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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. I was concerned about setting this match up, but the help this morning was incredible. Thank you for the compliments on the design. It had a few glitches but everything worked out. Funny how turning the targets upside down was so screwy .
  2. I'll be there at 7:00am to get started. Lots of walls to put up. Who designed this? All help is welcome and appreciated. And we will need some tomorrow. New shooters meeting at 8:30. Shooters meeting at 8:45. Shots at 9:00(If everything is set-up ).
  3. Hello and welcome to Tennessee! That makes us even. Erik88 moved to Orlando.
  4. This was a fantastic match last year and promises to be even better this time.
  5. Hognut, did you turn any cars over or set anything on fire after Kentucky won last night?
  6. Right now the weather forecast looks great. Should be a great day of shooting. Again let me encourage new--safe shooters, who have been wanting to try out IDPA, to come to the range. If you have any questions; feel free to email, call or PM me. I'll answer them or get an answer for you.
  7. Do you get a badge when you become a safety officer? Can you briefly go over all the nuances of round dumping?
  8. Nice to have you. Hope you are spreading a little 2cd Amendment around Vandy.
  9. Wow! Great to have you. Come up to Dickson and shoot with us sometime. First and third Saturdays. My first match as Match director is April 7th. Would make my day to have you. Directions and other info on our website. Music City Tactical Shooters
  10. Great to have you. Just jump right in.
  11. Hello and Welcome to the site. I second the above--can't have enough Marines.
  12. I think I have posted this one before. This is at one of our shootouts last year. This was a big beer can full of concrete. But the 8 ft. of log chain cutting through the car was awesome. 6 pound ordinance gun I think he called it.
  13. Fine with me. I'll announce it the shooters meeting. I'm getting excited about this match. Looking forward to a big turnout and a lot of new faces. They don't want Norma shooting with them--unless they will be happy coming in second.
  14. How about, plate rack while moving, from retention? This will be a great match. I hope everyone that can shows up. As always, new, safe shooters are welcome to come out and participate. Set-up begins at 7:00am. I will need some help on this one. The bean counters have already complained about using so many targets.
  15. Mine just switched to senior. I think it was 500. I'm trying to catch Mike and Mac. I'll pass them any day now. With some post padding.
  16. Mechanic_X

    SW M&P9's

    I have a 9mm pro. I love it. Probably around 2000 trouble free rounds. Awesome guns.
  17. I didn't edit it. I take Garufa as an old school, M1, kind of guy.


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