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Everything posted by Mechanic_X

  1. There has to be a joke in there somewhere. You will need a strong side holster, eye and ear protection, and a few mags. Mag carrier will help but is not necessary; your pockets or waistband will do. A safe working condition firearm and plenty of ammo. And be prepared to have a lot of fun.
  2. Poke around our website. There is some good stuff to get acquainted with. Get familiar with the range commands and safety rules. Here is an IDPA list. For this match don't worry about cover and reloads rules; just the commands. And Here is our Range Rules.
  3. The stages look amazing. Thanks to Hognut for adding this third match. Can't wait to have a go at the new plate racks and the stars.
  4. There was one wheel gun at the Run-n-Gun match. He had speed loaders everywhere. Come on down.
  5. Steel can be frustrating. But there is instant gratification. Nothing like getting a good run going and hearing the pings and seeing them fall.
  6. I'll bring 110 to be safe. LOL!! Actually more like 200. Look at this. Polish Plate Rack.
  7. Why couldn't you bring it home? Awesome gun. Can't wait to get my hands on one.
  8. Great to have you. Jump in anywhere.
  9. That was me that loaned you the mag. My friend was trying my M&P and I had Hognut's g34. I shot the Glock pretty good for my first time. Now I need one.
  10. We will shoot rain or shine. Lightning or too muddy to move will stop us. I'm thinking it will be a great day shooting either way. Any new shooters thinking about coming out; don't let the "run" scare you off. You may shoot at your own pace.
  11. Hello and welcome. D&T rocks. Purchased my Smith there.
  12. The rifle results are on Gallatin gun club's website. Click Here
  13. We need another "shave Hognut's head match". Rained us out at the intro match. 75 shooters at the Run-n-Gun?
  14. Incredible turn out today. Another great match. Thanks to RStandley for putting it on.
  15. Great class today and a fabulous turnout. Thanks again to Hognut for putting this on, and to RStandley for hosting.
  16. Bead blaster at my work. Probably what you mean anyway. I'm in Old Hickory during the week. Shoot me a pm.
  17. Call me Friday Michael, I'll see where I am. I'll try and meet you somewhere.
  18. Hello and welcome. Will be looking for you at the range. Let me know if you have any questions.


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