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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. Thanks guys. I had fun coming up with these stages and I hope everyone enjoys shooting them. Not just reading about them. This is a wide open, "hose down" style match. High round count, and lots of moving. Should be a blast. Here is the honey badger video. If you haven't seen it. Not work safe.
  2. Great match today. I had a bunch of soldiers in my squad. We had a great time shooting. Thanks to everyone that helped setup and tear down. We will need help on set up next match. But I hope it will be worth it.
  3. Looks like the weather will hold off for us. May be a tiny bit muddy LOL! Come out and shoot!
  4. JMecklen, PM me your email if you have one and I will forward the scores to you.
  5. Because it is a "Loser Leave Town!!!" match.
  6. This is going to be a great match and I encourage everyone to come out and shoot. Great test of skills. Shooting while moving, strong/weak hand, and a good "hose down" through the woods. There are almost always first time to competitive shooting shooters at our matches. So if you have been wanting to try out IDPA, be at the range by 8:30am to sign in and get to the new shooters meeting. See you there!
  7. The local club,(Cumberland Astronomical Society)once a month, sets all there stuff up for the public to come to. We go a couple a times a year. Heaven Above website list all the satellites that you can see go over. Pretty cool to see the Space Station go over. Especially when it is really bright.
  8. Did the old man remind you of Donald Sutherland? If yes, it was OhShoot.
  9. Maximum mechanical capacity of the magazine +1 in the pipe to start. 10 maximum in the mag for SSP and ESP; 8 maximum in the magazine for CDP. Fewer rounds are allowed, but you must shoot the whole match how you start. His stage description had him run dry at the pop up, or do a tac load before. I guess the way it sounds all CDP guys ran dry. But not letting him go to a third magazine is nuts.
  10. Is the stage description online somewhere? When I do stages sometimes I forget about the cdp guys that load 7 + 1. But not letting you reload again is odd.
  11. Had a great day of shooting and meeting a bunch of people. Thanks to Robert for some awesome stages and use of his shotgun. Should have got a pic of the SUV. It is pretty cool.
  12. Weather is going to be great tomorrow. I want to encourage everyone to come out and shoot. If you are not a member just hang out at the gate and someone will be along, before the shooters meeting, to check it. If you don't get in sooner.
  13. Hope to see everyone there. This looks like a good one. Plates again?!?!
  14. The old software used to show active users. Seems like it was around 2000. There are groups within the group. Just like high school.
  15. Looking forward to this. Larry, I will be there at 7 am too. SUV? Sounds like fun.
  16. Parking spaces are available. Only $60 per year. I think the shuttle service is a great idea. I am picturing one of those little trains that Opryland used to get people around the parking lot.
  17. http://www.tdot.state.tn.us/environment/beautification/adopt-a-highway.htm Here is the page with the info. Seems like we did this electronically last time. And there is a video to watch also.
  18. You don't have to be an IDPA member to take the class. But you have to be a member to get the certification.
  19. Kemp, you say it is a great class, but how about the teacher? I'll be there.
  20. Love my M&P. I use a Comp tac holster and mag pouch in IDPA. Tell us how it shoots for you.
  21. I'm in. Do you have the waivers from last time? Thanks for doing this Robert.


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