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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. And to shoot our big sanctioned match in November. Last year Craig Buckland shot our match. He will be on Top Shot coming up in a few weeks. Scores are up at the website..Here
  2. I encourage any other new shooters that didn't come because of the weather today, to come out for the classifier. It is a great match for new shooters to get a feel for what is going on. The classifier goes over all the basic IDPA skills; reloading, shooting from high/low cover, movement, drawing, and accuracy. All safe shooters are welcome. You do not need to be an IDPA or MCTS member to come out.(But we hope you will join.) Please don't be intimidated by it being a shooting "competition". Everyone at the range is very supportive and encouraging to new shooters.
  3. I had a great squad. Thanks for the help guys. His score will reflect the gratitude.
  4. Maybe Hognut needs a shampoo and condition before his haircut. Are we lathering it up and shaving completely? Or just closely buzzed.
  5. In a world where 3 is magic number.
  6. Great shooting. Looks like a fun course to shoot.
  7. No need to be scared. Everyone is polite on the range. We're all armed. Hognut is dreading his haircut.
  8. Absolutely. Thunder and lightning will stop us. But we will try and finish when it lets up. Or if it is too muddy and we think it is unsafe.
  9. Here is a pdf of some things to at least be familiar with. Click Here Especially, for this match, the range commands. If you get there early and want to help--you will get to see what is going on, and see the movers work. Be safe and have fun. And remember I do the scoring, so be especially nice to me.
  10. Excellent! One person closer to a bald Hognut. (That sounds dirty.) I am looking forward to putting some names to faces. Hope everyone makes it out.
  11. This was my first match last year. I encourage everyone who is interested to come out and give it a try.
  12. Nice angle. I bet they waded through hundreds of letters looking for one to publish.
  13. Shot with several soldiers yesterday. They were there to practice and have fun. When the gas mask came out I new it kind of serious practice.
  14. Great day shooting. Greg made some enemies today with the plate rack on the move stage.
  15. I can barely shoot the plate rack standing still. LOL! Looks like a lot of fun.
  16. Saw of it yesterday. It looks amazing.
  17. Thanks Robert for the speedy scores. Steel is very frustrating. But I shot the house stage well.


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