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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. What's up Chuck? Welcome, pull up a chair and stay awhile.
  2. Absolutely. Will you be able to wear a Glock shirt for the day? Or will your contract with Springfield be broken?
  3. Has to cycle the slide. And knock the plates over.
  4. Nice. Come out and shoot with us. You will fit right in.
  5. Hey Larry. The classifier results never made it to the website. Not sure why. It was freezing cold and the wind was blowing. We had a great turn out though. The March IDPA with shotgun side match is on for the 10th.
  6. Hello Memphis Mason. If you have any questions you can call me about IDPA in general. For the Memphis area, Deerslayer will probably be along.
  7. Start with your second question. For Stock Service Pistol, from the rule book; 4. Internal action work may be used to enhance trigger pull as long as safety is maintained (no visible external modifications allowed). No monkeying around with trigger disconnects. All safety features should be working. There are people who want to use what they carry. And there are people who want to play the game. You will have to pick on which to be. G19 will be fine. 20 yards is the most we usually shoot. Although on occasion targets out to 35 yards are found. Just ask Hognut.LOL! You might want a G17 or G34 for the longer barrel. Just starting off--have fun and be safe. Shoot whatever pistol you want.(M&P is the best ) Where about are you located?
  8. Nice shooting to those who got a bump in class. If you see anything wrong in the scores let me know.
  9. It is a lot more challenging than standing there shooting at a target. And a lot more fun. Our regular matches will have up to nine targets and three "No-Shoot" targets in one stage. Usually we have five stages. 18 rounds max per stage. Moving targets--up-downs, swingers, out and backs and drop turners. Some steel "poppers" and head plates. Challenging stages that will test your skills as much as a game can. First time to competition shooters that are safe and know their pistol are welcome at every local match we hold.
  10. Wow! We have some big barn owls around the lake. It's wild to see them fly in and land, and take off again--silently.
  11. I think the weather will hold off for us. We will shoot rain or shine. Hope to see everyone out there.
  12. There are two authorized vendors on here. PM one of them.
  13. Wow, it was cold this morning. Great turn out. Thanks Robert.
  14. I encouarge everyone to come out and shoot this match. This one isn't as much a competition as it is a skills test. Great for shooters to benchmark against because it is always shot the same way. New shooters will find it fun and challenging.
  15. At the world's there were 142 Glocks, 97 1911 style, and 67 M&P's.
  16. The slides are lightened from the factory. That is what the opening in the slides are. No gas escapes from the barrel there. I shoot an M&P pro. 9mm. You can shoot what you carry, until you want to play the game better.
  17. This is a great match for the first time shooter. Getting there early will get you on our good side. Helping set-up will also get you aquainted with what is happening on each of the strings. 7:00am set-up. 8:30am New shooters meeting. 8:45am Shooters meeting. Hopefully shots downrange a little after 9:00am. You will need a strong side holster. You can use your pockets for ammo carriers if you don't have a mag puch. Two mags, but three is better(I'm assuming semi-auto). 90 rounds. Bring some extra. No cover garment. No side matches that day. See you there .
  18. Mrs. Mechanic_X beat me on one stage and you on another. Gave Hognut the credit for helping with her grip last match.
  19. I wonder how much speed difference from a 3.5 in barrel (G26) to a 5in barrel? On stage 7 the big popper fell slow. I chickened out on going after the two little poppers before hitting the clam. One guy in my squad tried and missed. But it was a valiant effort.
  20. On tapatalk, click on competitve shooting forum and it goes to handguns. Others behaving the same way.
  21. Don't just look around....pull up a chair.


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