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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. My fastest run a couple of weeks ago in Dickson was 4.22 sec. Probably hard to beat in the cold with extra clothes on. I would like to bring my average time down a bit. I was all over the place.
  2. My Political Views I am a right social libertarian Right: 7.36, Libertarian: 5.69 Political Spectrum Quiz
  3. Thanks for letting me off the hook Rickey. Anyway looks like nice sunny weather Saturday.
  4. I'm wanting to chicken out, but I'm not going to. I'll shoot the SSR gun. Not sure it's a good idea at a steel match.
  5. Great match last year. Should be even better this year. Michael, can I borrow a Glock?
  6. 92 minimum, I'll bring 95. Surely I'll only miss three times.
  7. Probably more than one hundred would be safe. Robert can tell us more when he sees this.
  8. Combination steel challenge, with a house clearing steel stage thrown in. Unless something has changed. Should be fun.
  9. Great turnout today. I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed the stages. Special thanks to everyone that helped set-up and tear down.
  10. Hope to see you guys back at the range with your new toys.
  11. Oh yeah, my boss let me trade out a job a couple weeks ago and he called it my Christmas bonus. Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife
  12. Shooting wise, 400 round of 9mm, and some shooting glasses.
  13. They are good guys. We use them for our head work. Glen was into RC planes. I have been out to watch a couple of times.
  14. Greg was digging the pimped out CZ CK1 had at Gallatin.
  15. I think Hognut may ban me from stage design. Well it was fun while it lasted. Did I mention Carla knocked the steel over with two shots?
  16. Glad to see you guys today out to the range. Hope to see you again soon.
  17. Wow! What an awesome stage setup today. LOL! That 35yd steel shot was incredible. Will have scores shortly.
  18. I was only 144 points down my first match. I have improved a little since then.
  19. I haven't shot one. Is that an offer? Let me quote the rule book; "Occasional targets out to thirty-five (35) yards are to be encouraged." You have a table to use as a rest. Those of us shooting 5 in. guns may have an advantage on that one. I thought you wheel gun guys never missed?
  20. HOTN--Hit On a Non-Threat, or in my case Hits. LOL!
  21. A couple of stages by me (My first ones) in this match. So direct any positive feedback to me. Negative feedback to Hognut.


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