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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. No problem. I think the guys are finding you and your dad gear. So be prepared to shoot. See you there.
  2. I have a serpa RH holster for a M&P. Somebody will have a mag carrier but if not pockets work.
  3. Aaron we will be glad to have you and your dad Saturday. Safe, new shooters are welcome at the range. Poke around MCTS's site and IDPA's site. There is some good info there.
  4. Had a great time today. Thanks to Robert for the use of his shotgun(and ammo).
  5. My former across the neighbor shot bottle rockets at them. He is now known by the Hendersonville Fire Dept. as the "squirrel guy". Caught the insulation on fire is all. But it made a lot of smoke. LOL!!!!
  6. Glad to have ya'!!! If you can make it to Dickson--come and shoot with us. Music City Tactical Shooters
  7. Stage four scenario: You are enjoying a picnic on the beach when a flash mob erupts. Your handgun does not go with your Speedo so you have it concealed in a box. Save the day! So who is going all out and wearing a Speedo for this one?
  8. Hey Rickey this was a blast. We had one wheel gun shooter. Four stages in all. The stages were 4 pieces of steel any order, from 7 to 12 yards, and one more piece as the "stop plate". So five total. Except the plate rack which was six. Shot each stage five times and counted the best four times. I hope this makes it on the schedule next year because I really enjoyed it. You would have been really good at it I bet.
  9. The steel match is open to all comers. There will be five or six targets and you will draw and shoot 5 times. Best 4 runs will count. There will be a class for most anyone. If you don't have a holster for your gun, you may start from "low ready" and take a 2 second penalty. You will need a gun rug(or similar)to stow your gun between stages. Rifles will need a "chamber flag". There are some at the range for purchase. Steel Match Divisions; •Rimfire Iron Sights •Rimfire Optics •Rimfire Rifle •Revolver •Pistol Semi-Auto Iron Sights •Pistol Semi-Auto Optics •Pistol Caliber Carbines
  10. Just now getting mine to go shooting with me. She shot our IDPA match on the 19th for her first competition. Cleaning your own gun will have to come later.
  11. Looks like the chance of rain increases in the afternoon. I think we will be OK.
  12. I like the new look. But, it has been a little screwy on firefox. Even some earlier yesterday. It will freeze and start hogging memory and is stuck on 25% or 50% cpu usage. Anyone else or is it me?(probably me)
  13. Looks like we are going to make it up. See you guys there. Deja-vu all over again.
  14. I'm glad he missed. We would have to replace another Match Director.
  15. We missed you Matt. But if you had been there it would have pushed me out of my first top ten. So.....
  16. What a day!! Had a great time shooting with everyone. More night matches!!!
  17. The night stages look great. Pretty good for a new guy. See you guys tomorrow.
  18. I'm sure Hognut will need a kick-back for stage design copyright infringement.
  19. I will make both matches. Maybe I can make it through stage 5 without any procedurals. Managed to get three at the Cup. The night match will be my first. Will be exciting.
  20. Nice to have you here in Tennessee.


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