (on corner of building) 38. Seal (on the poster behind the zombie) 39. Cowboy Junkies (leaning against the light post) 40. Hole (Behind Garbage) 42. Crowded House - all the people in the house behind the eagles 43. Valley Girls infront of big rock, right of center #44 the Beach Boys (to the right of street sign #45 Deep Purple (building in back) 46. The Dead Kennedys - the two posters to the right of the white zombie 47. Talking Heads (The TV's in the window, back right) 48. Blondie (above Virgin sign) 49. Men at Work (on top of building just under the two gorillas) 50. The Killers (two guys with violin cases) 51. Kiss (two girls kissing) 52. Twisted Sister (contortionists on pavement) 53. The Cars (cars between the two "Rolling Stones") 54. Red Hot Chili Peppers (In front of the Blind Melon) 55. The Lemonheads, by RHCP and Blind Melon. 56. Buthole Surfers (back right) 57. The Pixies - around Virgin music sign 58. Jewel - to the right of the fish (bottom right) 59. The Eels (Behind Queen) 60. Phish (center bottom) 61. Blonde (Above Virgin sign?) 62. Madonna (Next to the Dead Kennedys) 63. Korn (next to lemonheads) (BTW, this isn't the entire image. And no, I didn't peek first) 64. Spoon - leaning right side 65. Eminem - just above styx 66. New York Dolls - in the window on left side 67. Dinosaur Jr.--behind queen.
  5. Hello. And welcome. You're in Dickson already, come out and shoot with us. First and third Saturday's.
  6. Does he know when he got made with the cash?
  7. Here is the first videos I have seen. Keep them coming.
  8. Myron gave out several for movement on our stage(bed stage). And one FTDR for not engaging a target with a magazine left. Saw some pretty nice dance moves/foot work from people keeping their feet moving.
  9. What a great match. Everything ran smoothly thanks to HOGNUT's planning and very hard work. I scored on Stage Two(the bed stage)with Myron. I should have had a TGO name tag on. I hope everyone had a great time and will come back out next year for the sanctioned event and for our club level stuff on the first and third Saturday's.
  10. Wake up. Let's get moving. I did manage to sleep last night. Today will be fun. Hope to meet everyone tomorrow.
  11. This will be a good one to watch. There will be several Master Class shooters from all over the country there. On Nov. 19th will be our regular club match. Come to that one and be prepared to shoot. PM me(or HOGNUT) if you have any questions.
  12. I shot Mike's a few weeks ago. Interesting amount of recoil. Not as much as I would have thought. It does make a distinctive sound when fired. We were like a forensics crew looking for spent brass in the yard. LOL!
  13. I was at the range today. It looks great. It will look even better loaded down with shooters Saturday.
  14. I am so ready to shoot this thing. Still a lot of work left though. New Comp-tac holster and mag pouch should be here today. Getting rid of the "holster of death":death:(serpa). I figure the new holster should at least cut my times in half . Seriously though I do believe there is some lost time with the serpa. Although I think the leg shots are operator error, and not the holster's fault.
  15. "Where's my hover-board!!!"
  16. Scores have been uploaded to IDPA. If you are a "pending" let me know when your number comes in.
  17. Trying to figure out what was going on. And there is little Regan staring at me.
  18. I will get the scores to someone tonight when I get home.
  19. I think it is going to be 10 stages. No throwaway stages. All scenario, challenging and fun. I can't wait.
  20. The software marks them all as pending if we don't have them. Just let me know when you get it. If you want to shoot the "Cup Match" send Michael(Hognut) a message and he can try and speed up your application. You will need to be an IDPA member for that.
  21. I forgot to post it. Scores are done and are up at the website. I think 12 people moved up. Great match. Now get ready for the Cup Match on November 5th. Scores IDPA OCT 15,2011 Match
  22. Had a great day at the range. Hope everyone had a good time. Thank to all who helped and set-up and tear down. This was my first time as Match Director, first shooters meeting, and first time running shooters. Thank you Greg Bell and Matt Tipton and everyone else who was patient with me. Should have the scores completed by this afternoon and will get them posted. Oh, and Hognut, I told in the shooters meeting that you were bragging about your night match prowess. I think some will be out to beat you.
  23. Weather is going to be great Saturday. I will try to be at the range by 7:00am to start setting up. Help setting up and tearing down is encouraged and appreciated.
  24. I think Robert is still out of town. He is usually very prompt.


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